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davey buoy

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Status Replies posted by davey buoy

  1. just got a lifetime supply of deer hair!!!

  2. 8395 days sober today.I remember my last drunk like it was yeasterday.Never want to foget that.

  3. Been a decent spring,boats now in the driveway and ready to go!!!!

  4. Been a decent spring,boats now in the driveway and ready to go!!!!

  5. Im in a real bad slump. Another day of no fish. WTH is going on????????

  6. Bruins in 5,I like the leafs,but got to stay with my team.

  7. Would of been nice to see the Barrie/Belleville game 7 on TV!!

  8. Cant remember being this excited about trout opener in a long time.

  9. Get the keys to the new house today.

  10. Thirty one years today, with the same woman. I must be doing something right.

  11. Leafs and Jays on at the same time ?C'mon!!!!

  12. A famous last name.. and a " I don't like politics" behind him as his only claim to fame. Should make a good liberal leader!! lol

  13. Work work work and more WORK...24 hrs booked since yesterday no end in site..Why does it always get in the way of fishing??? Im getting to old for this crap!!!May 24 wknd in jeoprardy.....

  14. Learned the hard way that when Deer rock says its closed its closed lol. So we decided to paddle a km out in to Lake Erie instead lol

  15. T.J. Can you post some of our guesses on the jigs? Should be good for a few laughs.

  16. Heading out in the am tomorrow! woohoo!!

  17. hey everyone.. i was originally shorelunch on this forum but i cant figure out my old password

  18. Was in my local Canadian Tire store today and learned they are now carrying Musky Innovations, Tackle Industries, and Tyrant Lures.

  19. I hear the crappie are biting like crazy!! Woo Hoo!!

  20. Any one want to go pikin/perching on Sunday? Simcoe..

  21. 1/2 to 1 lb sucker minnow this Sat,probably the last kick at the can!!!Maybe not?

  22. 1/2 to 1 lb sucker minnow this Sat,probably the last kick at the can!!!Maybe not?

  23. In Barrie for the week. Looking to hook up with some OCF members for a beer or 2. Brought my ice gear but not my warm clothes / floater suit.

  24. GO NFLD GO Beat that Howard guy.

  25. back in bradford .....hello house

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