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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Thanks for the tips,not quite ready just yet.Maybe sooner than you think.Dave.
  2. Great pictures,that last one is a brute for sure!!!!!!
  3. That's my biggest worry.Be carefull !
  4. I don't care what everyone else says ,Your alright !!!!!!!! .Only kidding you buddy,another OFC member helping out others.Just love it!!!!!!!!!!! .WTG!
  5. Looks like 7 days and 7 nights ,sure not making it easy around here.I'm sure things will change before the weekend.I hope !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yes it is ,but my shed is full as well lol. .Better some one who needs it get's it .
  7. Good to hear you caught some fish,thinking outside the box.! I never think to hit the lakeshore and give it a go.Will have to keep that in my back pocket.
  8. My all wheel drive CX7 has this issue,34,000 miles(yanke car)2008,bought in 2009 with 24,000miles.Rotors,brake pads shot.Sits in the driveway till the weekend.Wish they could make a rotor that doesn't rust?.lol.
  9. Big defence work is needed as said!,maybe to much work to get it right this year?jmo
  10. I don't think you can go wrong for the cost of the reel. If you don't end up liking it much down the road, it would always make a great spare. JMO.Good luck in your search either way.!
  11. That was pretty funny,I just had to share it lol.
  12. All this rain,no river fishing tomorrow I guess?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. FloatnFly
    3. BillM


      That's about the only place to fish with all this rain! I wish I was closer.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      This week doesn't look good either including Sat.What can we do?

  13. x2,that was really neat!
  14. Very nice Chris!!!!WTG!
  15. Then Anahiem Tuesday,should be a fun couple of games!!!!
  16. Beautifull fish!!!,A full size picture of it would be awesome!!
  17. Really?,that's a little more in my price range Bill.Thanks.
  18. That sounds like a great option Mike .Thanks.Will check them out when I figure out what I can spend.lol.
  19. Not sure ,I'd love to have it all,but that won't happen.I think I'll have to give it a bit more thought.Remote foot pedal for sure,other than that,still up in the air.My budget I'll work on over the next little while.Not sure where it will be yet.Thanks Johnny.
  20. Don't start!!!!lol.
  21. Me as well,you'll have to ask him.
  22. I'm sure your right Terry,but that is not his issue right now.
  23. You still not allowed in Adam?,WTH!!

  24. Thank you sir for thinking of me,really appreciate it. The boat I bought 6 years ago for a song,the trolling motor will be 90%the cost of the boat.The boat has run really well for the last 5 years.Had some issues when I bought it. Couldn't ask for a more stable and deep sided boat for the price IMO.I plan on keeping it for years to come. You now have me well over $2000.00 lol.I'm thinking used will have to be a option as I only use it for fun,but use it at least 20 weekends a year. Getting excited about my options for sure .Over $2000.00,ah,not so much.lol.Thanks for the info!.
  25. Agreed Brian,that was one news report that made my day.The man was wrong,now he has to deal with the consequences.He's no bigger than you and I and should adhere to the rules of employment like anyone else .
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