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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. I just hate anything that ends in a tie. No body wins.
  2. Dr. S,I hate that one point each for tieing a game.Overtime till someone wins ,than only 2 points to the winner.No shoot outs. jmo.
  3. Real nice Rich!WTG!!!
  4. I could of swore I saw a Sens thread?,why are we putting up with Leaf haters.lol.Hey,this is the most fun we;ve had since last year.Let us have our moments.Go to the Sens thread and bash them there .Matt we still love you, don't go away mad just go away :rofl2: How do you like them apples /lol. Only kidding guys!.But I'm sure I saw a Sens thread..
  5. It's that time I guess?,good catch,trying one more time this Sat myself.
  6. Ron way to go!!!!It will come back to you.Good Karma .Hey,don't we still have a fish together ? Hoping to make that possible one day.Sooon!
  7. Was thinking more of showing where I am,as well as way points.May not be the best for what I'm looking for then.Thanks.
  8. What a month!!!,those fish were brutes.Better luck for October if that's even possible
  9. I've come across a couple over the years.I try and get away asap from that area.
  10. It still should have a screw out screen on the end of the spout.Or did you unscrew it already.?I've seen some that no water has come out at all.
  11. Did you check the areator at the end of the spout?
  12. So if you were going on a hike by foot for example,you would most likely need a portable battery pack?,or buy a Iphone or similar where the battery time would last a lot longer I would think. Woud like to have one for the truck,boat,ice fishing etc transferable.Thanks.
  13. Hey Lew!,doesn't matter the thread ,you get into it some how !lolol :rofl2: .Lots of fun.
  14. So these automobile units ,can you use portable?,or do they need to be plugged into a 12volt supply?(cigarett lighter)all the time?. Do any or all have a charging battery built in?.Sorry for the side track.
  15. Looking real nice!!!!!!
  16. So many kinds,I'm to afraid to pick any lol. So easy to eat the wrong ones if you don't know enough.
  17. I'm sure it will be a rough one. And a few scraps I think!
  18. What happened to the rain today???geeeez!Another cancelled day for nothing lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      When I hit the hay it was 80% rain and 20km from the east?Should of known better.

    3. misfish


      Im thinking Sunday will be a float about for some perch and bass.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I think that is going to be the bad day.

  19. Thanks as always guys,will now have to put a bit more thought in which way to go.Great info.!!!
  20. WTG Dave,looks nice and quite there. Don't envy you putting in a foundation though.That has to be tough?.I hope you keep us updated.
  21. Good to hear that Matt,some of us don't really know how good we have it.
  22. I thought Roy was going through lol. I think he'll do ok as long as he doesn't fly off the handle regularily.The league won't put up with that.I'm sure his team loved it !!!!!!!!!
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