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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. We got most of the smaller fish on the spinner rigs and jigs but the bigger eyes and pike were caught on husky jerks recomended by Glen and Sam at Carra.... Tell me when your coming down here Sam and we'll fry some up... my arms are sore from pulling in the fish, casting and pulling that pullstart lol Didn't see anyone hit the rocks out there... I know where youre speaking of though... any good fish from there? and did ya mess up your boat good...
  2. welcome to the board... thanks for teh intro and GREAT report
  3. Well this weekend we decided to head up to west lake in Prince edward county... Left friday and returned today and not only did we have a great time but we also caught loads of fish... Started out with a stop to see Sam at Carra Outdoors, and we picked up some lures which proved useful out on the water, next up we got to our destination, West Lake Willows and spent the following days there having a great time... Scott, his wife, and father were all excellent hosts and Scott enabled us to catch a load of fish, and show us some spots for the days we were there...The first night out we caught three keepers and lots of others including whitebass, some perch and bullhead were released. Although it was pretty cold, and windy throughout the weekend we managed to catch a bunch of fish in one of the rental boats (At the moment i am actually somewhat bobbing back and forth because I have not adjusted to not being on teh water ) First night we were guided for a couple of hours by Scott and these are some of the keepers Next day we awoke at 330 not by chice but infact in anticipation and were on the water by 500 (in the morning of course) and as we were watching some TV this little guy came up and scratched at the reflection of a garbage bag on the inside of the cottage Without any further delay we got out on the water, and it turned out to be a great morning lots of pics and a few keepers which went from the boat to be filleted and into the pan so no pics... this little guy was picture worthy The view in the morning with sandbanks PP in the background Then sunday we were again out all day coming back to base on occasion to fry up some fish and grab some lunch or dinner, and monday morning the same... We mainly did trolling these last couple of days to try and entice some bigger fish and maybe a pike and of course some more success. And mondays mornings stringer was a full one minus one walleye slot we left incase we caught a biggun which never came... Fortunately we saw some Conservation officers who checked us and our licences out... I was suprised but extremely glad to see em out there... Overall a memorable and successful trip and we have got a freezer full of walleye fillets! Hope you all enjoyed the report as it took me too long to put it together Bill
  4. now try getting those same fish on a 2 or 3 wt fly rod with 1 or 2 lb leaders looks like ya had some fun out there... thanks for sharing
  5. most likely you should "dead drift" your nymphs... you can do this with or without a float... best bets are probably little BH prince nymphs, Pheasant tail nymphs, hares ear nymphs... probably going to have to add some weight onthere too and try sizes 12-18... andything smaller is gonna be real hard to get out there without tangling... You could also try some #8 wooly buggers or so in various "natural" colours... Good luck out there Bill
  6. that is one good joke... thanks for sharing, and whoever tries that one please video record teh outcome
  7. happens with me a lot too, glad some more people may understand we arent usually ignoring em
  8. Lots of browns in the river downstream of the dam try using flies or spinners~
  9. well there are loads of opportunities for trout anyway so thats good (I too target primarily trout with my flyrod...)and yea the yarn works much better than a the fly you have on... make sure though it is not too big/small of a piece... maybe the size od a nickel or quarter... avoid casting without something on the end as the whipping noise can ruin your leader Tying is also an art i have begun, and been doing for just over a year now... lots of fun but the first few flies are usually pitiful and very discouraging lol Its a good help though, much better than paying 3-8 bucks a fly
  10. tie a little bit of yarn to the end of your leader... that will act as a fly, not hook ya, and shouldn't fall off too easily... welcome to the sport man... Its loads of fun, you wouldn't believe the looks you get when people ask the Lb test and you say ohh just 1.1 lb.... Loads of fun,... what rivers, species you planning on fishing? Good Luck!
  11. shoot... i'd have signed up for sure except i will be in quebec till the 11th... Ohh well maybe the next one... thanks for posting this BTW
  12. welcome to the board... Enjoy and hopefully its useful
  13. good to hear it Gerr... heal up quick
  14. thats as true as it gets Muskieman!... some people are sick ain't they...
  15. rainin' and stormin' something fierce here in burlington... drive safe all
  16. I see the clouds here now !!! maybe another worm pickin night
  17. Wont be targetting bass as it is this coming weekend and bass is out of season... thanks for the help though
  18. Ok all I am going to be out on west lake (PEC) near sandbanks PP, this weekend and was wondering if anyone has any idea of some good baits in there... Think its pike and walleye if I am not mistaken... any and all help is greatly appreciated! Bill
  19. Thats right.. I need to talk to some people lol... been a boring, and uneventful day for me... I AM IN
  20. Welcome to the board Hedfish! this site accounts for probably 50% of my freetime, while not fishing of course
  21. Awesome report man... been waiting to see this one... cant wait for your show to come out... where's it going to air? WFN or reg cable(oln)? or is it going to be like ppv? either way WTG
  22. Hmmm thats alot like me and my brother lol...
  23. not a problem... and the lake is pretty much on the border of flamborough/waterdown/burlington, and on a golfcourse.... the lake is "lake Medad"
  24. I am familiar with the area.... Unfortunately for you though hidden lake has Zero Tolerance for Tresspassing and if you are caught in there there are really heavy fines and penalties... Sorry about that, but just wanted to give you a heads up... as well if you are looking at walking in there and risking charges there is quicksand around many parts of the lake
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