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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. It's all fun until someone loses an eye. Seriously though that's pretty scary, I can't think of much worse than loss of eyesight. I bet at best he will have limited vision for the rest of his life. I just Googled "Turkey Hunter Shot". You would be amazed at how many times this has happened. The stories are enough to make you wonder about trips in the woods. I'm sure most of us remember last fall when a lady was killed in the first week of deer season while she was out for a walk. Pretty sad. Hookset.
  2. I wonder how many people have lost pets that thought they just ran away from home. Would like to see what they find inside that thing. Maybe Jimmy Hoffa. Sure wouldnt be dangling my toes off the end of the dock on that Lake. Hookset
  3. No Blackflies and Skitters yet either I bet lol. Looked like a great trip. Congrats.
  4. DUCT TAPE !!!!!! saved my butt more than once. But then I see you said that so.... DUCT TAPE !!!!!!
  5. Very nice ride. 98 inch beam is a thing of beauty, some people don't understand that beam is more important than length any day.
  6. Good thing for the marine railway or you'd have had to practice your boat beaching technique. Glad all worked out o.k. Heading outside now to check mine, so thanks
  7. Very true Roy, but how bad would it be without the licensing / education.
  8. There's a question I've been wondering for a long time. With all of the O.O.S. posts, poaching posts, and posts about fishing in closed waters I thought I'd ask a separate question instead of hijacking someone else's thread. When you apply for a hunting license you have to pass a test, showing that you can safely hunt, know all the regulations specific to hunting, can identify species, male or female, etc, etc,. I'm no hunter but I believe after you have passed this test, you are approved to hunt for the rest of your life, and only need to apply for tags etc. or update as to new species to hunt for. Like I said, I'm not a hunter but all those hunters that I know feel that the testing / licensing is crucial to protecting their resources (not to mention reducing the chance of getting shot at themselves lol). Here's the question... Is it time that a mandatory test be passed for fishing ? Pass the test then simply pay for your yearly license. Prove that you know what, when, and where you can fish. Show that you are educated in the resource that we hold dear. I feel that simply showing up at the bait shop, paying your 23 bucks (or whatever), and being then given the right to fish doesn't cover what an educated fisherman should be. I think a one time written test, and I mean a difficult test that an inexperienced or first time fisherperson would need to study for, would be a great idea. I've been fishing for over 30 years but I bet on a good test there would be lots of things I would need to study for and I bet I would be a better fisherman because of that. Pass the test and congratulations, you are now a lifetime licensed Angler. Pay your yearly fee and hit the lakes / streams. Seems like a small price to pay for a lifetime of fishing. I suppose the real reason I'm asking this is that it continues to get harder and harder to see an improvent to our fisheries. We all have ideas as to what is wrong with the system. How do we really make an effective change ? This is no doubt way too drastic an idea for some, but maybe we can see constructive replies as to a better idea than mine. Anyway, just thought I would throw this one out there..... Hookset.
  9. from this morning....... When you reach down to put your socks on and can barely reach your feet, then realize you're out of breath cuz your gut has blocked your breathing. Boy do I need to lose weight, need to fit into my Speedo this summer (ewwww). Hookset.
  10. Carp to Steelhead = Bulldog to a Greyhound. Can't compare 'em. Totally different fish and fight so how bout we say they are both a hoot to catch
  11. And after you do get into a school of them real good, switch up to a medium or larger size crankbait for a few casts at least. Chances are you will entice the biggest 'eye in the school out to play. Anywhere in the area (Ear Falls) you will be fishing should produce lots of Walleye though. A good friend of mine lived there for years working for Ont. Hydro. He says the lakes are "polluted" with 'eyes. Have a blast, I'm envious. Hookset.
  12. Funny but my bud and I yapped about this a lot while fishing this summer. We pretty much hit the same numbers you posted misfish. I'd agree with those in a heartbeat. Only thing we added was that a simple written test would need to be passed. Questions like the pro's of live release and how to do it correctly, species identification, and Tiller or Console? lol. You know what I mean. Cool post. Hookset.
  13. The problem as I see it, is the refusal to deal with the situation by the federal and provincial governments. Let's be realistic. We all know the practice is entirely based on greed. There is no respect for the resource, nor can you believe in any group that harvests spawning fish and at the same time preaches resource management. 95 % of the elected eggheads in this country have never spent a day in the woods or on a lake and could care less about this issue. They worry more about their blackberries than they ever would about this issue which is crucial to most fishermen. The more we fight and argue amongst ourselves the less pressure is placed on them. You need not look any farther than Caledonia to see how cowardly and inefficient our politicians are. As Sportsmen we are probably some of the most complacent groups in our country. We yell, holler, and carp but rarely (if ever) do we organize en masse to say "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH". Call the MNR Tips....lol come on, Our MNR are severly understaffed, and their hands are tied if they wanted to make an issue. Who is responsible for that ??? POLITICIANS !!!. Any issue even remotely related to the Native community is treated as if it is radioactive. No Politician wants to deal with it. Cowards. Even issues benefitting Natives such as living conditions, clean drinking water, preservation of their way of life, etc. are mishandled by guess who? That leaves the problem with those it means the most to. You and me. Until we organize in a manner that makes it impossible for us to be ignored, the issue will not change. Boycotts won't help, whining won't help, petitions and violence won't help. Getting organized and grabbing Politicians by the proverbial throat is the only answer. So far anything that has been organized has not worked. Could be that complacency thing again. I sure don't know how to get the job done but I bet someone out there does, maybe even someone on this board. Question will be, do we as Sportsmen support them or do we continue to do what we have always done. Sorry for the long rant. Hookset.
  14. Hey Panfisherboy, Can you expand on the location a little better ? I know of a "Bonnie Lake" but the park is private not "provincial". If you narrow things down and clarify a bit, you are sure to get replies from members here. Hookset.
  15. I had to go to Orillia tonight so I drove past the narrows and down a few roads on the Simcoe side. The only ice I saw was about a 30 foot wide strip that ran almost all the way across the bay about a 1/4 mile from the bridge on Simcoe side. Looks like guys had drove through it though and there were about 5 boats fishing the bay. The other side of the ice it was wide open into Simcoe as far as you could see. Only way there will be ice in there now is if it blows in from the main lake. Warm temps. right through and past the weekend make things look good. All the ramps were wide open no ice in sight. Hookset.
  16. Hey brkygetr, Not sure about Lake of Bays. I used to live on that Lake and most of the Muskoka lakes seemed to freeze and thaw at almost exactly the same time. With the warm weather coming this weekend I would bet that the only ice you might find would be ice accumulated by wind and blown into back bays. I'm sure you will find fishable waters. The locals (old boys) favorite technique at this time of year was a large shiner beneath a slip-float. Sounds kinda relaxing on a sunny spring day. "Wake me when my bobber dissappears boys." Hookset.
  17. 6 pound dog....a couple of good old red and white bobbers, one tied to tail one to collar. Cheap and stylish.
  18. Hi I've seen afew posts lately asking when the ice will be out in lakes around Ontario. Thought I would add what I know. The ice on Lake Muskoka is 90% gone as of this morning. Yesterday there was still coverage across most of the Lake but as of this a.m. she's long gone. Hopefully Lakes in Algonquin etc. are no more than afew days behind. All that is left for ice in Muskoka is strictly patches here and there in back bays. Soft water season is finally here !!!! Woo Hoo. Hookset.
  19. Sad that people can be taken from us in such a way. Disease, accidents, those we lose in fighting for our country, all tend to be regarded as facts of life that all of us face daily, right or wrong. But when the young, healthy, and innocent are taken in a senseless act there can be very few answers as to why. Our freedom and the cost of it will be questioned. Reactionary questions about security and policing will be thrown about but in the end how can you secure yourself from an act such as this and still live in a truly free society ? I know one thing for certain. Here is proof of the importance of every single day we spend alive on this planet. Family and friends can be gone in the blink of an eye.
  20. You're not an idiot. Now if it happens twice....you're an idiot. If it only happens once it falls under the term "education". Yes, I too am well educated.
  21. Sweet ride Roger. I like the new style engine cover on the Merc's now too. Congrats. Hookset.
  22. I own a Legend 164 Excite (tiller) that I bought new. When looking for a new boat there were afew specific things I wanted. -wide beam -welded hull -at least .100 gauge aluminum. -good warranty -good price. The Legend met the needs that I laid out for myself. I looked at a ton of different boats but for the price I couldn't get what I needed elsewhere. You will see a ton of posts calling Legends cheap or crap but face it, if the name on the side of your boat means little to you, then get the boat that meets your needs. I have yet to have a problem with mine and have had it in water rough enough to loosen my teeth. Would I like a Lund, Crestliner, Lowe or Alumacraft ? Heck yes !!! Could I get one with the features I needed in my price range ? Heck no !!!, unless I bought used. Now wait for the anti-Legend rants to begin lol. Good luck either way. Hookset.
  23. Thanks Irish that fixed it.
  24. Great post and amazing pictures. Made me finally try to figure out how to post pics. Hope it works. I posted 4....noob gets carried away. Favorite back lake on Opening Bass morning. This bay is full of boulders the size of trucks, you can see them poking out thru the fog. Buckets hiding behind most of them same lake opening morning. a "tupperwear boat" Largie Restoule Lake Hookset.
  25. Thanks mdej and Raf. Since I have never used a crimp tube I will probably go with the uni-knot since it was recommended by both of you. It's a pretty simple knot and I know how to tie that one. The perfection knot seems a little complicated. I found an example of the perfection knot here http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php Hookset.
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