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Everything posted by ShaunB

  1. I see your from burlington. Is this close to home or did you go north to find this ice?
  2. I wish I got to see Phils head pop like a baloon. Yeah I thought maybe we got whacked or maybe he got indighted and arrested. And I agree what a waste of time showing meadow parking that car
  3. They are in there in the spring but there will be lots of guys and lots of cigar sized walleye too. Oh yeah and Fenelon has tonnes of snags until you figure out how to fish it.
  4. I have been there for the opener. Sometimes it is good. If you fish the mud flats off the river mouth (river is a sanctuary) you can do fairly well for the small spawned out males. I actually got a 31" Walleye there four years ago on my first trip there...it was released to swim again. There is also a back lake you can get them to take you into that is teaming with pike. Good luck. So the river mouth of tomiko river might be a good place to try around in the winter it is a fairly slow river so you shouldn't have to worry to much about the ice
  5. Wow I went with them last year and heard the same story...slayed the day before and slayed the day after....I am not going with them again....I would rather pay someone who knows the area and stay portable and on the move
  6. Yeah when you hear huts on jacksons point that is only on the perch grounds the laker grounds are way to far to walk anyways from there...maybe I am thinking of the sutton area....oh well all I can say is jackson point is never a safe area I have heard of a few accidents over the years even in the thick of winter never trust Lady simcoe some times she can be a B****
  7. The ice is usually a good six to ten inches. We used to do the overnight shift at his place. We would get there around 11pm and stay until 10am or so. We would do that because there are a few walleye there and that was the only time we would get them. My PB at his place was 11 trout in one morning. They ranged from browns, rainbows, to speckles. A minnow in about 4 feet of water in the mroning can't be beat. Another good set up is jigging a 3 inch cleo in the deeper areas. Daniel used to have minnows there but you may need to bring your own now.
  8. Yeah there is still fishing there. I had heard it was down last year because Daniel had bought up a wolf preserve way up north and headed there. But late in the season I found out it was still going strong. I couldn't find a number but we just drove there and he let us out.
  9. Yeah that lil dude looks pretty pissed off!
  10. Those are some crazy vids. My uncle was the first officer on the HMCS toronto and told me stories of them being in such rough water that when the boat listed you could walk on the walls of the ship!!!!
  11. pfft I wonder how long it will take me to not be a minnow!
  12. Yeah I just watched most of it..... I don't know why someone wasted their money trying to patent that stuff. When they went to the lake is it just me or did it totally look like Lake O? I could have sworn it looked like Lake O in Mississauga.
  13. Where is Fonthill located near? Erie?
  14. Welcome to the board MArk... I hope you enjoy everyones posts and insight.
  15. Hey Calmpet I believe that info you copied was probably from a Rogers Lover. I am pretty sure that they are all comprable and I use a Telus And get signals as far north to date as Temagami back lakes. Now mind you I have to either find a high spot on land or use it in the middle of the lak but it still works. Another thing to keep in mind is to try to find a phone that is digital and analog, but allows u to force analog rather than having the phone choose Oh yeah P.S. they are all using GSM here
  16. Well here are some pics from simcoe of my buddy and I's adventures with whitey A beautiful pike for my buddy's first ever (look at that smile) And then some of me and some perch My pike and perch And a pic of my girlfriend and her perch (p.s. she would kick my @ss is she knew i put this on the web)
  17. Hey man you just have to put your time in. I have gotten pike and bass out of there numerous times. For the pike try bridges, they are usually hanging around and the bass can be found anywhere. Last summer I actaully did quite well for bass just above and below the Speed River 401 bridge.
  18. you are goona want to wait a bit after all this rain. It usually takes the river atleast two days to clear up.
  19. U could give the hamilton inner bay atry... sometimes they are hard to find but there are usually some really nice ones to be had without the dinks.
  20. Hey guys! Went down to my backyard river, the Credit today to give it a whirl. I was working until three so I had limited time there. When we got there the water was high but atleast today it was more green than brown. Here are a couple shots of the river when we arrived. We quickly got to work drifting our bags down the river looking for an unlucky steelhead. Here are some shots of my buddy and I. All in all it was a nice hour and a half. I hooked into two but quickly lost them due to them spitting the hook and we got blown on about 10 bags or so. We will be back down there tomorrow to try for some before the Canada gold game so I will have another report for everyoen. Hope you all had a nice day and man do I wish I was ice fishing!
  21. I was wondering if anyone knoew if the area by the causeway will be free of ice. I am guessing it wont be so there probably aren't any shore fishing spots that will be available.
  22. I have only gone a few times but the last time I was at the docks the perch would come in so thick u could not see the bottom. There will be a lot of dinks but you will get a bunch in the 8-12 inch range. I always use minnows under a float or on a really tiny jig. Good luck
  23. looks like someone got a bite from the musky in the release picture
  24. Hey with this camera do you guys know if uyou can record the images you are capturing? I guess they would only be useful when fishing in water that is not murky. Simcoe would be great with all the visibility they have in that lake.
  25. I did winter camping at the Pinery a few years ago were they have enclosements set up. It was a cool experience but there isn't much ice fish around there. The only activities that I remember around were either x-country skiing or hiking. You should merge your two idead together and camp on the ice while you fish!
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