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Everything posted by DundasSteelheader

  1. He's from Rainy River thats more like 12 hours from the St Mary's. Manitou there are a bunch of tribs west of Tbay that take in steelhead- probably only about 4-5 hours for you, could be doable in a multi day trip.
  2. Nice fish Chris, glad to see you got one
  3. It isn't about winning new friends. People have given me knowledge on different areas before which has improved how well I did that, so I thought I would return the favour to someone else. Lots of people on this forum take but never give, I was trying not to be one of them. I was unaware that helping out one group that was going there anyways was so terrible.
  4. Actually the friends of my friends of my friends of my friends are... But that's okay right because you don't even fish there, you have much better spots.
  5. Yup wouldn't want anyone else to experience catching a world class brook trout now would we, its reserved exclusively for DanC Give me a break....
  6. I got some Simms Freestone waders for about $200 last fall, bone dry so far and not a bad price point either.
  7. I've seen salmon porpoise in rivers before, momentarily sticking their head out of the water. Don't know what the purpose of that would be other then looking up river? I have no idea.
  8. Nice fish Brian! looks like a blast. I think the fly you were trying to spell was perhaps a hellgrammite?
  9. UV head cement is pretty expensive.. about 8 bucks for a little bottle if I remember correctly. You can get a lot of regular epoxy for that. When I did my last bunch of poppers I just dipped the foam heads in enamel paint and got that nice glossy shiny head you see on the store bought ones. Never tried using balsa before. Good luck, flies look good
  10. Way to go man!!
  11. Thank you for the suggestions Matt! I'm not sure which side of the island I will be staying on, but if I do get to the east side ill be sure to check those places out. Thanks for the heads up on the marine sanctuary, that's the exact type of info I was looking for. Looks like I potentially won't be getting out in Cozumel much but that's okay!
  12. The combo I was thinking of bringing isn't particularily expensive, probably worth like $250, so thats not bad. I was thinking the same thing though, I'm going to get to some great water and have no rod and regret it. I will double check that my gear is saltwater safe, good point. I'll be staying in Ambergris Caye, an island off Belize. Unfortunately guides are not an option as I don't think the trip operators allow it and I also don't really have that kind of extra money, as the trip is already expensive. Any fishing I would be doing would be in walking distance from hotels, resorts etc. Thanks for your thoughts
  13. Hey guys, This summer I will be going on a trip to Central America, specifically Cozumel, Belize, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, to do 2 credits for school. I am looking for people to weigh in on wether or not I should bring a fly rod and gear down to fish during the trip. There is a considerable amount of travel involved from country to country, and all that gear would limit the amount of other things I could bring such as clothes since the plane limit is 50 pounds, but I don't want to regret not bringing my gear once im there. I was thinking about bringing a 10'7wt, 8wt reel and a few boxes of flies. Has anyone done do-it-yourself flyfishing in any of those 4 countries, and is it worth the risk of getting about $300 of gear stolen and the extra weight to fish those locations? All opinions welcome, Thanks
  14. I guess I lacked some clarity in my original post, but that was what I was getting at. I don't even think I got the 75% to be honest, I bet they just bumped it up so I would pay the $67.50 or whatever it was. I also think it should be like the current car licence system, ie. write the test get the B1 (use boats up to 16 ft, max 50hp or something) then write a harder test or something to get the full boaters licence to be able to drive anything. Just my 2 cents.
  15. As per usual they had the boaters safety exam booth at the sportsman show, so I said what the heck ill try it because you only have to pay if you pass. Keep in mind I've never looked at the book or any kind of study guide.. Walk in there write the 50 mc test in 15 minutes and pass with an 80. The test is a joke in my opinion. When it's to get a licence to drive something that could potentially kill you and/or other people you'd think it would be a little more difficult. Some will say that I probably had background knowledge or have been around boats a lot, which is partially true, but to be honest I still couldn't even tell you which side is port and which is starboard. Tonight I'm gonna sit down and read the actual book to learn the information, just wanted your thoughts.
  16. I was just getting there as everyone was leaving, wondering what the hell was going on! Waited in the car for about 15 minutes then went to go check it out and they were letting people in. Strange.
  17. My dad said the other day he was driving on the 407 into toronto in some dicey conditions and watched a honda civic hit black ice, do a 720, come to a stop on the shoulder (by some miracle not hitting anything) and keep on driving like nothing happened. Once in puerto rico I saw a car with the passenger side doors missing, and no back or front windshield driving down the highway (reminded me of ricky's car from TPB). Also saw numerous others driving with a clear plastic bag ducktaped to form windows.
  18. Pretty tough thing to do, I also use the handheld vacuum, and I also keep a small garbage bin at my feet that I try to put my scraps and extra feathers/hair in after every fly.
  19. LOL Riverguy I think he meant like a quick warmup 30 seconds or so. Iv'e never warmed up a rod in my life and never broken one, so I don't think its completely necessary but maybe imjust lucky
  20. When I turn cork handles for rods I just use a drill in my vice, then build a small support for the other end of the dowel, rod, etc. to spin on. It works pretty good, but I suppose it could be pretty dangerous if something got messed up. You can find a small wood lathe on kijiji or some similar site for pretty cheap I believe. Good Luck Edit: Found a picture that is something similar to what I use to help you visualize it. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/Ruger64/lathe.jpg
  21. very sad... my condolances to all the families affected
  22. I've seen the wilmot dirty up real bad and quickly wouldn't be surprised if its blown, and yeah a 13'6" will work..
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