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Everything posted by DundasSteelheader

  1. Got down to NY State to fish some tribs on Friday and Saturday this weekend. I have been watching the CFS closely waiting for a good weekend to go nail some steelies. This turned out to be a great one. Left school at 12:30 Friday and got on the river for about 3, not bad (and we got lost!) Between 3 and 5:30 I managed to go 5/6 and my dad 2/3.. Here are a few of those fish: Put this dark fish at about 8 pounds This one was really weird looking, I think it was deformed.. was about 9 pounds but didn't fight at all.. Had an infection in the gills too So thats it for day 1, we went back to the motel and tied about what seemed like a milllion spawn bags. Oh well at least we didnt run out! Day 2: Got up early and got on the river for about 8:30am after a long walk down to the river. I was fishing with a group of 7 guys all from ontario, and for the first half hour we were all fishing the same long pool. The fishing was insane, I think our group went 10/15 in 30 minutes! I ended up getting 2 in that frenzy one was my PB and the other just a shaker.. My new pb which was over 9 pounds close to 10.. We continued to pound that section of river. Here are some more steelies we caught that morning: this fish had a chunk of its tail missing..weird The fishing cooled down once the sun was fully on the pools so we switched up and went to a different spot where we dinged 4 fish before heading home. And my dads big fish of the trip a 10lber I ended up going 14/16 over the day and a quarter we were there and my dad went 6/8 or so, a good trip in my books Thanks for reading. Sean
  2. Thanks a lot spinnerdoc, I'll try it next time I'm out Thanks everyone for the comments!
  3. Thanks spinnerdoc. Just a quick question - Does the knot in the leader not cause it to weaken?
  4. I Got out today for the day to my favorite steelheading river with my old man . Today I wanted to try out using beads under the float for steelies. It worked pretty well I'd say, went 1/4 on the bead. Got a few questions: 1. I pegged the bead with a toothpick as tightly as I could, but the bead would still slide down to the eye of the hook when I set, how do you bead pros prevent this? Do you use something other than toothpicks? 2. Is it better to use beads with the fly rod? Anyways, to the fish - My first chromer of the season - about 4-5 pounds I reckon A few for the old man who was on the fly rod today: Thanks for looking
  5. what bucktail said, lots of drum, the occasional white bass and lots of smallies off the opposite side.
  6. Thanks for the replies everyone.. The only problem with that is once paypal sees the $13 US shipping it will no longer accept a canadian credit card Yea, I figured. Unfortunately a lot of small businesses and ebay sellers are only set up to accept paypal, they can't take straight credit card
  7. Hello all, I am trying to purchase a rod blank on Ebay. Shipping to the states is about $13 which is pretty reasonable, but shipping to Canada is $31 So I have an address in the states that I could ship it to, and then pick it up in a few weeks. I go to checkout and put in my different shipping and billing addresses, but paypal won't let me It will not allow me to use a canadian credit card and send the item to the states. Can anyone help? Is there some secret way to put in seperate billing and shipping addresses? How do you ebay-ers do this... Thanks Sean
  8. No problem. The water closer to the mouth is very slow moving and when I went there for the first time I was thinking the water looked great for maybe some carp or catfish, so I wouldnt be suprised if there are some in there. I don't have a clue about bass though.
  9. Yes, during steelhead season you can catch them there at the mouth.. beware though, it is a popular spot and any time I have been there it has been very crowded. There is some nicer water if you walk upstream that isnt quite as pressured. There is also a very healthy run of salmon up the wilmot in the fall.
  10. I use them for steelies and love em!
  11. Wow nice brookie! I love the colour scheme on that boat too!
  12. Ill be stayin up to watch it, screw school! Good luck Vancouver!
  13. Wow those are the biggest perch I've ever seen! Nice catch!
  14. Nice fish! Those brookies are huge!
  15. Thanks for the tips guys . Dr.Salvelinus, I will tie some olive zuddlers as soon as I can get to the fly shop to pick up some more rabbit. I am putting lots of lead on them because someone else who has been there said that its very important to get the fly deep quickly, like you just said. Thanks for the tip about making the fly active, I didn't know that Sean
  16. Nope, I mean Zuddler . Its a cross between a zonker and a muddler. Basically its some krystal flash, White rabbit strip, white dubbing body, and spun deer hair for the head along with some rubber legs. That, with lots of lead and a conehead to get it down quick. The fly farther back is a smelt pattern previously suggested to me to try. Thanks for the suggestions Dan , I will tie some normal muddlers as well. And to answer both of your questions, I will have a boat, a 16fter and I am staying at Nipigon River Adventures Lodge. This is a pic of both flies.
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