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Everything posted by DundasSteelheader

  1. Hello, This summer my dad and I will be going up to the nipigon river for a week in june. We will be swinging streamers mostly, and I have been tying a lot of Zuddler patterns and smelt patterns. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on some other flies that might work for coasters. Please PM if you do not want to share in the comments Thanks for the help Sean
  2. Goin up to the Nipigon River this summer for coasters, these pics just got me even more pumped, nice fish!
  3. Thanks for the recommendation. Based on that review I am looking at the Wulff Triangle Taper as I will mostly be fishing with an indicator. Thanks for the info Yea, I've heard of multi-tip lines, but they have mixed reviews (assuming we're talking about the same thing here). I think I will just get a spare spool and have a sink tip on one and a floating line on the other. I will be going to the Grindstone later this week. Thanks for the recommendation
  4. Thanks for the relpy Cuzza, I was looking at a Rio Steelhead taper, but they're a bit pricey for a beginner... I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and get a good line that will last me for many seasons. Have any recommendations for a sink tip line?
  5. Yes, it is an 8 weight reel, and I have an 8 weight blank that I am going to be building on, I'm just wondering what line the steelheaders on here use, and I'll check my local fly fishing shop next time im there to see if they have backing. Thanks for the response Sean
  6. Hi, I just bought my first fly reel, and from what I understand you need backing and then fly line. I am going to be using this reel for Steelhead. My question is where can I buy some backing, and what kind of WF fly line would you recommend for steelhead/salmon? Thanks, Sean
  7. Nice Fish Iv always wanted to find a little stream with some brookies in it!
  8. I also shop at Bills now. One time at fishing world my dad and I went to get minnows for a fishing derby, and one employee said he would help us asap... well 10 minutes later we are still waiting We left and have never been back.
  9. It does interest me, but it would be about a 40 minute drive for one hour, doesn't make a lot of sense. Sorry, but I'm going to have to decline on that one. Thanks for the offer though. Sean
  10. Picked Boston to win the cup in a hockey pool..
  11. For sure! A stocking event would be great! Anything I can do to help give back to the fishery that I enjoy so much. I think I heard that there are fish lifts on either Soper Creek or the Ganaraska.. can anyone verify? Thanks, Sean
  12. So if I did have written parental authorization, is there a chance that they would allow it?
  13. That's unfortunate... I'm sure there are others like me who would like to get out and help. Is the restriction because of insurance or something?
  14. Hey, I am a member of the CRAA, and was looking forward to doing some fish lifts on the Credit, but then read that you have to be 16 to do it, and I am 14. I am very disappointed to say the least...Anyways, I have two questions; 1. Is there anything at all I can do at Credit fish lifts, even just measuring or weighing fish- anything at all? 2. Do any other rivers around the GTA have fish lifts that have no age requirements? Thanks, Sean
  15. Hello, In the last couple of reports I'v read, guys have been catching a lot of suckers while steelheading. I'm bored out of my tree and was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction as to where I could go to hook into some suckers. Any info would be greatly appreciated If you would rather PM me, please do so Sean
  16. It's still the best call of duty imo
  17. I play cod4. Im 11th prestige hahah
  18. I went today. I thought it was okay, not really worth the price of admission though. I think it has become a bit of a money grab unfortunately. Also, a lot of vendors for completely unrelated products. Some examples, hand warmers, hottubs, sunglasses, bracelets, etc. Didn't see any great deals on rods or gear like previous years.
  19. If you drive up the river a bit to Caladonia, you can get steelhead just below the dam. Check the regs though I dont know if it is still open or if its closed.
  20. I'm just dying to get out steelheading. Does anyone have any idea if there are any rivers that are fishable south of the border? Anything better than what we have here; high and dirty? Not looking for specifics, just a general idea. Thanks in advance, Sean
  21. Welcome, I am a noobie too
  22. I've used a bantum curado 200-E to steelhead and loved it, but I like centerpinning more
  23. Thanks a lot everybody
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