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Everything posted by DundasSteelheader

  1. Just curious, how do you attach your leader to your mainline then? Something like a double uni?
  2. For the weed guard I would go with some mono 50lb test or more, and for perch patterns I have seen some pretty good ones, one in particular was tied entirely in krystal flash, I think it was green on top, white for the mid section and orange on the bottom, use scissors to taper at the ends, and get a black sharpie to make vertical black marks along the fly. For the head get some big holographic eyes and use some kind of head cement or UV glue. The one I saw had a trailer hook but you could probably tie it without. Have fun tying.
  3. Great brown man, very nice fish
  4. Very nice fish everyone! Salmon are a blast this time of year. Any idea of the weight of this one gentlemen? Didn't have a scale or tapemeasure but I marked off the length on the rod I had, it was 43in long, and that boot is about 5 inches wide. This is a picture of my friend with the fish, all the ones with me are terrible
  5. A few of mine... - 8lb+ Brook trout - Peacock Bass - Golden Dorado - Musky - Migratory brown over 10lbs Hope to knock a few off this year up in Tbay and on our tribs this fall.
  6. Sick fish man, those are some real trophies, you should be proud. Who even cares about the sketchy net job, got it in the boat and I dont see how it could have done any harm to the fish at all. I personally wouldn't bother spending all that dough on a bigger net the one you have probably works fine 90% of the time.. Again, great fish dude
  7. Awesome report! Good on you for helping out the kayaker, thats an awesome story! I'm sure that good karma will help you out on a future musky trip
  8. Agree fully with you Dan I think that the windmills are a good thing. Would you rather we build another coal plant and put thousands and thousands of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere? The world needs to switch to green energy or face the concequences, and it will be my generation facing the concequences not yours. Of course theres always the 'not in my backyard' problem that you just brought up. I have stayed at a cottage less than a km from a windmill and you can't even notice it. Sorry to stray from the original topic Dan.
  9. without counting everything precisely, which would take forever, (lost count around 300 colorado blades and 100 willowleaf blades) it seems that the total of the stuff would be like $50-60. I didn't factor in the skirt sheets because it seems they have changed the style and the guy I got the stuff off of made baits a long time ago. There are about 1000 sheets (takes 1 or 2 sheets to make a good skirt) in 15 colours. No idea of the value of those. Thanks again to everyone who replied
  10. It seems the general consensus is that I should check out luremaking.com, so I will do that, thanks a lot guys
  11. Forgot to mention, it came with a small cardboard box of spinnerblades, but the skirts are all kinda busted or ugly, so gonna cut em off and start again. probably have 15 spinnerblades to work with. What do those blades and stuff cost new?
  12. Was out at a garage sale and came across a bunch of lure making stuff for $5 so I decided to grab it. Just looking for somebody to tell me what I have here and if any of it is useable. If anyone has a good link to a page about making spinners or lures that would be great too! Heres some pics of what ive got... All the colourful things are sheets of rubber legs I believe What are the little springs for? Thanks
  13. I could be wrong but when I glanced through the classifieds this jumped out as a pretty good deal and seems to fit your requirements? http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=64039
  14. ohhh, my mistake, didn't see the original pic, sorry
  15. Great fish man! as a side note, I'm not a muskie hunter myself, but what exactly is the preferred way to hold a musky? I see people get ripped for holding them by the gills, and apparently this cradle type hold isn't okay either so what is the right way to hold them? If people are so concerned about the fish why do they even fish for them?
  16. I think the biggest doofus award goes to all those boaters that load up their boat onto their trailer, pull it up about 10 feet and sit in the middle of the launch while they unload all their stuff (fishing gear, life jackets, coolers, waterskiis, etc.) and make everyone else wait, when they could just pull up another 20 feet and let others use the launch!
  17. Does the defender case claim to be waterproof? I seem to recall that it doesn't. Sucks either way I dropped my ipod and the screen cracked, seen many an Iphone share the same fate. Atleast it still functions normally even with a cracked screen.
  18. Was just going to say I have seen salmon do it many times in the fall, always thought it was a way to get their bearings but I guess i was wrong!
  19. Great report man, awesome fish. This is probably one of the coolest pics I've ever seen on this forum, you should send it to a few magazines or something Gonna make it my background
  20. Thanks Walleye! Ahaha he does look like him!
  21. Thanks everyone! TDunn, good luck dude! Very true! It works thats all that matters
  22. Thanks everyone! It definitely was an epic trip
  23. Thanks Trevy, and you definitely should its a blast! Pm sent by the way.
  24. Beauty specks, very nice colours on them. Nice fish
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