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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Good thing the stuff is garbage. lol. I wouldn't pay that when Power pro is 3 bucks more. I got the new power pro on my new reel and its awesome.
  2. Well I am going for what ever trout will hit but but for the most part I am thinking the smaller ones I have a Wild River with a citica for the bigger ones so a light combo. Again I am going to pair it with the Supreme and I am going to use the XT. I like my Pflueger way more then Shimano for spinning reels.
  3. Hey All. Just wondering what rods you guys suggest for tossing spinners and other small baits for trout in the rivers? Action, length, all the important things even if you have specific make and that. I will be pairing it with a Pflueger Supreme either the MGX or the XT. I haven't decided yet. Thanks
  4. For me the flu cure is the toilet lol after a day on that I am good. Mind you that cure seems way better. Thanks for sharing Simon glad to see you are getting more fish now.
  5. Nice Work Bruce. I took advantage of the weather to and got myself a nice little brown. Beautiful out there forsure
  6. Lol I was thinking the same thing while I was reading this. As for the OP I think someone should do it know to these morons with no respect. Mind you it isn't just people in that stereo type that need it or not all of them deserve it but it is true for the most part.
  7. Awesome report. Those are some nice fish. I never caught anything like that when I stayed in your area. I caught a couple whitefish lol.
  8. That is a good thing walleye don't have them lol. I personally don't care if I see something while Im eating my fish I just look away and chew a bit faster lol. The parasite I was reading about may have been different then this but it did look similar. I was looking for the article in my magazine but I can't find it.
  9. Actually he didn't say that was where it came from he replied to another post saying it was from the lake mentioned. And I didn't read all the other post sorry. As for the parasite I believe that is the parasite they are having trouble with on Nipising this year. I was reading about it in a magazine. They aren't harmfull as others mention most aren't when found in fish.
  10. That sucks big time. Happened to me last year when we walked out around a bay. As for leaving your rods and that in a hut you leave out all season that is stupid. With all the arssholes out there I am suprised you do that. I can see leaving the hut but thats it. I dont leave my tackle or anything in my boat which is in my parents back yard in the water. Hope you find the morons that took it though. I have no respect for loser. Most likely they will leave the numbers on to, thieves are to dumb.
  11. What lake is it from?
  12. This year will be a early spawn so from shore on the opener in southern ontario they most likely won't be all hanging around. Also with such a warm winter the algae will be so bad and cause most smallies to move out and stay out and largies aren't the easiest to catch from shore.
  13. I got a itch for troling spring salmon and trout and musky. Thankfully they are closer then bass.
  14. Way to go Jacques. Thats an awesome job with the video and the fishing. Some nice bows and specks. Thanks for sharing.
  15. I just wanted to add to muskymatt lol. You talk about Wilson having such great credentials and Carlyle having nothing. That there shows you know crap all. Wilson has not won a cup if I do recall, where Carlyle has. I know the Sens don't think the cup means anything as they have never seen it in there arena but in the NHL that is all that matters. So out of the most important things as coach Carlyle has what Wilson doesn't. Next time you want to talk trash make sure you know your ass from a hole in the ground. As for the leafs they started off slow and still didn't look the best but they won due to smart coachin and the fact Wilson wasn't there.
  16. Oh you are right sorry Mike. I just figured you meant that. Regarldess to the OP any St. Croix is an awesome rod. I own a few Mojo bass, a Premier Musky and a Wild River. They are all awesome rods.
  17. You don't need to spend that much on a rod to get a great one. If you are going to get one for that money the Avid is a great one by St Croix. G.Loomis make awesome rods as well and you can get a rod that is really nice in that range. The difference between St. Croix and G. Loomis is the warranty. G. Loomis has a great warranty and St. Croix is lacking more and more now. Mike the The Legend Extreme Tournment which is the one I think you mean goes for over $300. It is a beauty rod though.
  18. I think the fact that they don't need to worry about Wilson being up there asses will do a number for the team. Wilson would throw any of them under the bus nationaly for a small mistake and change goalies as soon as they lost a game. Anything is better then what Wilson was doing. It is just to bad that Burke and him were friends, he would have been gone long before if they weren't.
  19. Or Dallas Eakins but anyone is better then Ron Wilson.
  20. I agree with you Pikeslayer. I have seen the show and it is disgusting. How they think they are good fisherman is beyond me but hey some people enjoy watching garbage like that.
  21. Muskymatt you may want to learn what you are talking about. You are just talking crap and and no clue what your talking about. Wilson is a good coach... When he has players that are older and have payed in the league awhile. The leafs are all young guys for the most part. Your sens still suck and they will not make it past the first round if they make it to the playoffs. You are just worried now that because Wilson is gone you know the leafs will turn around and play well. That goes to the rest of you that said it was the leafs players that sucked so bad and not the coach. You will see a big difference now. They will play better because they aren't worried about making a mistake or being thrown under a bus for a mistake. Wilson was the worst thing for the leafs.
  22. Yea 50 Point is a rip off. There is Forans Marina and the other which are right beside the Stryx Bowling in Grimsby. I am not sure if they are open or if there is any Ice covering. The other is by the old pump house which is a free one. I wouldn't use that one unless I was in a tinner that I didn't care about. I think Forans and the other launch are around 10 bucks.
  23. There is a free launch in Grimsby at the old pump house but it isnt the safest launch to be using.
  24. Yea go with drift socks. Or as Raf said the pails or as I have used my wifes re-usable grocery bags. They won't cause any damage to your boat though.
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