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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I can't believe so many people want to kill the bears because they are increasing in numbers. I personally love seeing them. As DanC said if you have some common sense you will be fine. I have been 15' away from a bear while Portaging in Kilarney. It was a bit nerve racking as it was only a young one and the mother was probably close, we just gave it the space and when it noticed us it took off. We had our bear spray bottles with us and ready incase but as would happen 95% of the time we were fine. You have a higher chance of getting mauled by some scum bag for you money in a major city then getting mauled by a bear. I guess some of you folks are worried about the wrong things.
  2. Happy Birthday Roy. Hope you have a great day. Enjoy your R&R.
  3. Not out there Roy with windd that higher the lake will be rough all over the Canada side. THey have changed since though, nothing great but lets hope it changes again soon. Sorry that is for us on the South side atleast.
  4. Not that warm. The bays on Erie right now are 74 on average. And Lake Ontario doesn't heat up that quick. The bay included.
  5. That is a great deal lol. I know that you can find good deals and that, just takes alot of patience and quick response. My cousin loves them and is always buying them and fixing them up and sells them again for more then he paid. I personally would love the second one you posted a picture of.
  6. I don't use Shimano spinning reels but with my pfluegers which I have a 30 and a 35 I have never noticed a difference in casting distance. I just notice the 35 is to large for most of my fishing and holds more line. I would stay with the 2500.
  7. Last year I think it was, there was a good sized walleye caught in the harbour. It was posted here I think.
  8. I agree with trying to feed other fish. They won't last long with all the pike in there. As much as it will be nice, just pointless. I guess there are some of the crazy ones that will eat the fish out of there.
  9. Kind of a waste of a good fish lol.
  10. Once you wear a high end polarized pair of glasses you wont go back. They truely makes a difference and protect your eyes from the sun and hooks. Make sure you go glass.
  11. As for the pizza and pesto. I love them as well, top it with some tomato spinach and chicken mmmm
  12. That is awesome Bill. Thank you very much. I am going to make some this week and make it with some of my salmon. I can't wait to try the sun dried tomato pesto. I will make a batch of each and try both. Thanks again.
  13. We will get out for some Erie bass forsure bud. With your streak your on you will probably pull in the momster as well.
  14. You can do that the same way minus holding them for a period of time like in the pictures. Do the same hold just support the belly so that they aren't hanging by there lip. Regarldess some nice fish.
  15. It really isn't a suprise. These days everything has a major markup. That is how businesses make money isn't it.
  16. If a $1000 is a bit high then a zodiac may not be your best bet. They aren't cheap. Specailly new, you can find them on kijiji for under a grand but for the most part they have been patched alot and I wouldn't really want to take a chance at that money. As Moosebunk said the fishing float tubes are great, you can get them for a couple hundred even cheaper and if it is colder weather and water just get a nice pair of neoprene waders and ypur laughing.
  17. The fishing really isn't bad around here having Erie and Ontario so close it is just the fact of the scumbags and over populated areas. Plus when I am fishing those salmon you can smell the wonderfull smell Hamilton is known for and all you see is buildings and such. I do love the fishing just not the garbage all over this area.
  18. That is aweome lol. My area is pretty prestine as well, the odd needle, beer cans, hookers lol. I need to get away lol.
  19. Awesome work Aaron. Those are some nice fish.
  20. Awesome Report Chad. Those are some good size pike in there. Makes me hate living here even more.
  21. Happy Birthday buddy. Hope you have a great day.
  22. I got a pair of Revo Thrives. They are the best glasses I have used and you can get the cobalt colour lenses which is best for sight fishing. They also have glass lense which don't scratch like the non glass lenses. They aren't a horrible price either. You can get them for around $250. Lots of good glasses out there though Maui Jim are great as well, as are others.
  23. Great report Jacques. Looks like a tasty meal to enjoy with that nice cold brew. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Have you thought of buying used? There are some great deals for $10 000. An you can get something a bit bigger with a bigger motor.
  25. I used a basil pesto when I had it. That sun dried tomato pesto sounds awesome and I think that would be awesome.
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