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Everything posted by Steel28

  1. December 17
  2. awesome report, thanks!
  3. Doing my research as well on Benelli. Talked to a few friends and read some reviews. Looks like will save some money and instead of SBE2 will go for Super Nova pump. good luck
  4. Thanks BM!! Always wanted to hunt and finally decided to cut my fishing time so now my dream came true.
  5. Hey all, finished my one stop course and it's time to get ready for future shopping Does anyone own Benelli Super Black Eagle 2 gun? I sold some of my bass gear to my friend and have a bit extra to spend for the first gun. I might settle for Rem Wingmaster 12g in the worst case Need the gun mostly for birding but might get into big game as well. Thanks!
  6. Awesome! thanks for sharing.
  7. Congrats! I'm doing one stop course for PAL and Hunting next week.
  8. Unbelievable report Mike and the crew!
  9. Got a great deal on family getaway for next weekend on Crowe river, ..can someone shed some light on fishing there? Much appreciate your help in advance.
  10. "Chuck Norris created all the accents in the world by punching everybody in the throat each in a different way. " "When Chuck Norris answers the phone, he just says "Go". This is not permission for you to begin speaking, it is your cue to start running for your life. " "Chuck Norris can build a snowman out of rain. " "A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there. "
  11. Got mine as well last week! Price is great.
  12. Thanks for all responses guys, got one more question though..is it true that right handed caster are better served by right handed reels?
  13. Great report Cookslav! Looks like amazing time.
  14. Hey Spiel, 200DC cost almost as much as my Ang spec Will take a look at Quantum PT as well, thanks as always.
  15. Thanks bro
  16. Thanks guys! Fidel, I'm leaning towards Calcutta 200B.
  17. Looks like it's time to get my first baitcaster reel, any suggestions which one would the best in $200-$250 range? I'm planning to use it for throwing cranks for eyes and pike. Thanks in advance
  18. Great results bud.
  19. Great pictures! thanks for sharing.
  20. Nice going Scot and Kev, looking good.
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