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Everything posted by Steel28

  1. good to know, thanks!
  2. how do you know about antenna ports being covered in the next wave? any proof? I also have no antenna issues, yellow tintage or proximity sensor issues and really enjoying this chunk of metal
  3. I've been using Simms G3 Gore-Tex Guide jacket and absolutely love it. Very durable and comfortable. A+++
  4. good luck Henry, got mine last Friday. I hear that Apple stores get daily shipments.
  5. this is Nika, she is 2 year old half toy and half miniature puddle. Makes me forget about all the problem and worries when I see her.
  6. according to 680news, victim was scouting hunting grounds when attack happened.
  7. I'm thinking of getting CZ 453 Varmint in .17HMR
  8. I said it before and I'll say it again..amazing report as always Mike. Thanks for sharing.
  9. check your pm, cheers
  10. taken from another board but I thought I'd share with other Turks Hunters: As a responsible turkey hunter, I will .Not let peer pressure or the excitement of the hunt cloud my judgment: .Learn the practice safe hunting techniques: .Hunt the wild turkey fairly: .Know the capabilities and limitations of my gun or bow and use it safely: .Obey and support all wildlife laws and report all violations: .Respect the land and the landowner and always obtain permission before hunting: .Avoid knowingly interfering with another hunter and respect the right of others to lawfully share the outdoors: .Value the hunting experience and appreciate the beauty of the wild turkey: .Positively identify my target as a legal bird and insist on a good shot: .And share responsible turkey hunting with others and work for wild turkey conservation: Have a safe and successful season.
  11. 495 views so far
  12. went yesterday as well..same impression as your Tibbs.
  13. Awesome trip Jeff! Paul is a good guide, we had some great outings with him.
  14. Hey Kev, it's Stan. Glad things are well with your lady. CC is the class act.
  15. nice going Mike!
  16. thanks Cliff, I'll let you know. I will be looking for gps in the near future.
  17. GSP is on my list, I need a hunting partner
  18. x 3 well said Cookslav, let's not promote P3TA How about slaughtered beef, chickens and other hormone ejected meals? I got into hunting for ethical reasons.
  19. Respect an Angler's Space This is probably the most violated rule on the river. Many popular sections of a river can be very crowded during the spawning run. Crowding another angler is inconsiderate. If you approach him or her, make sure to ask before moving into the area. Give the angler enough space so the two of you can fish without interference. Don't Walk into a Run Nothing aggrevates a veteran steelheader more than another angler walking into a run of fish. Most of the time it's because the person is not familiar with the stream. Most new steelheader's are not yet accustomed to reading water. A common rule I use is "don't go past your knees". Once again, watch where people are fishing. If you're not sure, ask. Don't Jump into Another Person's Spot When an angler is fighting a fish, more than often they may have to move from their spot to land the fish. This doesn't mean the space is available, because more than likely the person is coming back. Don't Play a Foul Hooked Fish If you foul hook (accidentally snag) a steelhead, snap the line. Tackle is cheap. Most foul hooked steelhead are very difficult to control, resulting in injury or unnecessary stress to the fish. Once foul hooked, they will leap from the water and thrash about, spooking the other fish. If you repeatedly fight foul hooked fish in a crowded section, you'll become very unpopular. Also, you will find most game wardens look at this practice unfavorably. Tolerate Other Forms of Fishing This is a never ending debate on the local rivers: fly fishermen Vs bait fishermen. To some anglers, fly fishing is the only way to catch steelhead, because they are a trout. I use both fly and spinning gear. One day, I may use minnows - another day I'll drift nymphs. Nothing gets my blood boiling faster than a loudmouth elitist. There is no better or worse style of fishing for steelhead. Respect People's Property This has become a major problem on Lake Erie's tributaries. Every year more and more landowners have posted "No Trespassing" signs on their property because they're fed up with garbage left behind and a general lack of respect. If you come upon a posted property don't trespass. If you want to fish there, ask the landowner. If they say "no" respect their wishes. If they allow you, do something nice in return such as cleaning up garbage along the shore. Don't Litter Often when I'm fishing I see garbage everywhere. First of all it's pollutes the environment and it's an eyesore. Some sections of streams have been closed to fishing because landowners were fed up with garbage along their property. Make it a habit to pick up discarded monofilament, cans and other trash, and dispose of them properly. Questioning Anglers that Keep or Release Fish There is nothing wrong with keeping a fish. Likewise, there is nothing wrong with releasing your catch. If you see an angler release a nice size fish, it is considered rude to say "Aren't you going to keep that?" or "You should keep that one!". Give Others Space When Fighting A Fish Give other anglers enough room to land their catch. If it's necessary, take your line out of the water to give them some space. This may happen when you're fishing down river and another angler has to move down river to land a fish. Walk Quietly Around Others Be courteous to those already on the streams. Walk behind other anglers and out of the water if possible. If you must stay in the water, walk with minimum surface disturbance. © (from another site)
  20. well done buddy! still got LX-3?
  21. OH YEAH! A must place to visit
  22. good plan enjoy!
  23. Hey Jeff, not sure about Jamaica but why are you going when you just got some new toys Good luck on your research bud.
  24. Fished since I was 4 years old, got my PAL/RPAL and Hunting license recently and let the games begin! Got myself a nice benelli supernova few days ago. Gobble gobble soon
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