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Everything posted by moxie

  1. And Bostons'. The Kessel girl got a taste of what her brother swallowed during last years playoffs. Bitter Defeat.
  2. Still breathing and the water here in Whitby hasn't gotten deeper than the soles of my shoes, yet. Talking to a friend working in Toronto this morning and he assures me the city is still there. I suggested to him we might want to gather up the meteorologists and throw them into the same garbage bin along with politicians and lawyers since they're just about as useful, or should I say useless. He suggested we send them to the moon instead. Good Idea, or so I though since the weather on the moon hasn't varied much since the beginning of time but knowing the track record and their penchant for the doom and gloom hype they like to create figured they would be hard pressed not to screw it up there as well. Besides, has anyone noticed the price of fuel lately? Better order another bin. Stay safe remember to put one foot in front of the other folks. After all Meteorologists don't work for mother nature, they just report on her daily works of wonder.
  3. The one intangible (My opinion)that no other countries' players have regardless their talent. No matter the odds, win or lose it is what separates Canadian ice hockey from the rest of the world. HEART.
  4. Just like every other storm I've been through the 47 years I've walked this earth. It will pass.
  5. How many Canadian athletes have owned world championships in their respective sports leading to these games and for one reason or another have been nowhere to be found when it really counted? Many of us seem to forget how far the "other" countries have come when it comes to hockey. As I said before, a hot goaltender, defense first and a lucky bounce........anything can happen. There is, after all, another team out on the rink.
  6. Fish smell while fishing. Tough call. I do notice that if I don't go fishing that fish smell doesn't come into play at all. Maybe its just me but getting that fish smell on me is one of the main reasons I go fishing.
  7. Listened to a bit of the game at work and once they were done the analysis began. They're still analysing the damn thing at 9pm. One game. They won. Too many dough headed hockey pucks getting paid to chase their tails. Too funny.
  8. Is McGuilty secretly running the show over at Hydro one? Must be. That guy couldn't process a Ham Sandwich.
  9. Good thought but wouldn't that constitute an admission of guilt? Not what you want to do considering insurance companies were not notified of the accident in the first place. Do some on line research and maybe call around to a few sharks....er.... i mean lawyers offices to feel out the situation and go from there. A one on one meeting with no witnesses present might be the only way to settle this. Just tell him to be reasonable or as N.A.W said "Piss off..." And under no circumstances leave anymore paper along the trail. Even keep it simple over the phone. Friends father was severely injured in a strip mall parking lot a couple years back and after recovery, therapy and med script after med script the other party was neither held culpable, accountable or liable. That was plain wrong, this on the other hand was a "Ding". Good luck.
  10. Disengage the safety and PULL THE TRIGGER!!!! WHATCHA WAITIN' FOR?!?!?! Not a merc fan but given the year, brand of hull, Hp's and options it's more than fair value as long as it all checks out.
  11. Super Fryer. Nicely done indeed.
  12. Good on ya. Fresh fish is fresh fish.
  13. Lodge a complaint with the ombudsman as many others have done. The bigger the $#!t storm the longer the focus can be kept on another incompetent arm of a proven incompetent provincial government. Keep the heat on hi and steady before they have a chance to turn it down.
  14. BINGO!!! Most of my set ups whether spinners or casters wear Crystal. Awesome all around line and haven't found anything in that price point that even comes close to consistent performance.
  15. Private property, no police report. In today's world, do the only thing. Walk away.
  16. There always is Cliff. The days of honesty and integrity passed by a long time ago. The only assurance is that what ever they tell us there is most certainly a screw firmly tapped to most endings. And it usually hits its' mark.
  17. Huh? That was as riveting as the after show the cBc runs with athletes after their competitions. Now that hockey has all but left the building I can see another couple billion in savings by relegating that dinosaur to the scrap heap. C-onsistently B-um C-ontent
  18. Sheeple? There are too many out there. Thank goodness Easter is around the corner so we can at least keep the population at bay by culling a few for dinner.
  19. Why? Haven't we been doing that with switching to those useless and short lived CFL's, programmable thermostats, home energy renos and such? Not to mention the boondoggle that is solar panels and windmills. Me thinks they're the one with the issues. They're the ones that have been burning money to try and create energy, not us. Maybe we should cap their salaries, claw back their pensions to reflect reality, cull the workforce and have one person take on the tasks and responsibilities of two or three like we do in the private sector. I have an idea of which orifice they can insert that thermostat into that way we can program them on how to run in an efficient, cost saving manner. Not for me thanks.
  20. Some have probably seen this. Ingenious way of turning a buck but really? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=802_1387288560
  21. I feel for you. Our mortgage is up for renewal in 10 months and we'll be going the open variable route from now on so when, not if the mud does hit the fan take out what equity we have built up and hopefully live to fight another day. The government and the banks will get to it eventually but as long as it is touches our hands first they can "Suck it" till then.
  22. Thank god they invented them!!!! Don't know how I would have fished another 40 years without them!!!! Rod Glove, My HEROS!!!!!!!
  23. LOL. Silly Rabbit. This isn't about left, right or down the middle. It's about us getting of our comfortable behinds and dictating instead of being dictated too otherwise all we work and strive for as a human race is all for not. Like I've ranted on before, there is nothing left and all that you think is safely accumulated in a pension plan, deposited in a bank or invested in property or stocks ain't worth a tinkers damn and shrinking daily as new ways are being devised to separate you from it. What you think you own whether it be monetary or not isn't worth the paper that states so. Get it? How far does your dollar go as days pass? Anyone think that without drastic measures to reverse the flow this is going to be fixed by our governors or will it simply fix itself? hehehe. Not likely. EC1 nailed it and as much as those of us that wear rose coloured glasses would scoff at the inference, it will happen. Simply because that is what we evolved from. I'm going to Nipissing to get my fish on. Have fun Y'all.
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