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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Its about the best ride you can get in a truck. Can't wait what the redesign looks like in 2016. That is if they bring it back like they say they are.
  2. There is no economic recovery, anywhere, and even if there was immigration would have little bearing on it.. We don't live in a bubble.
  3. Very true and full four wheel lock when needed. Added bonus is that it wont be a basket case after a few years and worth a handful of nickles like a "Dud"ge or have 50+ some odd recalls like the good old GMs.
  4. Right or wrong I just did it. Lets see the power of anti-social media at work.
  5. No way do you let this die on the vine.
  6. My Ridgeline hasn't let me down yet.
  7. Its a power struggle. Good vs Evil. Simple as that.
  8. Wanna show solidarity and unity? Put a flag on it. I have red maple leaves on my car, truck and boat and raise a flag on Canada day( need to fix me a permanent flag pole). Might seem life a small token but man would it be nice to see flags and decals everywhere. Or is that reserved for winter olympics or junior championships while cheering for dancing monkeys on ice?
  9. The only thing that is surprising to me is that it took this long. Doesnt matter whether it is borne out of religious ideology or not it is evil and has finally reared its ugly head. Placing blame will be the way of the fool. Wonder how and how much things will change from now on. Oh Canada how we better pull our self absorbed heads out of our asses and stand on guard for thee. Very sad and interesting indeed.
  10. Kudos to the young lad on the fish and braving the fall chop.
  11. I know you're gonna say "IT'S ONLY THE SECOND GAME!!!!!". Admit it leafers, from the owners down, this is a laughable mess. Can't wait to read the whining, blaming and excuses.
  12. Been using it for a couple of seasons and swear by it. One can every 2-3 tanks of gas.
  13. WoW! This frigging crap is everywhere. Fingers and toes crossed. All the best.
  14. Like the classification list. In the two seasons we targeted them specifically only managed to boat up to the Cruiser Class of Ski fishing limited waters.
  15. I smell a gotcha moment here. Cell phone and a switch. If it happens again capture it on video, then turn cam off and use the switch to thrash the dogs snout until it stops. Return home and send an email including the vid to bylay enforcement. Good luck.
  16. No doubt a Trip of a Lifetime. Thanks for sharing. Really enjoyed that.
  17. Nice to be surrounded by water as you are. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Centre of the Hockey Universe? See only a black hole that sucks all life from its surroundings. That would include leaf fans.
  19. Hehehe. Silly leaf fans. Credibility? Bell and Rogers owning sports teams with no idea how to run them. Also, what credibility would be afforded a fan of a team that embarrasses itself year after year and makes them pay through the A$$ from key chains to tickets to blindly follow a dog that will never learn to hunt?
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