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Everything posted by Wendel

  1. Thanks for clarifying this. I'd like to find out what I'd blow after one beer, then again after 4 or 5. My big concern is not so much the 3 day suspension(without a conviction, hello police state!) but it's the insurance rates that could(and most likely will) skyrocket. Here is the original link I found http://www.thestar.com/article/626953
  2. Apparantly it doesn't matter what average Joe or Mark or whoever thinks these days. I hate to call them fanatical, but Lobbyist groups like MADD have been pushing hard for this for a long time. Where were we when this was going through? Probably at a bud's house, enjoying a brew!
  3. I'm all for being tougher on drunk drivers, especially repeat offenders, but I think this new law goes to far. They can now suspend your license for 3 days and fine you if a roadside test is between .05 and .08mg! What is our province coming to? You're breaking the law, but you not really breaking THE LAW... I certainly hope this one get's squashed one day in court. It's going to get to a time soon where not only will you have to eat nothing but salad and veggies at the bar, you won't even be able to have a cold one and take the chance to drive yourself home. Please don't get me wrong, I never had a problem with .08, but I do have a serious problem with .05, why don't they just install breathalyzers in every car standard? I'm sure that's in the plans!
  4. cool, thanks for the info guys, sounds promising. We aren't going for a few months, but these are kinds of reports I was looking for. There really are fish there
  5. Our gang of salty sea dogs and aging pirates have booked a cabin at black bear camp, at this lake. Fishing looks good, but it always does. Anyone have any personal experience there? Supposedly has bass, pike walleye, Lake Trout, brook trout and perch... How could we say no? lol Wait til the crew finds out there are no washrooms in the cabin itself
  6. The guy was shaking from a fish of a lifetime. Hope he has it displayed proudly on his wall.
  7. what it boils down to is the bang for your buck. We could debate(and have) for days on who builds a better boat. It's all about how comfortable you are with a certian dealer. That's the questions I'd really be asking, what's your experience with such and such marine? It's all about how they take care of you, by the sounds of it this fella's techniques are shady to start with so I'd avoid him, maybe not that line of boat, but definatly that dealer.. Just my 2 cents... p.s. if you have looked into them, check out the polarkraft line as well. I've got one and absolutely love it, very well built boat.
  8. Guns were never the problem, it was the gangs that started shootin' the place up that caused the issue. Of course since the gun registry has been put into effect gangsters are now taking the time to register their guns before they kill people...stats can prove it!
  9. We are going to be heading out for some pike to on saturday. We will be launching out of Port Rowan probably. Maybe out of aker's, not 100% sure yet. We also might just head down to St. Clair... about the same amount of drive for us. http://www.oldcut.com/ that's the link to the old cut http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&q=274...,%20ON%20Canada is a link to aker's Hard to say what the wind is going to be, but the inner bay can get a little choppy sometimes. Last I heard the pike bite was still not on there... but I've got a handful of spots to try tomorrow... have you got a vhf radio on your boat? Mark
  10. That was awesome... I especially liked how the guy faked he was going to let him up then got choked out!
  11. Did you get out ice fishing on the Thames this winter Mike? I can live with winter, but can't wait to put the boat in...Hell I can't even wait to clean it up from the last trip of 08!
  12. would I every like to take the boat for a spin today! Man it's gorgeous here in London today. Well, almost gorgeous, the melting snowbanks aren't that pretty to look at... I swear they will find a body in one of them lol
  13. I was thinking about checking out that show, but I got my wife tickets to the Hip when they play in London this summer. Spent the extra for the vip seats, should be a blast!!!
  14. I have an HTC Smartphone, wouldn't recommend it to anyone, total piece of crap. It shuts down randomly and the battery lasts about 4 hours(I do check my email every 10mins so that's part of the problem) I tried to take it back and they told me I voided the warranty because I got it wet. I never really got it wet, I didn't have it in the rain once but it was minor water. The shut off problem was since day one so that's why I say don't got with an HTC... No matter what, they don't stand by their product! I also have a blackberry, it's solid, never had a problem, battery lasts a long time. Both phones cost me about 100 per month... Plan on spending 100 per month on any smartphone plan if you intend on using it... As a matter of fact, no matter what phone I've owned or how cheap it was supposed to be ended up costing me around 100 bucks per month lol
  15. Yeah, it's amazing that everyone was off alive. I guess it wasn't their time... I wonder if they were Canadian Geese and they will be added to the list of Terrorist organizations!
  16. whatever you do don't call Nerds Onsite... unless you KNOW a good one. The good ones are really good, the bad ones are REALLY bad... do a search on google for computer repair ripoff and you will find a youtube video about some of their shenanigins. I used to be a nerd years ago, but left the company because even though you have 60 nerds behind you to get the job done right, what happens when you're the only one they call for help? You get to spend all day doing tech support for free to other nerds lol!!!! To answer your question Sam, I would stick with Windows XP. Do you just need the media to install it, or do you need an actual license as well? The media is easy to find, if you need a license key check out ebay, should be able to get an OEM copy fairly cheap(I see them for about 110 bucks or so), also, sometimes you can find it on Kijiji. Good luck! Mark
  17. So sorry to hear this Rob, you and your boy were always in my prayers. Mark
  18. this movie has some really bad acting but has a really good story. I'd give it a 4.5/10, only because I love dogs! I watched a movie the other night called Step Brothers, if you like Will Ferrel you would love it... Here are the scores of some other movies I've watched recently... Rightous Kill 6.5/10 DeNiro and Pacino, some good parts, but those guys aren't getting any younger! Wanted 5.5/10 Probably one of the best stories that turned into the worst movie... Angelina wants this one back I bet! Traitor 8/10 Had me at the edge of my seat for almost the whole movie, makes you think that's for sure... The Dark Knight 7.5/10 I was expecting much better honestly, Although Heath was so awesome as The Joker, he made the movie The Mummy III 6/10 Why do all these Archealogists all of a sudden have offspring working alongside them? Pineapple Express 4/10 Seth Rogan is funny, but maybe I should have inhaled to watch this one lol Quest for Fire 7/10 Not much dialogue here, but if you do watch this oldie check out how the different tribes utilize technology. City of Men 6/10 I was disappointed, I thought this film would relate more to City of God(8/10) I guess you can see what I do when I'm not fishing lol
  19. although I'm all for artificial reefs for scuba divers to enjoy, it would make for sense to me to send this old girl to as Lew said "The razorblade factory" the price of steel is through the roof right now. Probably worth more in scrap metal now then it cost to build that ship in 1963!
  20. How come the deer isn't smiling? I'm glad to finally get to see this pictures lol Congratulations on your harvest!
  21. Avg or superantispyware.com it does a really good job!!!
  22. Hey Brandon, Nice pictures, I miss watching games in that old barn! What have you been up to lately? Mark
  23. I bet he fishes, what kind respectable man doesn't? lol Will be interesting to see what he can do with the hand he's been dealt.
  24. Thanks for the words Lew, I usually don't even measure musky, when I'm on the river I cringe at some of the guys that have every dude on the boat pose with the fish. As big and powerful as a musky is, it's probably the wimpiest fish in the lake, they are really fragile and you need to get them back in the water asap!
  25. Thanks for clarifying, I don't have a problem with sharing expenses, unless of course that involves buying you a new rod/reel combo before the boat leaves lol
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