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Everything posted by Wendel

  1. No it resembled this... http://www.polarkraft.com/pok178tc.html I'd like a full windshield, and a top I can put up for those really hot days on the lake(I have two colours, white, and DARK RED lol)
  2. Yeah, it's a real pain trying to find what you want in the budget you want it. I looked at Crestliner, Princecraft, Lund... the Crestliner were in my price range, but not wide enough for me. Princecraft and Lund are just to expensive. I ruled out Legend, not much bang for the buck compared to the Tracker. So if I go with new, it's most likely going to be Tracker or Polarkraft. I have considered used, haven't seen a deal I like. Being my second boat, I am going to take my time, and I have no worries about if I will use it enough or not... I most certianly will
  3. It's a toss up right now between PolarKraft and Tracker. I really like the polarkraft when I looked at them a couple years ago. Thanks for all the input, both good and bad everyone, I'll keep everyone posted with my decision, and I'm sure there will be lots of fishing reports to come this summer!
  4. Are you going to Majic Cottages by chance? We went there a few years ago, fishing was off because it was soooo hot, but the cottages were clean and the hosts were great!
  5. Thanks for that tip Taper, I know you did your share of research a couple of years ago. I almost ended up with a Polarkraft, divorce put the brakes on that though lol
  6. I'd be using it on Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, and some smaller lakes up north, I like the width of it... Last year I was only on the water 15 days, looking like alot more this year...
  7. Well, the ice is coming off Pittock and I'm getting the itch to fish again lol... I'm seriously looking at getting a new boat. My girlfriend loves fishing so we would be using this alot. I have been looking at Tracker Boats, this one in particulater http://www.trackerboats.com/boat/?boat=2847 It's got a decent sized motor 90hp, nice and wide, seems like a good deal compared to some of the others.. How with this boat hold up though? I did a search and noticed that they seem to stand by their warranty, but I'm just curious... Also, they sell these at Hully Gully which is close to where I live, what are they like to deal with? Thanks in advance..
  8. It's my Musky... MINE MINE MINE... there are no pictures of her holding that fish!!!!!! Hope she doesn't read this lol Actually I'm kinda glad she got one the first trip, she can't wait to go again, and she's already been asking what kind of rod/reel combo she needs lol The water was so clear that day, it got a little rough in the afternoon, but over all it was a great day, we are going back in a couple more weeks... The fall fatties should be gorging by then...
  9. A little late, but thought I would post some pictures of our recent trip to my old pond, Lake St. Clair. We got on the water by noon, we were targeting small mouth bass, unfortunately the bass were few and far between. We left the shallower water and headed for a deeper part of the lake, that's when the fun started! We could see some big hooks on the fish finder, no sooner did I say "I think those might be musky down there", then I had something heavy on the end of my line, unfortunately for me it was only for a few seconds. No sooner was it off of my line then it decided to hit Nicole's line! After a minute or so with a some help from me the fish was in the boat, briefly for a photoshoot. Here are the results... The pre-landing shot Of course I could tell everyone I caught it, because there was no way she would pick up that fish for picture... The Revival And the fish swimming off to fight another day! This was Nicole's first time on the lake, and her first musky.... many more to come in the fall... better get more lures though nicole, worm harnesses aren't going to cut it all the time lol
  10. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had any recent info on Oak Lake near Havelock? Supposedly we are going fishing there in Mid September... Any help would be appreciated, we are targetting bass and picksies. Thanks!
  11. I've started a new company with a friend here, we are going to be providing onsite computer and network services. We will also be doing CCTV(Security Camera's) Installation and Camera's If you need this type of service or want more information, by all means shoot me an email, [email protected] Looking forward to serving you, the good old fashioned way, were YOU and YOUR concerns are what matters! Oh yeah, it's a work in progress, but http://www.livetechsupport.ca We service basically anywhere in SouthWestern Ontario, I have clients in Brantford, Oakville, Windsor, and Brampton Give us a try, you'll be glad you did...
  12. Well I guess you could say I've had a lengthy hiatus form OFC. I've been through alot in the last little while, but I'm back and online again, and ready to take on the world. I've moved back home with my parents... Probably a few people know what that's all about.. yep.. gettin' a divorce. So if anyone wants to go fishing in the Brantford area in the next little while drop me a line... looking forward to frequenting some old haunts lol I hope I can be online and participate more, I have nothing but great memories of OFC
  13. Gratz Rick! I know what that would mean to me, so you are doing something every right!
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