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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Hey y y y y Cliff (& Beansie & MikeH & Crappieperchunter) . . . . check your e-mail . . . . how's about beautiful Lake 'X' for some of those tasty wee w'atchamacallits in the mornin', eh?
  2. Every year for the last 10 - 12 years there's been a fairly large group of robins hung around the area where I deliver mail. There's some fairly thick bush along the top end of the Don Valley, from Leslie to Bayview, both sides of Steeles, where they're fairly well sheltered. There are a lot of trees (ornamental cherry / crab apple?) with small berries in the neighbourhood, where I often saw them, at least 2 or 3 times a week. Plus, people put out food in their back yards for them, so they seemed to do quite well. The first year (1995ish) I saw them, during the winter months, there might have been a dozen, 2 years ago, one morning I counted over 3 dozen in and around one of their favorite trees. This year, with the snow & cold, I'd have thought they'd be out in full force? Nope!! Nary a one, haven't even seen any, flying at a distance, nor have I even heard their very recognizeable call? I haven't even seen the familiar starlings hangin' around the dumpsters, or fast food joints in plazas either? Has ANYONE else out there noticed this phenomenon this year? Other familiar birds missing? It just seems strange that EVERY robin that used to winter here (several generations) are not evident this year? After wintering here for several generations, I doubt they'd even know which way south was?
  3. WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! And on a teeny l'il ice rod . . . somebody shoulda ran that up to the TV station in Barrie . . . . a shoo-in for the evening news! I've been fishing carp for about 6 years . . . caught a few hundred of 'em, only about 3 bigger than that one, but . . . . I was using a rod & reel like a small crane and winch & at least 15 pound line. I honestly have NO idea how you managed to land it . . . AND THROUGH AN 8" HOLE IN THE ICE TOO!! Very few others could have! My hat's off to ya kid . . . . . WAY TO GO!!
  4. There's USUALLY one in EVERY crowd . . . . . did you see ANYONE risking their necks out on the Gilford side in their vehicles yet? About 3 years ago I was comfortably sitting on about 6" of ice about a mile out . . . . a guy with a wee Tonka truck proceeded to come toward me, and parked about 300' from where I was fishin!' UNBELIEVABLE!! How about parking on the ice near shore . . . . anybody silly enough to do THAT yet, after what happened a couple years ago, when some clown popped about a dozen holes around the 'parking lot' with his new auger, and about 25 peoples vehicles took a bath in about 3' of water? I MIGHT even drag out my gear and hustle up tomorrow . . . EARLY! Forecast looks pretty good . . . so far?
  5. I THINK it MIGHT have been an Army/Navy surplus store at one time?
  6. Methinks this could be opportunity knocking . . . I smell a BI I I I I G sale comin' up . . . only, instead of 'Door-Crasher Specials,' it'll be 'WINDOW-CRASHER Specials?'
  7. I went to the site you suggested . . . . it still involves going into the registry . . . . I WOULDN'T EVEN DARE THINK ABOUT IT! So . . . . short of that . . . . I suppose I'm STUCK with bits & pieces of Norton? Or did I miss something? FURTHER TO: I just spent the last hour reading the whole article . . . . . these people are far, far outta MY league, and THEY are running into problems . . . . . it looks like I'll have to find a place that can actually remove this whole thing, and still leave my computer in good working order? I saw an hour-long show on W-5 about computer repair scams . . . . they make used car salespeople look like Sunday school teachers, so even that will be a challenge . . . . or am I destined to be stuck with Norton until I buy a new computer? I had NO idea . . . . . ?? But, I REALLY do thank you guys for trying!
  8. Just a couple questions . . . . are these tools designed for a 6 year old to use? Could a wrong move wipe out any valuable information?
  9. IF I decided to try downloading AVG, would I have to 'CLEANSE' my computer of NORTON first? Since I don't use the computer a lot, 'HIGH SPEED' is a waste of money for me, and as you likely are well aware . . . . large files (like an anti virus) take FOREVER to download! I just checked with SYMPATICO, as I had heard from several people who had the 'low(er) speed SYMPATICO,' that they were paying $21.00 per month . . . . but according to SYMPATICO, I'd have to take a contract for a year. Depending on how much I was downloading, I COULD end up paying considerably MORE than the $21.00? Getting an admission like THAT outta THEM, is like pulling teeth!! Otherwise . . . . the non contract price jumps to $30.00+ applicable taxes. I DO NOT like to get into contracts with ANYBODY, especially big outfits like Bell, or Rogers! If the computer was used for business, movies, games or music, then I'd have no choice, but for a few hours a day, just not worth the extra money to me.
  10. See post above concerning dealing direct!
  11. T'anks . . . . I THOUGHT my computer slowed somewhat when Norton was loaded? McAfee is a pretty well known name . . . would anyone reccommend using it? I'm just sick of being screwed about by Norton . . . . a few years ago I tried downloading it off the 'net . . . . for some reason, it wouldn't 'take,' and I had to go out and buy it. Imagine my surprise when my Visa was billed for it a month later? It took 10 FULL MONTHS, plus over $20.00 worth of postage & phone calls to FINALLY get through to somebody to get my money back, THEN, after charging my Visa in AMERICAN funds, they credited it in CANADIAN funds, which was about a $.65 dollar! But, when ya ain't very bright, computer-wise, ya tend to get screwed stickin' with the 'devil you know!!'
  12. Last year I got Norton (as I always have) at Staples . . . but I wondered what might have been wrong with it . . . priced at $49.95 . . . . but an INSTANT rebate of $40.00 at the cash register?? Usually they overcharge you $30.00, then make you fill out your life history, send it in to a Post Office box number, wait the required 6 to 8 weeks, then call the number provided, get put on 'HOLD' several times, only to be told there's was a mistake in the address it was sent to . . . "but we'll put a RUSH on it, ya should have it in 4 weeks!" This year, they're back at it . . $69.95, minus the $20.00 MAIL-IN rebate you wait 4 months for!! Anybody else see any better NORTON deals around? PLEASE . . . . . don't suggest another brand . . . . except, may y y y b e McAffee . . . . as I'm ALMOST computer illiterate, and do not have a clue how to install & use 'freebee' stuff! I've heard McAffee is as good as Norton . . . . can a dummy learn to use it?
  13. I'ma gonna have to call in the REAL expert on this . . . Oh h h h Vaselin n n n n e . . . . Oh yoo hoo . . . . we need your knowledge here!! I'm sure you'll get a good answer now!!
  14. I live in the northeast end of the city . . . . went across the road about 05:30 for my paper . . . . . breathed a sigh of relief as the 6" to 8" we were supposed to get overnight was about 3"! However . . . . about 09:00 I happened to look out my front window (14th floor) . . . . it was like EVERYTHING disappeared . . . . . the top of the school 300' away was barely visible!! I got my coat & boots on, went out to the parking lot . ... musta got another 4" in the last few hours . . . . shoulda done my grocery shopping YESTERDAY . . . . . I thought maybe TWN had got their forecast from Vaselena . . . . so I didn't pay much attention! Gonna be fun deliverin' the mail tomorrow! Neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow BE DAMNED!
  15. NUTS!! They don't send ANY through my Post Office that I can browse through . . . . should I break down & buy one?
  16. Did I detect just a hint of sarcasm in your SECOND post, when no one had the info you wanted? Naw w w w w . . . . . likely just my imagination?
  17. I'm surprised there wasn't any mention of the Vaseline Flasher (the one that 'for sure' that would be in production this year?) those perch were likely located with . . . . likely on full power & it whitened them up . . . . oh yeah . . . . lets not forget the Vaseline Weather Predicting Service . . . . . forecasts-while-you-wait! The best is yet to come though . ... we still haven't had a 'report' from 'Musky Pete' eh?
  18. I've been a loyal (??) customer of Lebaron's for about 6 years, and I've had my problems with them . . . . THEY actually THINK they know how to run the store better than I do . . . cheeky buggers, eh? But . . . I've rarely ever found better prices on medium to high end equipment anyplace else. Any time I've had a complaint, as long as I had my receipt and was within the time limitations set out . . . . no problem. But . . . . I HAVE had to occasionally (legitimately) take something back . .. a few DAYS after their 15 day 'return' policy expired . . . no dice!! But . . . . they DO have that right . . . . I just make sure I adhere to THEIR rules . . . . and lately they've even bent a few of them for me. Their customer service is ALMOST as good as Fishing World in Hamilton now!!
  19. I have 2 - 4000 Sustains . . . nice reels . . . . . but the Stradic is not much more than half the price, a better deal I'd say?
  20. December 21 the sun comes up at 07:49 and sets at 4:44 . . . . 8 hours & 55 minutes of daylight . . . . a week later we have gained a whole 6 minutes daylight! To bad they moved the time change . . . . . I used to love walkin' along one of the east tribs in mid April, watching the sky lighten in the east starting about 04:15! So nice & peaceful!
  21. According to the Simcoe Board posts there are already a few looking to test their floater suits & cold water swimming abilities! Apparently they're on 3" to 4" of ice . . . . . wait till they get a stiff offshore breeze . . . . . !
  22. I gave 2 carp (10 - 12 pounds) to an Estonian gentleman on my mail route a few years ago . . . . . he cooked 'em on a Hibachi charcoal barbie . . . . . and saved a piece for me. When he brought it out, I gotta admit . . . . I was a bit squeamish, but I tried it. Surprise, surprise . . . . . it was actually VERY good . . . . . if I hadn't known what it was, I'd have figured likely bass. But apparently there is a WRONG way to cook 'em, just fried up, they taste kinda greasy . . . . . but several Polish people I know consider 'em a delicasy, stuffed & roasted at Christmas time. P. S. Put a carp & a whitefish side by side . . . whitefish also has large scales . . . sucker-type mouth under the head . . . . . eats DEAD things . . . OFF BOTTOM . . . . . . not vegetation? Hm m m m m ??
  23. The ONLY thing that sets off little alarm bells in the ad . . . . "FROM $34.95?" What did you actually pay for yours? The "FROM" part of the ad ALWAYS makes me suspicious of what the price of MY size might be? I do have a pair . . . FANTASTIC for being out on the ice, standin' around, feet NEVER get cold . . . . I paid $60.00 for a size 12 3 years ago . . . on sale!! They fit the Lee Valley 'Icers' pretty good too! The ONLY 'down' side . . . . . not highly recommended for LONG walks anywhere . . . . gotta weigh 5 pounds each with the 'icers!!'
  24. Can you still accurately forecast the weather yesterday & last week?
  25. I was in Saturday, I bought a membership to 'Club Lebaron,' ($25.00) then bought 2 pairs of good walking / hiking shoes, (Garmont) got a 20% discount which saved me $92.00!! The service & attitude in there is like a new place since BPS started up . . . . anything I've checked, price-wise, against ALL competition, has either been lower, or equal. But . . . . . they have their return policy posted, in the store & at the cash-out, and will enforce it . . . . . no receipt . . . . no bring-um back . . . . PERIOD! I saw some dummy trying to exchange a reel there last summer . . . . claimed he lost the receipt . . . . but he forgot to take a BPS sticker off the bottom of the box!! Even though it was obvious where he bought the reel, he STILL insisted he had no idea how that sticker got on it!! He (according to the sticker) had also paid about $10.00 more at BPS. It's because of people like that, stores HAVE TO enforce such rules . . . .
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