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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Although most people kinda know what to expect around areas where a lot of anglers congregate in the wee hours, like an hour BEFORE daylight . . boat ramps, access points to the ice etc., and if they're offended, they can just avoid it! BUT, there are certain groups who CANNOT avoid it . . . . . that DO have some clout if the foul language (and OTHER boorish behavior) prevails every Saturday & Sunday morning at the end of their driveways . . . . . they're called RESIDENTS . . . . . when this finally gets to a point where a whole neighbourhood is woken up to this, every weekend, they band together & have bylaws passed . . . 'NO PARKING,' 'NO STOPPING,' 'NO FISHING,' etc., that generally takes care of the problem. I know it's not ONLY the loud & obnoxious language (guys just wanna have fun, eh?) it also the litter & yellow snowbanks at the end of their driveways too . . . . Lake Simcoe, Cook Bay & Couchiching are areas where less & less parking or access is being allowed every year . . ... people being loud, rude & vulgar, and upsetting those who live there have a lot of bearing on this. If I pinch MY cold fingers or poke myself with a hook, when trying to get things organized in the dark, I've been known to express myself quite loudly, (and not too politely) so I'm not claiming to be any saint either!
  2. Now that WE know how to figure out when the best times to catch fish are, all we gotta do is get this knowledge instilled in the fish so they'll co-operate!
  3. This is kinda weird . . . . I tried 'GOOGLE' several times, under 'carp gear,' 'lead sinkers,' coffin sinkers,' but never got a sniff? The ones Dinsmores have are the real McCoy . . . . but . . . . at approximately $3.00 Canadian each, then shipping on top of that . . . . . the cost would be prohibitive! If 'Fish-On-Line is the shop down at Jane & Lawrence, I did go there last year, I even took a couple examples to show him . . . . he'd never seen (or so he said) this sinker before . . . . claimed the 'bell,' or the 'egg' sinkers were much better. Also suggested the large 'egg' sinker could be placed in a vice and a piece sliced off each side with a hacksaw? I was also given several phone numbers of smaller bait & tackle shops, including the one up at Sheppard & Wilson Heights . . . no flat sinkers there either, although he claimed to 'specialize' in carp gear, and if he saw what I had, he could likely order some . . . . . he seemed quite helpful & knowledgeable, except for not knowing about 'coffin' sinkers. I asked around for 2 years, fellow carpers & every bait & tackle shop I saw . . . . . and the FIRST one I've seen that actually advertises the 'coffin' sinker is the 'Dinsmore's' site I've just been given. But . . . . it appears that these things are only made in Europe, and there are few places willing to put out the money & time it takes to get them . . . . after paying what it costs to get them, it appears there's little profit in them. THIS is why I thought MAY Y Y Y B E there might be some interest in 'em here? When they were a lot cheaper I used to buy several dozen at a time . . . taking orders for them from fellow anglers till they got just too expensive. But . . . . keep the suggestions rollin' in . . . . it still MIGHT be slightly profitible if there's a good market for them.
  4. I actually DID try that with a piece of wire . . . . even with the sinker in a vice, and a pair of vice grips, the wire was permanent! But . . .. thanx for the suggestion.
  5. THE OFFICIAL CANADIAN TEMPERATURE CONVERSION CHART 50 Degrees Fahrenheit (10C) – Californians shiver uncontrollably . . . Canadians plant their gardens. 35 Degrees Fahrenheit (1.6C) - Italian cars won’t start . . . Canadians drive with all the windows down! 32 Degrees Fahrenheit (0C) – American water freezes . . .. Canadian water gets thicker. 0 Degrees Fahrenheit (-17.9C) – New York City landlords finally turn on the heat . . . Canadians have their last cook-out of the season. -60 Degrees Fahrenheit (-51C) – Mt. St. Helens freezes . . . . Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies dor-to-door. -100 Degrees Fahrenheit (-73C) - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole . . . . Canadians pull down their ear flaps. -173 Degrees Fahrenheit (-114C) - Ethyl alcohol freezes . . . . Canadians get frustrated when the keg won’t thaw out! -460 Degrees Fahrenheit (-273C) Absolute zero . . all atomic motion stops. . . . Canadians start saying “Cold, EH?” -500 Degrees Fahrenheit (-295C) Hell freezes over . . . . the Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup!!
  6. I know there are a lotta people reading this board regularly who have occasion to bottom fish . . . . more carp than anything . . . . but also (like myself) often bottom fish 'bows & salmon. The way I've always done is a simple hook, leader, and barrel swivel with an egg sinker which either could slide free, or was blocked with a split-shot above the swivel. This works fine as long as the water is relatively still, and calm. But . . . . in the current, or large waves, the 'egg' sinker has a tendency to roll a lot. I tried pounding the 'egg' sinker flat, then re-drilling the hole, but soon found this left some rough spots, which chewed up 4 or 6 pound mono in a hurry! Then one day I saw a fellow carper down Hamilton way with a FLAT sinker . . . . aptly called a 'coffin' sinker . . . (it's shaped the same as a coffin) which he told me he picked up at Fishing World. Upon calling F. W., I found they did try to keep 'em in stock, but they were usually cleaned right out within days of a shipment arriving. I made sure for several years that I was there when some arrived, but there seemed to be a problem getting enough for the last few years . . . . supplier problems . . . . . then the price more than doubled in a matter of a couple years . . . lead shortage in Eastern Europe? I checked tackle shops EVERYWHERE I went, even had my Brit buddy try (unseccessfully) to hunt some down in England. NOBODY, not Cabellas, not Wackerbaits or even B. P. S., had even heard of 'em? So o o o o . . .. . last summer one of my fellow carpers up in Peterpatch who needs a hobby while all the local waterways are locked down for the winter, said he was gonna check around and see if he could either find, or have molds custom-made for this purpose, and make enough for personal use. Just last month he got in touch, told me he got the molds, and equipment for melting & pouring the hot lead, and even was able to make vents in his basement so he could do this indoors. Last week he sent me some samples . . . . . even BETTER than the 'coffin' sinkers . . . . no corners to wedge into the rocky botton where we often fish, even aerodynamic in design for slightly better casts. I IMMEDIALELY suggested he try to market these to fellow anglers . . . . . but he's a bit hesitant, mainly because if there WAS enough demand, making a half dozen sinkers at a time wouldn't pay much . . . . plus the cost of shipping this lead is quite pricey . . . . . he sent a pound of sinkers (8) to me by XpressPost . . .. ONE day delivery . . . . about $7.50! ANYHOOOOOOOOO . . . . IF he could figure a way to mass produce these things & a cheap way to ship 'em, how many of you think it's a good idea? Would you use them if the price was reasonable? Unfortunately, it would be impossible to even come close to the price of 'egg' sinkers . . . but they're a much better product. Seen pictured here are the 4 'teardrop' sizes that can be made; 28, 42, 56, & 84 gram. When you can get 'em, the coffin sinkers come in 20, 25, 35, 50, 60, 65, & 85 gram. (I believe an ounce translates into 28 grams?)
  7. For the first few months of the 'BRAGGIN' RIGHTS' fishing tourney, there was LOTS of interest . . . new entries almost EVERY day, but by mid-summer it was seldom being mentioned . . . . . by fall . . . . NOODNIK? Is there gonna be 'official standings' posted, or have they already been on the main board? There seemed to be a huge bunch registered . . . . how did everyone make out? Who was the over-all whiner . . . . er r r r r . . . . . WINNER?
  8. Yeah h h h h h . . . . . can you just imagine a big ol' muskie tryin' to mate with that thing out on the Otonabee, or thinkin' your toes looked like snack time? As for the Geocaching . . . . it DOES sound VERY interesting, but could REALLY cut into my fishin' & 'sitting around chewin' the fat' time! I just want a 'toy' I can pick up and check out a spot for a few hours if I have nuthin' better to do! Findin' nails, pop bottle tops & loose change, plus a few shell casings in SOME areas sounds interesting? As long as I don't have to expend TOO much energy!
  9. WOW!! A virtual treasure trove of info, guys . . . . gonna take DAYS to read it all! Yeah . . . . the fella I talked to said you find TONS of garbage . . . . a 3 - 4 hour sweep of a big beach or field apparently will yield a few valuables though. All I need is to find a local dealer to go have a boo, once I get a bit of understanding on how they work . . . . in an area the size of the GTA that shouldn't be too difficult!
  10. December's over . . . January's almost gone . . . . no GOOD, SAFE ice within reasonable driving distance where you don't get hit, even for LEGAL parking, with BIG tickets. I've wandered around Lebarons, Gannon's, even Crappy Tire's fishing department, for hours . .. . left empty-handed . . . . NUTHIN' that I actually need? Can't afford a boat . . . . my van's fairly new, gotta get ANOTHER year outta it, fairly new 'puter (that I don't know how to use properly) 2 good cameras I don't use enough . . . . and a few spare bucks in my pocket? But . . . . . several years ago, when fishin' at Ashbridges Bay, I saw a guy putting what I recognized as a metal detector in his van. He walked over, we got talkin,' and he said he hits places like Woodbine Beach, the Rouge, just around daybreak, any place there is grass or sand, where a lotta people have congregated the day before, and scans the area for several hours. We walked over to his van where he showed me this metal detector (looked somewhat like a 'weed-wacker,') and some of the trinkets he'd dug outta the sand. A few bucks worth of loose change, a watch (how do ya lose a watch on the beach?) several rings (none looked expensive) but there were 2 gold chains that had to be worth a few hundred!! I was only mildly interested, so I didn't get right into the questions, except, he claimed this thing had a lotta different settings (power ranges) and he could literally find a body buried several feet down? (Who'd want to??) Does ANYBODY on this board know ANYTHING about these devices? Just how sensitive are they? (must be pretty good to find a small ring or gold chain under several inches of sand?) Like anything else, I suppose there are different price ranges, any clues how much for a GOOD one? And where in 'ell would you look for one? I've never seen one in ANY store, ANYWHERE? I think THIS would fulfil my urge to have a new toy, and it might even be profitable? Any info . . .. ANYBODY? I CAN'T stand having spare money in my pocket!! H E E E E L P!! P. S. That guitar suggestion also has merit . . . . while fishing my favorite creeks, rivers & Lake O., out east, I could strum & yodel a bit . . . . might guarantee me a half mile of shore, either side?
  11. Since there's only ONE History Channel, and I get it on Rogers at Channel 43, howcum it had some stooooooooopid program about Rome? In what part of the world was this on anyway? I passed the word to several friends . . . NOBODY found it? Anybody from this board get a look at it?
  12. T'anks for takin' the time . . . . . I never cease to be amazed how, no matter how slight, or severe a problem is, there's ALWAYS a member (or lotsa members) of this board ready and willing to offer advice, & help! It might be called a 'FISHING MESSAGE BOARD,' but my bet is, there's NO OTHER 'FISHING MESSAGE BOARD' that can supply good, reliable info on so many subjects as THIS one can P. S. I just went to to your link . . . . read MOST (what I could fathom) of it . . . . . I'm almost afraid to turn my computer on!!
  13. TWO things are very noticeable on this computer now . . . . it loads up a LOT faster, and I can INSTANTLY get to look at pictures posted by other members. I used to dread some of the posts by MOOSEBUNK . . . . a great read & EXCELLENT pictures . . . . . tied me up for an hour to see 'em all!! But it was the tied up phone line that finally prompted me to go to the high speed . . . . I SUPPOSEDLY have 20X the speed of dial-up, it's a LOT quicker . . . might even be 20X they claim, but I can answer my phone AND call out with the computer on now. And it ONLY sets me back and extra $10.00 a month! Since I'm not at all into gaming, movies or music, the ultra high speed would be to no advantage. I've dealt with Sympatico for 8 years, rarely had a problem, so I decided to stick with the devil I know? But . . . . one question for you computer buffs that use Rogers High Speed & their virus protection + other security . . . . . I received a 'heads up' from a Rogers High Speed user . . she noticed her computer getting REALLY slow, then received a message from WINDOWS SECURITY telling her she had FIFTY SIX 'MALWARE' viruses . . . . and the Rogers security she's using DOES NOT protect her from these! She's currently using ADD AWARE to try to clean this mess up. My question is . . . W'AT IN 'ELL IS MALWARE? AND WHY DOESN"T ROGERS VIRUS PROTECTION BLOCK IT? WILL SYMPATICO'S SECURITY BLOCK IT? ANY INFO ON THIS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED, if it ain't ONE thing, it's ANOTHER?
  14. Since my last inquiry, and lotsa opinions & GOOD advice from MANY helpful people, against my informed judgement, I went back to Norton . . . TEMPORARILY . . . . . only because I didn't dare start poking around where I had no clue what I was doing. But . . . . I did find much the same deal as last year, EXCEPT, ya gotta loan 'em $25.00 this year, then play the 'try & get your money back' game! But I'll EVENTUALLY get it, so, I'm out about $11.50 for one month's coverage . . . no big deal! I also went over to Sympatico HIGH SPEED (actually medium speed) where THEY supply the security . . . hope it works well. In order to sell me this package, the Sympatico rep assured me once I got the connection, THEY could walk me through the steps to clean out Norton. (YEAH H H H H . .. . . sure they will!) To make a long story short, Sympatico gave me a number for Symantec, where I listened to funeral parlour music and was reminded EVERY 5 minutes how important my call was, for NEARLY an hour. I then got a very well informed rep (from Calcutta, where he complained about it being cool . . 72 degrees) who got ALL the Norton files cleaned out!! Boy .. . . am I glad I DID NOT try it myself. Although stuff still doesn't come up with BLINDING speed, it's better, by MILES, than the ol' dial-up, only $10.00 more, and it frees my phone up! Thanks, EVERYBODY, for the opinions & advice on this, I learned a lot from reading it ALL!
  15. Last time I fished there I caught 2 bundle buggies, a shopping cart & a bicycle frame, had to let 'em go . . . . not in season.
  16. WHEW W W W W . . . . . . I'm sure glad I went to high speed . . . . it used to take a half hour to go through one of your reports on dial-up . . . . . . better'n readin' a big, fancy book . . . . . makes me feel like I'm right there too!! Now . . . . . how many weeks do ya need off to rest up from your vacation? Best report I've seen since YOUR last one!! Now I need a vacation . . . . I'm exhausted just reading about yours!
  17. I always thought 'The Lone Ranger' was a lot more exciting on the radio than on TV! Then there was Perry Mason, Sky King, Ed Sullivan, Red Skelton (remember his Gertrude & Heathcliff characters?) (Ugh h h h h) Don Messer & His Islanders, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin? How many can remember on CFRB, right after the 1:00 news . . . . . "IT'S THE HAPPY GANG!!" (About '55ish?)
  18. All's well . . . . as long as ya just keep on gettin' older . . . . . and havin' more birthdays . . . . . hope your birthday was a G R R R R E A T one!
  19. Ah h h h h . . . . . there WAS another side to this. Even though it's an hour's drive from here to Fishing World, I've made the drive quite a bit, and occasionally paid a few dollars more for what I bought! I also have saved BIG BUCKS many times too! WHY would I knowingly pay a little more . . . . sometimes? Because of the service & information I get the majority of the time. Not ALL the time . . . . they don't claim to be perfect . . . . . but Mike Jackson (co-owner) has personally bent over backwards to try to appease me, if I feel a mistake has been made. I just wish they had a store in Toronto . . . . . as it would be my ONLY stop for fishing gear! I like to be able to pick up the phone, call about a specific piece of gear, and ask for it to be put aside for me, just on my word, it is. Once I have given my word, I BUY IT, I don't hang anybody up with 'buyers remorse!' May you guys be in business as long as I continue to fish!
  20. Beauty shots . . . . but . . . . . pictures #1 & #4 . . . . the way the snow has formed, only on one side of the branches . . . . much like you'd get if you were close to big water, and fog blew in, and formed . . . . . looks kinda surreal?
  21. On Saturday (just as this started) there was about 4" - 5" of good black ice, and another 5" of pretty solid white ice on top, at Jacks Lake. I suspect that white ice will turn to slop pretty quick . . . . but I highly doubt it'll hurt the good ice much? By Thursday it's gonna be back below zero, and next week, back well under zero!
  22. Getting T-boned in the fog . . . and living to tell about it . . . . sounds like they were in a good solid vehicle. Hope they heal okay . . . and STILL get to ice fish before the season's over. Best of lucck to ALL of them!
  23. I bought a 34" Sony XBR in 1987 for about $4500.00 . . . the picture started to take longer & longer to get the right colour in 2002 . . . I finally had a guy come in . . . checked it out, and told me after 15 years of trouble free use, he wouldn't be puttin' out the $600.00+ to extend the life another year or 2 . . . . gimme $50.00 for the call, and go buy a new one!! I did . . . this time the 36" XBR, for about the same money . . . at The Sony Store. I was politely asked if I wanted an extended warranty . . . . I suggested if they had one for years 13, 14 & 15, I'd take it . . . . I don't think a lot of people buy extendeds on Sony? I've so far gotten 6 trouble-free years outta it! Oh yeah . . . . it came H D ready, WITH the box . . . . I haven't a clue how to hook the H D up . . . I'll bet it'll knock the socks off regular programming!
  24. WOW!! Monster carp . . . . monster perch . . . . w'at's next . . . . . a 10 pound whitie or a 25 pound laker? I don't believe the price this guy's chargin' for minnows . . . . is he the ONLY place up there? How about Harry's in Keswick on the way up? He ALWAYS gives a GOOD scoop, was $3.50 last year? Or anybody down in Scarberia . . . . LUCKY'S . . . . (Midland & Sheppard) $3.00 will getcha a WEEK'S supply of emeralds, and he has all the basic gear you need, pretty reasonably priced. But . . . . I JUST GOTTA get a shot at some of those MONSTER fish . . . . w'at the secret Joey? How do ya do it?
  25. VERY nice fish . . . . but isn't it just amazing how much the scales & scale pattern resemble another well-known fish? If the scales were just a bit bigger . . . and the colour was slightly more bronze . . . . presto neato . . . a 'whistling trout?'
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