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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Gee . . . I've fished the Kawarthas for carp many times . . . ran into MANY others of my ilk . . . but never saw YOU anywhere up there either?? Maybe you don't shore-fish the carp spots? Come to think of it . . . I've NEVER yet run into any American anglers either . . . hm m m m m . . . what does this all mean . . . . I suppose we MIGHT just be figments of our imaginations, eh? Have ya even seen any other carp fishing members of this board up there? Figments too?
  2. I got this 'FACT' from a fishing show, that used several British fishing mags as examples, booking British & Europeans (several interviews with local outfitters, tourisim officials AND the tourists themselves) to come over here on carp fishing excursions, mostly in the Kawarthas, but a lot along the St. Lawrence too. Most were booked FULL 2 years in advance! No musky excursions, no bass excursions, no pickerel or pike excursions, and not even one panfish excursion. As for facts . . very few panfishing excursions book tourist accomodation, for up to a month, and literally LIVE in the area . . . . if we're gonna talk facts, perhaps you might be more careful to get yours straight, BEFORE ridiculing someone elses? Someday when you are near a well-stocked magazine rack, have a boo at the advertising for carp fishing, rated as omong the best in the world and money these foreign anglers spend just to come over here and fish carp, But . . . . they could be dwindling by now, with the skyrocketing costs of fuel and news of the carp dying off. And I have 2 bags of corn (40 kilos each) that I'll be VERY happy to sell @$3.00 for each 10 pound bag . . . which, usually gets me through ONE fishing trip! (10 pounds)
  3. T'anks . . . I'll be keepin' an eye out for them . . fer shure!
  4. [quote name='Highdrifter' date='Jun 27 2008, 03:37 PM' post='220447'] mmhmmm.. quite the news.. Need I remind you that carp are an invase species that were INTRODUCED (that's right) here for the purposes of consumption by eastern europeans.. A massive carp die-off could only be beneficial. YAY!! HD Old Wives Tale #97 . . . . a statement like that deserves no other comment.
  5. Although I don't suspect ANY Government Ministry of introducing a carp killing virus, when I see remarks like this: "As I understand it, they're an invasive species to Simcoe anyhow, and some have said that that areas such as Cooks Bay has much fewer weeds since the introduction of carp, which can't be good for the overall fishery either. Nothing against carp, however if this is the case, then the fewer the better." Unless you were born well before late 1880's (about the time the carp were introduced to Ontario by the Government) you would not likely be familiar with what the 'pre-carp' days were like, ('GOOGLE' 'The History Of Carp In North America' if you want to know how they got here. Or another similar remark: "maybe i'm old school but people always told me to kill carp. i've never caught one though No reasoning, just a belief with no basis handed down from Gawd knows where? With this type of thinking, likely a high school kid with basic biology knowledge could easily place a few infected fish where they thought it might erradicate what they (WRONGLY) believe to be 'PUBLIC ENEMY #1, and do the whole world a favour. ABSURD? No more absurd than the 'kill 'em all' attitude displayed by a very small fishing minority! Carp fishing brings in more tourist dollars in the Kawarthas & area than ALL other types of fishing combined. This may, or may not have been introduced by some narrow-minded individual, or individuals, thinking they were doing nature a big favour. ABSURD or FAR-FETCHED . . . . . I don't think so! And you might have noticed, in the past 4 or 5 years, threads about carp fishing, on this board have gone from myself & a handful of others, to a LARGE percentage of the overall fishing threads . . . maybe as many as 50% or more? What does this tell you?
  6. I'm curious . . . . (no offence intended) but how do you identify an 'ADULT' carp??
  7. Last week I watched a fairly lengthy segment of CTV news concerning the carp die-off in the Kawarthas. There were in-depth interviews with boaters, civic officials AND MNR officials. Although they identified viral hemorrhagic septicemia as a possibility, the fact that it killed ONLY carp, it was thought to be another disease which was common to goldfish, Japanese koi & carp, all members of the same family. (I don't recall the name of it.) Although the Ministry didn't come out & say this was knowingly introduced to Lake Scugog, from where it spread, they DID say it could have easily started because some idiot unknowingly dumped their sick pet goldfish in the lake, where it quickly spread the disease throughout the Kawarthas. NOW, I just read on another board of dozens (if not hundreds) of carp are floating in Lake Simcoe & Cook Bay, in quite a few locations! Perhaps somebody has AGAIN dumped some 'sick goldfish' into Lake Simcoe? I may be paranoid, but it just seems like too much of a coincidence that this would happen again, in another area? Perhaps some carp hater may think they've just found a simple solution to the fish they think should be eradicated completely? Unfortunately there seem to be some reports of pike & catfish dying & floating too? Perhaps WHATEVER was killing the carp may have evolved to hit other fish too? Anybody else on this board have any firsthand knowledge of the new die-off?
  8. For the first time in recent memory, I'm left SPEECHLESS! That is so well thought out and done, it's beyond any words I can come up with to describe how well this portrays our site & members . . . my hat is off to you!
  9. DSN . . . . if ya got a buddy with wheels, there's Ren's Feeds at 4002 Trafalgar in Oakville, Queensville Farm Supply on Queensville Road, just east of Leslie in Queensville, and another out at Blackstock (10 klicks east of Port Perry) at #7 & Countu Road #57. A 40 kilo bag is runnin' about $12.00 this year. If ya got a place to store it, I could letcha know next time I'm past one of those places, I could getcha a bag, then meetcha down where ya fish?
  10. I can see the headlines now . . . . 'DRUNKEN SCHOOL OF 40 POUND CARP ATTACK & SINK CANOE NEAR CENTREVILLE! Mayor Miller calls for calm, and is forming a task force to look into the matter! P. S. Can I get the recipe!
  11. As most of you likely recall, a few weeks ago I bought a metal detector from Canadian Tire, after getting chased from one store to another, because of sloppy stock-keeping. THEN, when I DID get what I just assumed was what was advertised, I found out what I actually had was OLD stock, a discontinued model, which should have been sent back to the manufacturer. I went back, spoke to the Manager of the store where I bought it, and requested what they had listed on their Web site, be given to me in an equal exchange. They didn't have it, so they refunded my money, no hassles at all. Then I started calling stores that listed the product I wanted . . . out of 8 stores, there were at least 20 detectors showed 'in stock,' but NONE were to be found! But . . . to cut to the chase, after sending 3 letters to Customer service, and only getting computer generated generic replies, I FINALLY ordered it off e-Bay . . . $102.00 cheaper, shipping, handling & taxes in! Then I got a very apologetic call from CTC Customer Service, offering to deliver the detector to my home!! I politely declined & told the lady why. Then today, ANOTHER apology, in writing & a $50.00 gift card . . . I was speechless, as I certainly NEVER expected that!! I'll have to say though, in all fairness, ANY time I've EVER had a problem with CTC, it's ALWAYS been straightened out to my satisfaction! BRAVO CTC!!
  12. Splurge & buy a BAG of maize (cattle corn) because with either canned or frozen corn, you're only feeding the little panfish, it's expensive as hell (to put out enough to even get the carp's attention, it would likely cost you upwards of $25.00) and most of it would get gobbled by the panfish. On the other hand, the hard corn ONLY attracts carp, and at about $.15 a pound, it would cost you less than $2.00 to put out 4 or 5 litres of it. Although it's not ABSOLUTELY necessary, I bring mine to a boil for a short time, then let it soak a couple days, adding a bit of boiling water as the corn soaks it up. A can of sweet corn chummed in a river or lake will affect the carp about the same as takin' a 'whizz' in 'em will affect the Lake Ontario water levels!
  13. Nice way to get started . . . . . but just wait till you get a B I I I I G one . . . . that one, compared to a 30+ pounder, is just a baby. Over 20 pounds . . . like hookin' onto a G O train!
  14. For what it's worth . . . (works for me) it may not have been a feeding area, or perhaps they'd never seen corn before? I had a problem trying to catch 'em at the mouth of one of the eastern tribs, 3 times I spent most of the day watching 'em cruise in from the lake, right past the corn I had tossed in . . . not even a slow down and look? I was telling a Brit friend of mine about this, he suggested I SATURATE the area, 3 or 4 times over a period of 10 to 12 days, then try. I went there 4 times, spread over a period of 10 days, flung about 10 - 12 pounds of corn out each visit, with my catapult, equal to a small pailful. THEN I went back with my rod . . . caught 7, missed several!! He explained to me that carp are quite suspicious of anything unnatural that suddenly shows up, thus it may take 'em a while to chow down. Apparently there are areas where they just bask in the sun, which they don't feed . . . the barometer might be high, or a cold front may be on the way, just a few of the reasons they might ignore your bait. If you want to keep the small fish away, use MAIZE, compared to canned or frozen stuff, it's DIRT CHEAP . . . I just picked up a 40 kilo bag, up 50% over last year . . . it's gone from $8.50 to $13.00!! The ONLY thing that will touch that is carp . . . boilies (strawberry & pineapple work best for me) will also discourage the small fry! Most sweet or fruity smelling stuff work well, garlic is another good attractant . . . if ya can hack the smell of garlic flavoured maize in your car! I generally boil mine for about 10 minutes, in strawberry Koolaid & anise, then let it sit for a couple days to soak. You'll need a BAIT NEEDLE to slide it onto your hair rig!
  15. The salmon make it all the way up the Don to Steeles Avenue & Bayview in September, (I've seen 'em, I deliver mail up there) not sure why? I did actually see a post a while back that there had been plans to plant several thousand up near York Mills Road, since (to the best of my knowledge,) these fish ONLY go back to where they were released, my guess would be that the salmon WERE actually released into the Don? IF salmon go up there . . . why wouldn't trout?
  16. Had to check with my chaperone first, eh?
  17. How far are you from (Golden Beach) Rice Lake, time & mileage-wise? As a matter of fact check your P. M.'s
  18. HUH?? Duh h h h h . . . ?? Takin' a (blush . . grin . . ) GURL fishin' those big, mean, viscious monsters? Yer liable to getcher arm bit off, eh? These things, when ya make 'em mad, will sometimes come right up on shore, and attack offending fisherpersons . . . . this is a VERY dangerous sport . . . do you have a good stout billy-club, or better still, a side-arm for protection? You need at least ONE high end rod & reel to donate to the carp Gods, before you even start. Do you still REALLY wanna risk it? P. S. We only use trout or salmon, OVER 10 pounds for bait! Just last week I saw a lady walking a big pit-bull beside some carp infested waters . . there was just a big splash, several yelps, then erie silence . . . . no more pit bull!
  19. WOW!! What didja get 'im on? Shoulda had the wee bugger mounted, for your living room wall. I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU to tie up about a #4 hook, (a good strong one) with a fairly heavy sinker, load it up with any kind of sweet corn, and leave it lay on bottom! Just a bit of advice . . . . DO NOT walk away from your rod! Let us know what happened!
  20. When I read the weather prediction for yesterday 25 klick winds outta the east at Port Credit (right in your face) plus a barometer of over 103, I opted for the 10 klick 'breeze' outta the northwest at Port Hope. I've fished the mouth of the Credit with a strong east wind, have never caught one there yet under those conditions, but it appears you guys had a great time despite the near typhoon conditions! Unfortunately the water in the Ganny was crystal clear & only 50 degrees . . . we saw several carp swimming past, but it was 1:30 before I got a 15 pounder to hit. Damn thing was so lethargic, I coulda landed him with a Dora The Explorer set-up . . . poor thing was likely half froze! I stopped at a friend's place in Newcastle, he's got a few in Graham's Creek by the boat ramp in the past week . . . but they too are still kinda dopey & lethargic . . . only the shallow marshes, bays and rivers well back from the cold lake water are getting warm enough to get 'em at full throttle.
  21. There's a small place on Sheppard Avenue West, on the north side, about a half kilometer EAST of the Allan Expressway that appears to have a lot of odds & ends for fishing carp. I made a brief visit in there looking for some Nash hooks last month . . . . I got a package that LOOKED exactly like Nash . . . the first one I used bent, the next 2 broke . . . . but . . . . . . for $2.00 . . . . what can ya expect? Other than this, Fishing World in Hamilton, and I think a second place in Hamilton is now in business (Alberts?) that I've heard mentioned . . . . . likely some of the Hamilton lads can help you out there. I've also hear that Angling Specialties handles a bit of carp stuff, they're up On Kennedy Road, south of Steeles. (Near Passmore.) And if you buy from the 'net at all, Wackerbaits likely has the best array of stuff for carp you'll find anywhere. Here's another link to lotsa sites you might wish to browse . . . http://www.carpanglersgroup.com/carplinks.html Good Luck . . .
  22. For a cute wee guy he sure has some formidible weaponry on his feet . . . . could ALREADY do serious damage without growin' up!
  23. Yeah h h h h h . . . . . you let him advertise for free, next thing ya know somebody will be tryin' ta flog a new bait for free (under the pretence of givin' it away to a few lucky receipients) . . . . then a new kinda fishfinder . . . . . there'll be no end to freebies. . . . gotta nip 'er inna bud eh? (Nice fish BTW!!)
  24. 'BONER' . . . . . . abbreviation for bonefish maybe . . . . . ? Didn't realize they were that far north?
  25. When I die, I want to go to your neighbourhood . . . . that's close enough to heaven for me!! This article belongs in a NATIONAL fishing magazine . . . . thanks for taking all the time & effort to take me right along with you . . . . I've now gone over it 3 times! I guess the only down side of all this beauty are the bugs that come with it. I hear the only way to tell the difference between a raven and a black fly up there . . . . the raven is the smaller one, and has feathers!
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