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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. Actually I do quite well at Christmas on my walk . . . . . everything from home baking to a few jugs of firewater, (3 Italian households make REALLY good wine!!) I even get a couple big boxes (or pails) of doggie biscuits! (Quite tasty with cream cheeze actually!) But . . . . the general neighbourhood is slowly changing . . . . an awful lot of people rarely clear their ice & snow any more . . . . . last year I had to cut quite a few people's mail off, you NEEDED real ice climbing gear to get to their mailbox . . . . . they just drive out their garage doors . . . th' 'ell with clearing the walk!!
  2. For anybody interested . . . . . if you have a Club Lebaron ($25.00) membership, you get 20% off merchandise today. But . . . . . if you DO NOT have a 'Club Lebaron' discount card, if you buy one, you instantly get your 20% off. Plus, the card is good for 10% discounts all year. I need high end footwear for my job . . . . by buying the Club Lebaron card today for $25.00, I got 20% off $460.00 . . . . . $92.00 . . . . . I'd say I'm ahead of the game! They have a whole truckload of what their counter staff seem to think are NEW regulations books . . . . I grabbed one . . . . . which clearly says on the cover '2005 / 2006 / Valid until December 31, 2007.' Does the REAL new regs clearly say '2008?'
  3. I t'ink I feel a bad case of flu comin' on Monday . . . . whomever coined that infamous phrase; 'Neither rain, nor sleet, nor hail, nor dark of night . . . . . ," SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT AND SHOT!!
  4. If ya t'ink the drivin's tough . . . . . ya should try draggin' 2 - 15+ pound mail satchels up & down stairs & driveways, of which at least 50% of haven't been cleared of frozen slop, or salted yet, for 4 hours! My favourites are the goofballs that paint their concrete stairs! At least it's warm, and moderately safe in your vehicle!
  5. There's a guy on Jane just south of #401, right hand side, going south . . . . Simcoe Bait & Tackle in Barrie . . . opens at 07:00 I believe?
  6. Great report . . . . better average size fish than I expected! I'm amazed they were biting at all, the unsettled weather usually shuts 'em right down! Ya gotta watch those mink . . . . if you are there in the winter, and just put your 'keepers' on the ice, they'll sneak out from under the docks, like shot and cart 'em away! There was even a pair of otters hangin' around for a while a few winters ago . . . . they caught their own though! If it ever warms up a bit, I'm gonna take a buzz up before Christmas for a shot at it . . . . . with all the cold weather predictions . . . . might be choppin' a hole in the ice by then?
  7. Oh, he was a happy camper . . . . this was a TOTALLY new experience to him . . . . he just LOVES everything about Canada, hates to leave, lives to come back!
  8. Geeze . . . tried again . . . different fish . . . same score!
  9. December 16, 2003, on 4" to 6" of ice, a kilometre out from the end of Airport Road on Cooch! That particular morning it was -16, and my carp-fishin' Brit pal was with me, on the ice for the first time in his life. The ice was REAL noisy, he was walkin' like he was on eggs, literally 'tippy-toeing' his way . . . . . all of a sudden a loud CR R R R R A C K!!! A crack ran across right in front of us . . . . I turned around (he was right behind me) and there he was, froze, dead in his tracks, holding his breath, scared to move . . . . I swear he didn't even blink for a full minute! I convinced him it was safer to hear the ice 'talking' (as my ol' Grandad called it) rather than silent. Once he got the hang of walking on glare ice, he had a ball, enjoyed this outing even more than carping!
  10. At least I got the carp right!
  11. I wonder how many time I gotta try it till I get 100%? This is the type of test (and more) that you should have to write to get a fishing license!
  12. Roy . . .. doesn't 'If at first ya don't succeed, try . . . try again?' apply to mail delivery?
  13. I'm TRULY embarrassed . . . . . 13 outta 20 . . . . . I'm now sitting in the corner with a big 'DUNCE' hat on!
  14. I'm not sure of the size . . . . but I had it made by Omar the Tent-Maker! I had considered selling it . . . . . but then I'd likely get healthy again, and need it!! You see, SOMETIMES I gotta get 'er stripped off . . . . QUICKLY!! If ya ain't quick enough . . . ah h h h . . . . never mind!
  15. Sounds like a real soft touch . . . . do they hire postal workers? I'm looking to make a jump to get above the poverty level, eh? But . . . . I don't think the guy who hired you coulda done any better for an employee. I'm just not sure if I'd buy a used car offa ya though?
  16. First . . . . . I hope it's deemed okay to copy a post with some very interesting fish species identification that Will placed on another fishing board? It IS from the Department of Fisheries & Oceans . . . . a quick quizz to test your knowledge in identifying Ontario baitfish & gamefish. If this is a no-no, then, hopefully a mod will be right on the ball, and ZZZZZZZZZZAP it? Here's the site . . . . http://fishiqtest.com P. S. Did Will ever get back to us on POSITIVELY identifying Rich's Atlantic trout / brown salmon . . . . or whatever, from a while back. I think the majority vote on it was a brown though?
  17. I bought a Mustang Atlantic Class floater suit at Lebaron's 'no tax' sale 4 years ago next month. I've worn it about 10 times . . . . WAY Y Y Y Y too warm, when ya have to walk a few klicks to your fave whitie / laker territory. Meant for sitting around in sub zero temps in the howling wind I'd say, definately NOT for walking long distances in though! But . . . . . during some inquiries I've read in the past on this board, I THINK I've heard guys with experience using these things suggesting this floatation material ceases to float after a period of time? Is this accurate? If so, how can you tell, short of jumping in the lake (I KNOW some might suggest I do this) if your suit still floats? If it MIGHT not, what then . . . . get the 'floatation' material replaced? Toss it? Sell it at a bargain price to somebody you don't like? (Just kidding!)
  18. Actually, when you're fishing along the shore, about 100 yards south of the fountain, you can see where the water gets deeper . . . . . you go from 3' of water, to about 20' in a real hurry before it seems to flatten out. I've tested all along there with a float and heavy sinker . . . . found that about 14' seemed to get the best results. And you sure are right about those floating docks, I've seen 2 people unintentionally test floater suits at the marina!
  19. A couple friends of mine were up last weekend, very crowded . . . . and it appears that 'JUMBO' rated perch have dropped in size . . . . . anything over 7" is now a 'JUMBO!' They didn't catch a lot, and since they generally only keep 10" & up, the never got a 'keeper' between 'em! They were just south of the fountain, casting slip floats, with about 14' under 'em, yellow/green tubes and 1/32 ounce jig head, about 75+' out, just past the drop-off.
  20. I didn't comment on CRAPLOADINGZONE'S thread yet, because I highly doubt he would have enough brainpower to comprehend anything intelligent . . . . . likely had his brain scrambled by his parents forcing him to continuously breathe in second-hand smoke while going for car rides when he was a kid? He obviously would not be capable of outsmarting or landing a carp . . . likely thinks a BIG fish is anything over 3 pounds! Nice rule change for the board though, you make a couple dozen nothing posts, then try to stir things up, now we all can start threads designed to do nothing but cause controversy, and directly insult a large number of members? If I started a thread suggesting the same things about muskies, how long would it stay up?
  21. DRINKING BEER & SMOKING WHILE DRIVING, WITH KIDS IN THE CAR? Nawwwwwww . . . . you can't be THAT stoooooooooopid . ... just a sick sense of humour . ... I'd hope?
  22. If a person choses to have a few drinks, or indulge in whatever other undesirable habit (to others) they might have, they are not forcing others, ESPECIALLY children to take up this habit with them. If I was a drinker, I could sit right beside a smoker, drink my beer, and not infringe on his / her right NOT to drink along with me, but if he / she decides to indulge in a cigarette, I have no choice, I have to smoke too? So, if the aforementioned person choses to light up a cigarette, then EVERYBODY around them is also forced to smoke! If you are a smoker, who doesn't care about your kids wellbeing, by smoking around them, how would you feel if someone lit up, handed your child the cigarette, and invited them to smoke it? What's the difference? Only the most unfeeling, uncaring, poor excuses of human beings would smoke in a car or other enclosed space, where even small babies must inhale their second-hand smoke, and just say . . . "Oh, just roll down / open the windows!" (Does tobacco smoke kill brain cells, like alcohol does? As for cutting off, or increasing smoker's health-care premiums . . . . . not really fair, as many people would be unfairly punished, who, as kids, had this habit given to them by their peers. If you want to get the REAL culprets . . . . . force the REAL perpetrators, the big tobacco conglomerates to pay the medical costs for ALL cigarette related illnesses! It's just amazing how many of us were forced to smoke in cars when we were kids . . . . . and then when we became REAL MEN, and could smoke too, continued to force our habit on others. Those were the days when we didn't know what tobacco smoke would do to us, nor did we ever clue in on the effects of second-hand smoke. I see a couple posts concerning someone who knew non-smokers, who NEVER SMOKED a day in their lives dying of lung cancer, emphysema or heart disease . . . . makes me wonder if these poor unfortunate souls were being constantly bombarded with people smoking around them? I quit a 2 pack a day habit in 1973 . . . . and over the years developed an allergy to tobacco smoke . . . . . only in the last few years has almost every place I wish to go, I can, without choking on others smoke. I NEVER venture anyplace close to smoking areas . . . . even outdoors, you can spot one of these areas without any signage by the stench, AND countless cigarette butts laying everywhere!
  23. Who put the 'BOP' . . . . . . . . ??
  24. What would REALLY make your day perfect . . . . a lottery ticket with the right 6 numbers to help celebrate! (git one yet?) All the best!!
  25. You have a combination beer drinking / smoking area at work?
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