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Everything posted by mattp33

  1. never heard of them?
  2. sounds like a great setup. I LOVE the stradics! You should check out the st croix bass mojo rods. They are great with 5 yr warranty on them!
  3. WOW What a HOG of a football! WOW
  4. Make em fat and then catch em!
  5. what a PIG! Great fish. LOVE the senko. I bet it was wacky rigged?
  6. I was told that a dog fish is also known as a Bowfin, often mistaken for snakehead. I can tell you they put up a wicked fight! I took my rod into a local shop today and they said its no problem to get a new 1 for me. Just takes 2-3 weeks. The boat traffic is crazy, always something coming out of the servern of going in. The mouth is the best place and where we got most of out walters.
  7. Ok maybe it wasn't a 20lbs dog fish but it was HUGE! I didn't want to touch it to get a weight let alone a pic. They have an impressive set of teeth!
  8. yeah its a heart breaker. I am going to warranty it as it has a life time but the down time on the rod will be a few weeks at best. I have a fleet of them and this have never happened to any of them. I just picked this 1 up last week and its my first time with line on it. MUST be a defect! (I hope) I shed a few tears for the rod back at the cottage.
  9. Well finally got out to do some serious fishing from friday until tuesday. We headed up to sparrow lake to a friends cottage. We left at 11 on friday and made a few stops on the way up. Traffic was horrible going through barrie. They were calling for t-storms sunday but they seemed to pass us by to the south. we had pretty good weather. I wasn't sure about how the fishing was going to be, I hate fishing post cold front conditions. We were hunting for some bass for fun and walleye for food. The bass were tough to come by but the walleye were always biting. Not a night went by without having some walleye action and dinner. I finnaly hooked up to a nice bass on tuesday. I think they started to come off the structure they have been clinging to all weekend. My girl friend even got into the walleye fishing and schooled me a couple of night. This bass a got in about 4 FOW, he was sitting in the middle of a small isolated pocket of lilly pads. I pitched a senko into the middle and got a little tug, when i set tho there was nothing there. I threw right back in and let it settle, gave it a twitch then WHAM! it was on! He wrapped himself up in a few lilly pad stalks, as i was fighting with him I had this really strange SNAP! Then I noticed that the tip of my st croix legend tournement had broke? what the hell? I finally got him in. He had a fin sticking out of his gullet so I gave it a slight pull. Long and behold he had a 6 inch sunfish digesting in his stomach. The thing was so big that the body was in his stomach and the tail fin was sticking out into his mouth. What was he thinking? Thanks for reading my first report! Hope it was ok Sparrow is on fire this year! Oh ya almost forgot. I had heard about dog fish but never caught 1 until this weekend. We were trolling worm harnesses for walleye and I hooked into at least a 20lbs dog fish. What an ugly fish, but what a fight! I thought I had the mother of all walleye. He had a minnow rig still in his mouth. I did him a favor and pulled that out as well.
  10. I always use the goverment dock to launch. It seems to be the best launch. Good to hear that you guys found the big eyes!
  11. I LOVE fishing that lake! I used to have a cottage on it. Its to bad that I live so far away now. Good luck guys!
  12. Cool vids. Looks like a good time! Congrats on the win too!
  13. I used them when i was a kid, easy to learn to use and was a great intro for using other baits like it. I fould that because the hook is at the far front it is hard to hook up sometime. Pike just inhale the things tho! If you have never used them, then the only way to know is to TRY THEM! I remember when i was a kid and saw the infomercial for them and I went RUNNING to my mom and begged for days for her credit card number. After 3 days of constant nagging I finally ordered my first infomercial product! When i saw them at basspro, all my great memories came flooding back!
  14. Yeah, its clearly using some! I would be intrested is keeping track of it that way. Thanks
  15. There is sea sickness wrist bands you can get. Or there is pill form as well. I also herd of ppl using ginger root in powdered form and mixing it with water. Try to find some other ppl to go with you to help with cost.
  16. That sounds like great advice. Thanks. If I may...here is another question i had. How can i know that it is taking enough oil? Should i be burning a tank of oil to every tank of gas? Sorry guys this is my first 2 stroke marine engine.
  17. I have an older merc 2 stroke (89 merc 90 horse) I am having trouble finding the same oil as the previous owner used. I would also rather run amsoil through it. I have about 1/4 tank of oil. Can i just add the amsoil to it? I would NEVER do this with my cr125, when I had it. That engine was all tuned tho. Will it hurt to mix? If so....what do I do if I cant get the same as whats in it? Thanks guys
  18. i didnt start reading until today as i am new here. I have not left my desk at work for 2 hours. I was riveted. I have smiled, laughed and cried all at the same time I think! You have an amazing daughter and by the sounds of it she will be climbing that fire tower before you know it. She is truley and insperation to all of us. You must be so proud! Thank you for sharing your story with us. And please keep the posts coming My prayers for a full recovery seem almost pointless as im sure it will happen. But never the less you have everyone of them until I see picture from that fire tower! Way to go Jen!!! Stay positive!
  19. The warranty will start the day the dealership reports the car as being sold to dodge or chrysler . By the sounds of it, even tho you didn't pick up your truck till the 14th of july they reported it sold on the 30th and thats why the warrenty started then. Have a look at your final bill of sale, I bet its dated for the 30th because the dealership wanted to make the numbers look good for end of month. Kinda sneaky on their part but happens all the time.
  20. I was there 2 weeks ago, water was super high! Had lots of walleye and a few sm. We got most of the off the points in deep water. We also got a monster pike near the dam. Have fun and good luck!!! Always have OPP on the lake so triple check all your boat saftey stuff!
  21. I did something really stupid just the other day! I got up real early to go out fishing alone for the morning. I start up my truck and back it up to the boat that is in a garage, I start to get close to where i think i need to stop to hook up the trailer to the truck. Well I get out without putting the truck into park. The truck jumps back and hits the trailer driving it back into the wall behind it. It took out the drywall the studs and the brick on the outside wall. The boat actually faired pretty well. I bent the scag and broke the plane fin and bent the prop a bit. it was one of those things where, when you are in a rush and not thinking thats when you make stupid mistakes.
  22. A couple of years ago I was at a buddys cottage, well i got up before him and went down to the dock to take a few casts. He came down shortly after and said lets go! So we un-tie from the dock put the trolling motor in and just start fishing. Well we fished for a few hours and then the fishing got slow so we decided to move to another spot. My buddy jumps behind the wheels and says ahhhh.....where is the key? Well it was back at the cottage. We turned the boat inside out looking for something to start it with. We had a swiss army knife and our tackle boxes. So he started opening the different tools in the swiss army knife, screwdriver...no luck....can opener?..... well it turned and the engine roared to life.. So to maybe help you out, grab a swiss army knife and give the can opener a try. I agree resale is going to be tough but in a pinch, it will work!
  23. 5 mins from my house in the heart of a small town just north of Brampton
  24. For big-eye, follow the hords of boats! They will be trolling just before the narrows on the big side. I have had very good luck just through the narrows on the small side. Pike, bass and even the odd muskie are pulled from the point on the north side just through the narrows. It is a tough lake to fish but their are a good amount of fish in that lake. Stay around the narrows and you will have a great outing! Good luck P.S. send me a PM before you go as i might just be up at the cottage and would be happy to point you in the right direction.
  25. Looks like you had a great time in a somewhat urban place! Its nice that we can find places like that so close to home. We are truley blessed to live in such a great country!
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