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Everything posted by mattp33

  1. Or TSC store?
  2. Try Can-Tire? or Partsource?
  3. How do thise small batts like to be drained and charged all the time tho? Your going to kill 1 a year at least no? I run RC planes that need a batt and starting unit and those small sealed 12v batts only last about a season because they are always draining and being recharged. Marine batteries are made to be cycled and may last a few seasons
  4. Thats great. Good work guys!
  5. I am also looking to upgrade my finders, Lawrance has some really nice stuff on the market. For an extra couple hundred tho, I would go with and HDS 5 due to the abillity to upgrade and network. I think the HDS series will be around a long time. I can't see them packing any more tech into a fishfinder. I plan to get the HDS 5, then network it with a HDS 7 as a main unit. IMO that is. Happy hunting!
  6. Thanks guys, glad to be here!
  7. Hi guys! I have been a member for a few months just never made a post! I would like to intro myself now. I have been fishing for many years and I am now a proud boat owner! Just picked up an ol' bass boat and done some upgrades on the old girl, shes looking like she wants to chase some pike next weekend! My home lake is a small lake in orangeville that hides some pretty impresive bass. However on another forum I am on, I just read a thread about a guy who claims to have caught 10 bass last week and has picture to show of it. Thats kinda hurts a bit! I do wish that someone had of caught him befor he pulled that many fish off the nest. It is a very small fishery and I hope he did not cause to much damage. Anyways, thanks guys. Lokking forward to a great year of fishing
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