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Everything posted by cjgraham

  1. just snag one and get your eggs if you can't do it any other way. your going to make a .0000000000001% impact in a fishery that is not even managed for. .... bigger fish to fry.
  2. Current computer models from us army corps of engineers predict lake levels to rise 16 inches by July in Huron. July is usually peak height for Huron.. That is 2 inches lower then last July this takes into account normal spring precipitation rates. If we get more precipitation this spring they will go up likewise with less precipitation models will predict lower levels. Lets cross our fingers for more of the wet stuff! It will take at least a few more years of solid snow and spring rains combined with normal summers to get the lake levels of Huron back to average
  3. was there a few weeks ago 3 inches from burying my auger....lots of ice
  4. Looks like you were in Gamma da Gamma. Tough lake to fish but there are some absolute monsters in there! Nice report!
  5. Wait till it hits your drinking water. Type 2 tailing ponds are not fool proof
  6. Cisco die-offs are usually linked to low dissolved oxygen levels near the bottom. The fish can't breathe on the bottom and they also can't handle the warm surface temperatures. I am assuming parts of the lake (maybe that bay has formed a dead zone). very common in late summer months. Could be the mines but I'm guessing low d/o
  7. I used to do this with my chemistry students. Only works with distilled water. extremely cool
  8. Absolutely brutal. I'm not sure I can stay a Leafs fan for much longer
  9. REIMER IS BACK!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thinking it could have been a Jewish lightning strike
  11. I find I watch the Leafs now and every time I am preparing for the worst. Good win tonight but they still have a long way to go
  12. Jan 11th was my last day in the rapids as well. I think I may have seen you. Love the late season in there all hogs in beautiful winter colours! Awesome report!
  13. Check out last months issue of Ontario out of doors. There is a big spread on revamping the old tinny
  14. Seems like simple inflation to me. The cost to stock, manage, and enforce our natural resources goes up in an inflating economy. Remember when gas used to be 90 cents a liter? Same thing. Also there are probably less and less people buying fishing licenses. kids don't give a flip about fishing. But lets not fool ourselves this price increase will not add more stocking programs and enforcement but merely keep that ones we have afloat. If that. And yes our stocking programs are pathetic. But lets not bash the local MNR I have worked with them they are good people. It's Peterborough and Ottawa all accountants and businessmen. OMNR can only do as much as they have the funds and staff for. But honestly splake? Splake was Canada's answer to the exploding alewife population in the Great Lakes. Thank god the USA's answer was salmon. How did they end up being stocked in our inland lakes? beyond me. I mean come on they don't even naturally reproduce!
  15. I'll trade a Leafs win for a Canada win

  16. oh good grief some of these threads on here are ridiculous. Some of you have a serious case of cabin fever.
  17. My buddy and I took advantage of this warm weather and hit the river for some December HOGS! The action was hot and here are a few pics of the beasts!
  18. Very nice fish indeed. Best time to go north is now! Question for you. Ever fish the rapids in the winter? Dec/Jan?
  19. Thats a great idea. thanks for that Dr. Sal how long does that last in the fridge?
  20. Well I'm about to throw my roe in the freezer for the winter. This is essentially the first year I have done this. Anyone have any special ways of preserving their eggs? tin foil over zip lock? shake and cure over borax?
  21. wow thats steep just got mine patched the other day for 20 bucks
  22. "LEAFS' CONNOLLY OUT 10-14 DAYS WITH UPPER BODY INJURY" as reported on TSN . I am beginning to think this guy gets hurt on purpose. Time to ship him to the Habs and give Colbourne a chance.
  23. thanks for the info guys. yeah this was the first time I bought a rod over the net. never again. I've never heard of pure fishing will they take rods that were bought in the US? would save me money. Thanks
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