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Everything posted by cjgraham

  1. Well not too long ago there was a post on here about St Croix vs Fenwick rods. I have a Fenwick HMX, and put my two cents into the thread about how I love Fenwick. Well I feel like I'm inserting my foot into my mouth because my 10'6" Fenwick HMX snapped for no apparent reason tonight. It happened when I was putting my rod together. Not even tension on the rod. I'm assuming there was a hairline crack in there somewhere. Anyways this rod was purchased not even a month ago. I bought it online as Fish USA still have the receipt. My question is.... Is anyone out there familiar with Fenwick warranty? What hoops I have to jump though?Any info would help as I am still reeling from a broken rod ...... never fun. Any soothing words will help Thanx
  2. Def Damsel Fly Larva three tails is a dead give away. Harmless...free fish food! Here is a pic I pulled off the net.
  3. Actually Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans have taken the lead on this one. Thats not to say the province is not involved they very much are but when it comes down the the final panel its the feds. I agree with you though that the big ace in the hole will be the native groups who will take a stand here as well. But as stated money talks even with them. I have seen it in many of my files I review. When push comes to shove though this will go through. All DFO can do is make sure it goes through with the least impact to fish and fish habiat possible. Their job is not to stop it, but mitigate it.
  4. Money talks with a conservative government
  5. They'll both be minus 25 by Christmas.
  6. Nice Moose Congrats!!!!
  7. I'll take a few pics of your deer please. Not one deer on the camera yet. Think it may be time to move the stand
  8. hahah the reason I didn't add bobcat or lynx to my post is because Im really not sure. Its too dark to really see if the hair on the ears extend up at any length and the angle at which hes walking makes it hard to really distinguish the longer hair a lynx has around the face. Size wise there isn't much to gauge its height too. If I had a gun to my head I'd cross my fingers and call it a bobcat . But hey same genus and very little difference in species.
  9. This pic popped up on my trail cam....thought it was pretty cool
  10. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18.....will keep you in my prayers
  11. Try a local scuba diving store thats where I get mine
  12. ........................... ................................ Connolly .............................Buffalo............................Burke
  13. Scam all the way....I think those sites specifically warn you not to do any online transactions only in person. I know Craigslist has a big disclaimer.
  14. Ahhhhh Glen you need to just bite the bullet and start floating. your brother did and he'll never go back.
  15. I'm a Fenwick guy all the way. I own an HMX and absolutly love it. I've heard a few stories about St Croix's snapping. Could just be that they are more popular though. They seem to be all the rage right now kinda like shimano was back in the day.
  16. Great first game. A little shaky in the first period, but I liked how Remier really settled in. I'm hoping Deon can play like that every game too. and Steckel!!! what an addition!!!
  17. Yeah Superior is up almost to is average. Nice wet summer here in northern ontario. But all the rivers in this watershed flow into Superior. I am thinking more of Huron relies on southern ontario flow. Thats my assumption. Sucks though because I have to get my boat out somehow this weekend
  18. I have a cottage on Huron just past the Sault. I would say the water has gone down a good ten inches since August. Anyone else have a boat in the mud like me?
  19. www.Craigslist.com I got my boat off there. Its like the kijiji of the states. Its huge and good deals. I picked up a 16 ft lund decked to the max for 6 grand. you have to watch out for scams make sure you see the boat in person none of this I will ship to you junk. Also you will get tagged with a bunch of import fees and also inspection fees Canada customs makes you do.
  20. where are you going steelhead fishing? Most bait stores will carry tied roe. Usually a doz for 4 bucks. I would say buy a jar of the balls o fire stuff and when you get close to your steelhead spot stop and see if they are selling spawn at the bait shop.
  21. Yeah I guess they should be considered "introduced species" they are not rapidly taking over and altering our whole eco system. Plus I don't think all invasive species are a bad thing. introduced or invasive I sure am glad that there are rainbows and SMB's around here.
  22. yeah isn't that crazy. The MNR does not even manage for SMB. They were brought up here by guys working for CN rail. They would dump them in lakes along the rail line as an easy fish to catch. Also the rainbow trout are an introduced species in Ontario as well. Only natural trout species up here is the char familiy(brookies and lakers)
  23. http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/fish_online/fishing/fishingExplorer_en.html Has anyone used this yet in planning their next fishing trip? looks like a great tool for the adventurous at heart!
  24. I've heard of a few centre pin eletists before
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