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T Fisher

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Everything posted by T Fisher

  1. I own a Honda 1996 300 4x4 set the choke full hit the start button and wamo I don't care how cold it is that bike will start. My Yamaha 350 big bear 4x4 is the same, pull out the choke hit the button and is running. Synthetic oil is key keep the carb clean. Use shell super only it has no additives.
  2. WOW...... WTG biggest Brookies i've seen.
  3. Count me in, The end of Febuary sounds good it would make traveling on the ice great not to mention parking.
  5. Hockey related what's it worth. A 1967 stanley cup champions Toronto Maple Leafs hockey stick signed by every player, coach and all other staff that were on the 1967 leafs. WHAT'S IT WORTH ???????
  6. Buy a Honda or a Yamaha nothing but...... DON'T BE FOOLED BY IMITATIONS.
  7. beautiful!!!!!!! congrat's, i'm envious.
  8. Scugog will be a solid 10 inches of ice if this temp keeps up. I only remember 2 years that we used a boat on Jan 1 in 30 years.
  9. Hey I had the same trouble with my Mercury hear's what I found. After visitng the dealer and buying a new impeller I pulled the bottom end (not difficult) I found that the cover that holds the impeller in place was loose tighten down 4 screws that's it. The water was leaking out the sides and not making it up the water intake tube. Cost 0 (still have the new impeller) Time 1 hour
  10. Walk slowly and carry a chipper. My chipper takes out a inch of ice with every hit. If you hit the same hole 4 times and you don't see water your good to go. Have fun.
  11. I saw what looked like a huge cat with a long tail in my head lights. We were coming home from a moose hunt in October 2007. We were about 200k south of Cocrane Ont. It was that time of day when all the animals big and small are moving, the break of dawn around 6:00am. I was driving with my co pilot sitting in the passanger seat we both turned to each other yelling Cougar ?. It crossed in front of my truck aprox 30 meters. What a site.
  12. Home team boooooooo's gota love um..................... Go leafs Go
  13. A 1975 yik's thats 35 years old better start that sucker up with muff's on. Run until warm run it in gear, frwd and rev. If it runs but runs rough run for the hills.
  14. That's a great picture it brings back many memories of my little Girl and Son that are now 22 & 20 priceless.
  15. As a union employee of 32 years I have to have my 2 cents of this debate. Walmart in my opinion is the evil empire. Do they have better prices? I would say yes. Do they treat there employees fairly? I'd say not, ask a employee that spent 22 years in a upper management position that had to make many people cry while walking out the door nuff said. A union shop intitles a employee to work safely for a fair wage, be free from harassment by the company and it's managers. Now whats wrong with that? If it were not for the inception of unions we all would be working for penny's not dollars. Frankly Canada is not a Somalia, Africa, or Russia unions keep it that way. CEP LOCAL 27
  16. It's my Wife's car. The check engine light came on at the same time as it started to feel as if it starts in 2nd gear but not all the time. I scanned the code it's P0500 #1 speed sensor. The speed sensor cost $200 from Toyota but B-4 fork out the money I thought I'd see if anyone on the OFC was a toyota Technican the new word for Mechanic. This all happened after the dreded emission test. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  17. Wow.....................pic's are amazing great job sure looks like alot of fun.
  18. First check your plugs check all hose connections for leakage always use Merc oil and only shell super gas. Guaranteed no additives. If that fails a compression test is needed clean your carbs
  19. I almost attended, had my residents pick out paid my tuition then met the Girl of my life, that was in grade 13. Needless to say I followed her to the U OF T and recieved a degree in I think Basket Weaving or was it Enginerring. Wow love dose hit you like a ton of bricks needless to say never did attend SSFC. PS. We are still in love, best friends, and married for 30 years now......she understands A MAN MUST FISH AND HUNT WINTER AND SUMMER.
  20. Never did attend SSFC but almost. I enrolled in their Fish and Wildlife program in hopes of being a Conservation Officer/CO I had my residents pick out, paid my tuition then met the Girl of my life in grade 13, now my wife of 30 years.....Gee love does hit ya like a ton of bricks needless to say I ended up following her to U OF T, a BA in I think basket weaving or was it Engineering. P.S We are still Married, best friends, still in love..... she understands Man has to Fish and Hunt.
  22. Those rabbits your seeing are not Jackrabbits rather snowshoe hairs. If it turns white come fall its a snowshoe.
  23. Jacks Rabbits used to be pentyful in the 60's & 70's it was great fun walking the fence rows with Dad and Rex our Beagle. Dad's still hunting @ 75 and can't walk like he use to walking all day is out of the question. Now you could walk for days and you'd be lucky to see one. Anyone know what happened?
  24. What happen to the mighty Jack Rabbit ? I use to chase them in the Lindsay, Beaverton, Woodville areas years ago more for a good walk with my 22. These days I have to venture west Stratford to Chatam to find any. There were days of old where you could walk fields and spook double digits. ANY ONE KNOW WHAT HAPPEN.
  25. I' m heading out in the AM in search of Walleye anyone out there that can give me a heads up. ARE THE FISH DEEP OR ON THE WEEDS?
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