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T Fisher

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Everything posted by T Fisher

  1. I use MAUI JIM TYPHOON, wow there great I swear by them never leave home without them. As for service my first pair 3 years of wear and the lens looked like one of the layers was seperating. MAUI JIM replaced both lenses but charged me for a new frame $90.
  2. Your lucky its a LUND, a quality product, none better in my opinion it sure is worth the extra money.
  3. Try the Red Dog In . Just north in Red Lake aprox 35m
  4. Try this.... SOYA SAUCE 3ts HONEY 5ts MUSTARD 2ts mix all and bast as needed Yes simple, but good. THE JACK, DRINK ACCORDINGLY.
  5. Hey Tony I have a 3 car garage tandum 1 side 40 ft long the other side is 20, I can back my 17ft Lund and Silverado truck in and lock the door. Lot's for sale in Markham.
  6. I took my new toy out today and put it to the test Wow Lowrance has made a good all round fish finder/flasher that is portable and fits neatly in a bucket. The detail was fantastic I could see my MEEGS lure at 80ft on half sensitvitey in both flasher and the regular screen. A great unit for sure. I did have one complant, the swing arm that holds the transduser is Mickey Mouse LOWRANCE YOU NEED TO HAVE A FOAM AND STOPPER FOR THE TRANSDUSER TAKE A LOOK AT THE VEXLAR.
  7. Sorry not near the 8 line but I was at Kemp Bay today and ice was 5 to 7 inches coverd with fresh snow. Add to that 2 inches of slush made my 1k walk feel more like 10k, I'm hurting now ADVIL here I come.
  8. Gonna put her to the test tomorrow, I will report then. TF
  9. Can any one tell me if I bought the right unit, I was thinking a VEXLAR fl18 but was told that the ice machine was a better unit. Your imput or thoughts please.
  10. BBP.... Can be tricky this year with the ice conditions, major currants on alot of the bay heads up, the last report of ice conditions was 3 to 4 inches at BP. I"m heading to BBP on Thursday. I will report Thursday night.
  11. WTG OFC that's great, I will past the word around to other Simcoe members. TF
  12. Nice picks ...........but!!!!! that don't look like a good three inches, and if your gonna venture out on that ice Please learn one thing If you don't see anybody else around you must be doing something out of the ordinary, think safety first invest in floater suits, rope, ice picks, etc. As a seasoned angler I dont venture out until theres a good 5 inches of black ice. Play safe.
  13. Any one live up that way and can report on ice conditions?
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