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Everything posted by mdej

  1. So I'm tired on rods that don't have hook keepers. I've tired the wire ties (zip ties), they move and scratch the rod. I want to do it myself, I like my rods, just this little annoyance. SO..... Where in the GTA (prefreably west) do I find rod building supplies. I would need thread, epoxy, hook keepers, & any advice I can get. I think I can do it myself just don't know where to find supplies and ask some questions. Thanks
  2. I have a couple of the GT models I think. The IM6 graphite version at the lower end of Fenwick cost. I find the rods very sensitive however I have broke each rod. One split near the joint where the 2 piece connect and the second the tip broke (with fish on, think the line twisted around it or something?). Anyway Pure Fishing replaced them no questions asked. However I think that they might not be as durable as other rods on the market.
  3. I know that my Lowe Sea Nymph has a lower US rating then Canadian. Canada plate is 50hp, US plate 40hp. At first I thought it was a misprint that the Canada plate should be 30hp (based on my understanding of Canada being lower) but that does not appear to be true in all instances. That being said I think a 50hp on my boat would be too big.
  4. If its muddy try a MEPP's #2 or similar inline spinner with some flash (silver, gold) tipped with the worm. Crappie will take this as well. Drifting a minnow in the muddy water does not attact the fish. The spinner tipped with worm it cause the fish to come looking for it (Flash & vibration) Good luck.
  5. This is too bad. My family leaves near the Trent system and I'm not all that familer with it. The only comfort I had most times when heading out with my dad was the markers. I read in the local cottage community newsletter that they tried this on the Rideau a fews years back. Needless to say many of the cottagers & users of that system have some connection to Ottawa and now many of the markers in the area I cottage have been repainted and the lights are working again Public pressure works.
  6. Fishing is sexy... Cept my boat make me look FAT. Think about it.... Big $$$ boats, cottages trips, fishing trips, nice truck to pull boat, time out in teh sun on the water... Lots of things that girls find sexy.
  7. I have a MinnKota - Older model circa 2000. Only problem I have is that its not strong enough to shred the heavy weeds and such. When I get into weedy areas I have to pull the motor, clean then try and get out of the weeds. But I don't have any of the fancy weedless props or anything either. Not sure if it would help or not. I have seriously considered moving to a bow mounted hand control motor.
  8. I have the Stradic 2500 and the only thing I don't like is the handle. I prefer the thumb type grip or handle over the bar type (power handle). Seems to me that the 2500 having a power handle is a little too much. More comfortable for me all day using the more thumb grip type handle.
  9. I think it depends on the size of the boat you looking at. I think that once you get to the 17 & 18 foot plus mark the side console is not as in the way. On smaller it gets in the way. Now, just to so you know, I have a 14' side console, but thats because I spend time running for ice cream and site seeing, and I have a spouse that likes to drive the boat around and not be covered in spray. I would be very happy if my little boat was a tiller, in fact it would be great.
  10. ROPE - Lots of rope, and cleats on each side of the boat. Bumpers - Don't want to pull up to that old dock and scratch all the paint off. Knot Tieing Book - Don't want that new boat to float away Patience - When you first pull into dock the boat, you will be going to fast, you will hit the dock, you will get used to it, just don't freak out. A checklist for trailering - Including remembering to remove transom straps, check for power before floating off the boat, etc, etc.
  11. I second Foxit PDF its a great tool set. TBayBoy has a good point as well.... same one my office mate responds with when asked about writing a PDF by our clients.
  12. Nothing really going on, pretty boring these days until the water melts. Just work, work work. Stick with me here I was thinking (painful I know). The purpose of the tape is to avoid slippage on the spool (casting or spinning). I was concerned that the electrical tape with the shinny kind of slippery side that the line might still slip. I would think that with packing tape the slipping would be even more, because that stuff has the plastic slippery side. I know PowerPro FAQ lists duck tape (what can't you do with the stuff). And I'm thinking thats because its threded tape on the silver side, and thick enough that the line could "bite" into it and not slip. Then again it could be because everyone has duck tape laying around. I wondering in maybe I should try some thin double sided tape. That for sure would not slip as the line would stuck to it. Let me stew about it some more and I'll let you know what I'm going to try.
  13. Patrick, What type of tape? I usually use electrical tape but I'm ready to respool tonight and was thinking maybe I should try ducktape or something. Tried the mono backer, found it did not work out to well for me. I'm not sure if I had too much or to little, all I know is I prefered just having the tape on the spool then the line.
  14. I think the ProX would have the same heat issues at an all black. I like the Pro Tourny good mix. What do your other teammates wear? Wear something different so you stand out more.
  15. My cottage neighbor has the 2003/04 model. I have fished out of it many times, its a very nice boat and he has had no complaints. He runs a Honda 50hp 4banger and its not a speed boat but cruises the water very well. In that price range you many options, including my fav the Lowe Fishing Machine 165, or the G3 yammy boats. I don't see how you could go wrong with that boat, unless you get the one-foot-itus.
  16. Thanks Roger, I did not know BPS did price match. Unfortunately LeBaron is very close to me compared to BPS. But I did make my annual BPS donation this week already.
  17. Went late Saturday night, got there about 8pm (they were open till 10). Hardly anyone in the store. Picked up a BPS Extreme M 6'6" spinning rod and new Stradic. Was very good about the LITTLE stuff. I a few items on a list and stuck to it. Only splurge was some of the $0.59 Storm plastics (the 2" twisty tails are amazing panfish bait) and pick up one of the 1.99 little O crack baits. All in all a good evening of shopping.
  18. Thanks guys. I have spooled up the Stradic with 14# Fireline Crystal if nothing else to try it out. I have tried PowerPro and like it (and will stick with in on bait casters) and was not to happy with Spiderwire. But unless I try something new I won't know if I like it or not. So as for the 2nd spool I was thinking floro, only think is that I have tired 4# Seaguar floro main line on my ultra light spinning setup and what I found was that is had to much line memory. Not sure if thats the brand or the floro. Did not pick up and MAXX, but I think again to try something new, I will go with 8# MAXX unless I see so good opinions that show me not too.
  19. Its that time of year I need to get my maintenece done and spool up the reels. The only reel outstanding the Stradic 2500. This reel is mounted on a medium 6'6" rod. What I want to know, 2 spools what to spool them up with. The setup is used for bass mainly for working smaller cranks and plastics (including tubes). I will fill one spool with mono and 1 spool with braid. Now the question. I'm thinking 8lb Trilene Maxx mono for the first spool (likly clear, not sure when to use green). For the 2nd I think I will try the new Fireline Crystal but I don't know what size. I was thinking 6lb size (14lb test) or maybe 8lb size (20lb test). Any advice is appreciated.
  20. Not applicable with responses.
  21. This year if I buy what I want I will need to buy one of the 9.99 reels from the bin first to donate. Last year traded in 2 reels, I got nothing left that I would part with. Anyone know if LeBaron will have a tax free weekend with the BPS sale going on?
  22. The one thats FREE and does not have a line up. Seriously, not sure of particular locations but I enjoy ramps that have water deep enough to launch and docks for both loading unloading by yourself and docks to park at while I go park the truck.
  23. mdej

    Old Pm's?

    I'm with ya guys. I too would love access to those old PM's. For lots they are the only phone numbers I have for members to connect and fish.
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