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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I'd throw off the grid main breaker and switch on my back up main and run the essentials on my 6500 watt backup generator. Back up power runs the oil burner for the boiler and the circulating pumps as well as the well pump; one fridge, and select lighting and outlets in the house. Our stove is gas , so I've got all the essentials covered.
  2. Use to plow my drive for a number of years Simon. Always ended up with stones and gravel on the edge of the lawn that had to be rake up in spring. It sucked cleaning it up. Also, plowing gives you snowbanks that take forever to melt in spring and will keep you lane wet and mucky longer. The snowbanks will also make drifting snow more of a problem. Plowing is slightly quicker and definitely warmer, but I've kept my lane, yard and road down and out to my ice shack (approx 26,000 sq/ft in area) cleared with my 30" Ariens Deluxe blower these past 2 years. A heavy snow can take up to 2 hours to clear and a light one in a little over an hour. Definitely prefer using a snowblower over a plow.
  3. Kerosene is available at most hardware stores such as Rona, Home Depot or Canadian Tire. All Kerosene is distilled from crude oil, as are diesel, naptha, gasoline etc. All just removed as different fractions from crude oil during distillation.
  4. My small remote lake boat has a old Evinrude and when I need parts I phone Nestor Falls Marine and order over the phone. The parts arrive in a few days through Canada Post. Never had a problem. May take a day or two longer to reach southern Ont. but the service they provide is top notch. [post=http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nestorfallsmarine.com%2F&ei=XKsSUouODdSgqQGD14HwDA&usg=AFQjCNFPSM7BiJKmXReHIlC3_Hs7bsESxw&sig2=KZgb8f746Nt0MhXsCIyvgg&bvm=bv.50768961,d.aWM][/post]
  5. Here's a suggestion for a new marker buoy Simon.
  6. It's understandable Simon. After all, lac Seul is such a small lake with limited fishing opportunities. Unfortunately, this type of thing happens far to often even on these "large remote lakes". I've had a similar experience to yours, twice so far this year. Makes a guy go .
  7. A little Elvis. Costello that is. http://youtu.be/cHmX1wbdBoA
  8. Looks like a great trip Simon. I love France. Spent quite a bit of time around Reims myself and enjoyed every minute. I hear southern France is even nicer. I really need to go back again.
  9. Just had 1600 paving stones delivered. So I know what I'm doing Sunday too After this, I'm fishing the rest of the summer
  10. The wife and I headed out last Sunday morning to try our luck at catching a few Small Mouth. Spent 4 hours catching and releasing numerous Smallies in the 14 to 16 inch range, plus way too many Northern's, most 30" or better and some nice size eating Walleye and few bigger ones as well. Beautiful calm morning.
  11. Snagged a landing net some one had lost and it had a small Rock Bass in it when I pulled it up.
  12. Diet can go along way into addressing the problem, but keep in mind that early stages of peptic ulcers can also cause the same symptoms. If medication and change in diet doesn't work, further investigation maybe needed, especially if your symptoms were sudden in onset rather than chronic over a long time period.
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