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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Wayne good to see you back .Thanks for those fish pics.We expect alot more MTP
  2. Wow those Bass just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.Excellent report.MTP
  3. Bravo Cliff and Carol another great family report.What a smile your daughter has .Love the progress pics of the tadpoles. And yes have to agree the fishing is getting toughfer because of warm water. MTP
  4. First weekend this year Camping we booked a site at Voyageur Campground just off the Ottawa River. Believe me the Kids were excited.A chance to catch frogs and fish and my son was dirty enough to do a Tide commercial. Our site for the weekend. This is what the woman do when the boys go fishing Play scrabble.(BORING) This little critter saved me from a complete skunking Saturday. Fishing in the slop. On the way back the wind was brutal all alone in the canoe getting back to camp took for ever I really missed the convenience of my tiller boat but at the same time I really enjoyed the total peace and quiet.Just the calm of Nature.Did I say I miss my boat motor lol. My wife and daughter with my daughters friend. My family. Fun with glow sticks and sparklers. A little bass caught by my friend Serge. Serge and I could not bring our boats this weekend because we had our tent trailers. Back up is our Canoes. only a 250 metre portage down to the water. While I paddled serge had the luxury of an old Johnson 1.5hp mounted to his canoe .Got him around quickly . Ya thats why my fishing sucked.No Motor. I did see a huge Muskie jump out of the water 30 ft away . Couldn't catch him though Me trying to locate the fish. My son and daughters caught hundreds of these all weekend. Well we had to pack up and leave a great weekend with family and friends. Man it was the perfect weekend nice weather such a nice place I did not want to leave. Sorry for the lack of fish pics. Mike the Pike
  5. Happy Birthday neighbor.60 ans vous etes rendu tres vieux Just don't shrink anymore PAPA Smurf. Mike
  6. Good to see a report from you Mike .Nice pics of the bass
  7. Hey Crazyhook ya man Pink I have good success with Pink this year.The new Rapala X-Raps and yes pink is on fire the pike are nailing it. Rich I have the pink Slug and go's and a bullet weight makes a difference. MTP
  8. You got that right Mike my beer of choice is Labatt Blue $22.34 a case of 24.I can buy it at the corner store around the corner 200 metres away. The reason beer is so high in Ontario is because you have beer stores with Goverment workers.And thats the way it should stay preserve the Ontario jobs.I will take orders for lakair next year MTP LABATT BLUE.TRADITION
  9. Wow great intro and nice walleye welcome to the board.MTP
  10. Nice lookin fully loaded ride I think you will enjoy the full wrap winshield and roof on those cold and damp days. Now I look forward to the biigger fish pics and reports MTP
  11. Welcome to the family .This is the greatest site you will ever visit lots of helpful folks and crazy Rednecks too . Looking forward to your reports.MTP
  12. Mike with your young little crew you have to do more sucking up in order to go fishing more often .Great stratedgy.It has become much easier for me I just bring my Son and the wife is glad to get rid of us.Looks like a tasty recipe I will have to try that. MTP
  13. Nice Bass Rich have you got a shot of Dad with a fish. MTP
  14. What a beauty trip Doug and nice to share it with your Dad.I love the shot of the 2 old guys talking with hand signals.Too bad about the extra cost.Thanks for the great report and pics that must have taken a long time to upload. MTP
  15. Darren try the Ottawa River.PM fishin Devil he can point you in the right direction in that area .Deep river perhaps. MTP
  16. It happens to all of us Sonny stop crying and get back at it
  17. OK Marc I have a Question WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO POST SOME PICS?????????????????? MTP
  18. If this van is rockin don't bother knockin
  19. Another great report Johnny and I know the exact location where you caught the bass with the cottage and canadian flag in the background. A good location for bass and Pike oh and the last time out I hooked into a seagull. WTG MTP
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