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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Losers have to ruin things for the honest paintball users.Could have cost someone an eye thats what these punks don't realize.probably teenagers under 18 our suystem allows these young twits to get away with it. Our Justice system needs a makeover MTP
  2. Nope haven't touched the 12 foot tinny since I got back my sturdy Lund is much more safer for my Lard ass . Just to make it clear my PFD held my ass afloat not the Ukranian scouts. Ah Glen your always good for a great laugh and a chuckle Now book that flight for November in Quinte and you can put a real big hog picture in your Avatar. Oh and my cousin Percher can lend you a survival suit to keep your southern hide warm. Hope to see ya in the BOQ. Mike
  3. Pete we are staying in the big cabin on the water called Mikey Bigfish .I spoke to Jenifer at Merlands and she said they are starting to get bookings for November so the sooner people book the better.Man its so far away.Yes Cliff it is early for this thread but Merlands books up fast for November so its best to book in advance. See ya all there.MTP
  4. Well its about time you had a report Slacker(is what you called me when I took a couple of weeks) Glen its been about 8 weeks.Oh just lovely skin pics and your tan is fading or your flash is way too strong on your camera.Oh is that Labatt Fat or Molson muscle that stretched your gut in Lakair Thanks for the report nice bass and I like those thingy's on your bunks where can I pick some up. MTP
  5. Peter I just booked our cottage Nov 14,15,16,17 so I will have to listen to you snore. Glen I have a Mustang Jacket you can borrow that is half a survival suit. Can someone call Wayne because I know he want s to go. We are 8 in the cottage so far. Later Mike
  6. You know I will be there Peter and if you snore as loud as last year I will bring a big pillow to smother you And Yes I will wearing the Big Bird Suit. Mike
  7. ya that was a really cool story. MTP
  8. Oh I can relate to that kind of a day kids whining sounds familiar thats why I take 5 trips per year with the boys no wife no kids no problem.
  9. Don you should be able to leave your boat in Picton Harbour 2kms from Merlands. Mike
  10. Ya Don its way too early to be talkin Winterization.Sheesh you are supposed to take me and Percher out in Quinte if it gets too cold in my tiller boat in November By the way where is all the fishin reports from the new boat did you get rid of the tracker? Ok lets get back to summer
  11. Mid November there are no better times
  12. Its about time you gave us a report with pics NICE BASS now stop forgetting the camera and keep the pics coming MTP
  13. Nice Largie Scott and yes Pink is a productive colour this year in my family.My son is out fishing me with a Pink rapala X-rap.Good to see you back out there. MTP
  14. Well the time has finally come Lew we were waiting for you to come home .Had some tears in my eyes just minutes ago.I haven't met you yet but with all thats happened in your life you really deserve this painting and yes the people on this board are the greatest.Can't wait to see the portrait I also did not hesitate when I got the PM.Joey and Tybo thanks for the huge contribution. MTP
  15. I will be going next year Lew.MTP
  16. Sounds like a plan .I mostly catch Walleye in the Rapids but I have caught bass and one Gar Pike,I have seen some Drum sheeps head,Muskie,Pike and Sturgeon all come out of the rapids no salmon though.All you need is a good pair of hip waiders. MTP
  17. I was waiting for your Lakair report Lew looks like you had a great time .I am looking forward to next years gathering though.Is navigation around the rocks that dangerous in Lakair? MTP
  18. Shaun I fish Nuns Island the Lachine Rapids,Boucherville Islands and Iles Bizard from shore I also have the convience of my boat and am really starting to enjoy pike fishing on the Richelieu River. MTP
  19. Nice report but don't forget we like to see pics
  20. We will see Bill I do remember that I took the pot of $$$$$$ for the biggest Walleye last November on the Saturday in Quinte.We will see how he does this year. Man I thought this thread was dead. MTP
  21. Ya nice brown!!!!!!!!!I hope Percher puts me on fish like that when I go to lake O. MTP
  22. Welcome to the board neighbor and I think you look buzzed in all the pics.I have alot of shore fishing spots in Montreal if you ever want to hook up. MTP
  23. Well I am surprised that not one politician has thought of offering more vacation time during an election campaign. Here in Quebec after 5 years service with an employer they must give you 3 weeks vacation. In Ontario this is not mandatory if a companie wants you can remain having 2 weeks vacation for the remainder of your employment at a company. I received my third week vacation after 4 years service and I will not see the 4th week until 11 years service Yup North America has got it wrong we are too busy chasing the all mighty dollar. I think if Canadians had more vacation we would see less people on burnout ,depression or workmans compensation.More quality time with our families maybe a little less stress. Good thread Tony! Maybe some politician will read this and just maybe we will end up with more vacation time. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well we can all dream
  24. What no Tinbanger and brother?Looks like you had a good time catching tasty specs. MTP
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