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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. I was waiting for this report Mike always a great read and thanks for taking all that time to put it together. Was that an old Honda 4 stroke on the back of the drift boat? Had one like it awhile back 7.5HP it was 26 yrs old when I sold it and always ran problem free.
  2. The Lund Dealer is not obligated to drop the Lund Line just because of motors. My Lund Dealer has been selling Honda since 1979.Today he sells Honda,Yamaha,Suzuki and now he can sell Mercury he is not forced to sell Mercury but the price is attractive with the Mercury, bottom line you will pay more for your package at my dealer if you choose to take the Japanese motor. I would assume this dealer dropped Lund for other reasons. MTP
  3. Great pics Brian I see were not the only ones with some snow remaining. MTP
  4. Nice to see you gave him a home just can't understand why the previous owner would neglect such a fine young animal. Problem today is many pet owners are committed to adopting a pet for life and that is the only way it should be if one can't do this then they should not have a pet in the first place. MTP
  5. Hey Clive good to see you are back . You are due to send us a Carp report with pics. Was thinking of you the other day as I watched a Carp fishing tournament on WFN from the UK winner took 25 000 pounds. What impressed me was all those rod extentions to reach the fish. Hope to see some fish pics soon if not send us some Golf pics MTP
  6. Wow Lew what a great story I guess you don't have slimy hands. Can you do that in Quinte too with the eyes. When in need a man does not let that tail get away Thanks for that Lew between those negative steelie reports and the motor bashing nice to see some real fish pics. Ah April 26th can't come soon enough. MTP
  7. No Bernie Lew finds use for it after 3am I want one too Lew.
  8. I found when I bought my first fiberglass boat in 2001 I bought an eagle fish finder after drilling holes installing the unit I was forced to go out and buy some more wire because Eagle did not provide enough to connect me to the transducer at the back of the boat Someone at Eagle figured everyone had a 10 ft boat. Pay a few hundred $$$$ and get short changed. Its gone now sold it with the fiberglass boat .Good luck with the install. MTP
  9. Dog have you been talking with Percher again he has these silly thoughts too. BTW silver attracts fish.
  10. Where you work you don't need a fish finder the fish seem to find you. How much you want to spend. You can get a Cuda(Eagle) 168 or 128 at Wallmart for as low as $110. MTP
  11. Life is so unfair.I hope things will turn around. MTP
  12. Ya go for the max HP . in my case my boat is rated for a 60 but the 50 does a fine job. Here is an example Percher has a Lund Classic 1660 with a 50 Merc top speed 35mph. My friend Kenny has a Lund 1660 Classic with a 60 Merc top speed is 38mph. I don't think 25 to 30 hp will make a huge impact but I would go for the 30. What I find odd is Legend pushes the sales of their boats way under powered. I have seen them 16 footers full load and full wrap winshield powered by a 25hp give me a break I know someone who can't get on plane with 3 adults in the boat. Good luck with your purchase. MTP
  13. Thanks Sinker I just could not say this to my Southern friend. Of course Dog forgot to tell ya he has been running pure hootch moonshine for extra performance Now look closely the man has not one but 2 Tiller handles behind him.
  14. Thats Ok Wayne I can't hear it either. Come to think of it last November there was so much talking goin on about that big smelly sheeps head that was caught by Terry in your boat that I could not hear your motor either I would buy any brand 4 stroke made today have heard very few issues with motors that are properly maintained. Now the can of worms is getting empty . Tiller
  15. WTG Terry nice to see more open water reports nice little fishies. Hope they catch the dude who stole your Quad.
  16. So Bob what does an 1885 Tracker look like is it steam powered or did it come with a Ford model T inboard I stroke is it wood or the Hucleberryfin model lol
  17. Its lookin good Bud now would you mind cleaning the boat next time you send us pics
  18. Very nice Brown indeed .I think you need a bigger net the way you catch fish
  19. Too bad the 90 ponies and under are made in China. Wonder if the price of gas is contributing to the decline. Man it sucks to see North American workers lose their jobs to China No lay offs in China EH
  20. welcome to the family keep the pics coming
  21. Well I have this weakeness for those snieders kids luncheon thingy's. Crackers with sliced turkey and white cheddar my son gets the kit kat. Buddy Kenny makes this out of a world sandwich. Pringles,Miss vickies,Beef Jerky and an ice cold pepsi. MTP
  22. Great report Mike. Sorry to hear about the lost wallet and I would hate to miss your state side steelie report.Hopefully all returns quickly
  23. Manns Stretch 20 watermelon purple with chartreuse spots.11.lbs. Tazmanian Devil Blue and Pink.From cdn tire.7lbs. Ah they will hit almost everything.Always a great fight
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