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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. But Rizzo who was it let us know let the cat out of the bag will ya.,
  2. A snow Prince is Blue but they don't call you Smurf. I tell ya I am going to be stuck with Big Bird until I change survival suits. At least we get to see the odd Tutu report TJ
  3. Well thanks Brian and Wayne believe or not I actually owned a 1971 Bombardier Ski-doo when I was 14 and yes it was bright yellow. I was also dating a nice french chick back then named Michelle.
  4. The Tiller is missing
  5. Well GCD I often wondered why so many die every year but no floater suit. The video clearly shows proof that one has a much better chance to survive. If I had a sled the suit would be on. Who says a floater suit is not warm. I bought mine one size too big with a couple of layers underneath I am often too hot. A good quality suit is warm, a base model bouy O bouy suit may not be warm. you get what you pay for. Why is it one can spend as much as $12 000 dollars on a speedy snowmobile and not spend an extra $500 on something that can saves ones life.Its the same as being in a boat without a PFD on your back. Pay now or die later.I would rather have the fighting chance with something that floats. My mom's husband is a Firefighter in Northbay and they have the lovely job of finding the dead bodies at the bottom of the lake he also told me about the snowmobilers that fall off at highspeed.Alot of mangled bodies. Why are some so stubborn Life is too short to be a hard head. Good on you Glenn to post this
  6. No No No do not buy this Junk. You can ask Percher about that one its not even worth the asking price.It falls apart very quickly. I bought a Frabill 2 man It cost me 3 times the amount of the Ozark Trail but 3 yrs later its in perfect condition very well made and high quality.
  7. I will never forget that day I was on the way to school aboard the shoolbus I always had my radio tuned to CHOM FM when the news was announced I was only 15 at the time.Its a sick world sometimes. Imagine how many more hit albums there could have been today.
  8. Thats OK with me Steve if you posted it. I think RJ is short for reject,Real Jerk,Rejected Jigger,Ripvan Jerko, .I wonder how many actual fishing reports are coming in on his sight. Its that time of year too dangerous or difficult to launch a boat. Thankfully we have some Steelhead reports and Simon keeps us entertained with ice fishing reports. Maybe this site is too simple for little RJ No other site has action like this one, topics move; I guess his sight is so dead he had to talk about this one. OFC is a close family Mr.Black sheep needs to get a life and
  9. Not much of a weight difference the Prosport weighs 1200lbs and the Alaskan tiller weighs 1105lbs. I guess 25hp does allow for 5mph more top speed than the Alaskan ,I wonder if having the full wrap windshield makes the boat cut through the wind better.So when you buying a Lund Holy Dude??? Your going to need 150hp or more to get over 50MPH if its a fully loaded fishin machine.
  10. My cousin has a Lund Prosport 115 optimax I have been 46mph with him in that boat. I can't believe it not one comment from our resident Red Neck about tillers and his love for the side console.
  11. Buster you would need an XL I am 5 9" and 195lbs I found a mustang suit too tight in large remember you need to leave some room so you can dress with a couple of layers underneath. Just like others I find the legs too long my arms fit in just fine somehow I ended up with short legs I just titen the velcro around the legs and it stays put. Don't buy a yellow suit the bird jokes will be flying for the rest of your life
  12. \ MY SSV did not have the IPS hull and was 10hp from the maximum.All I know is for the amount of money this guy spent to trick out his SSV 18 I came out way ahead by purchasing a Lund 1660 Classic .More storage wider boat more floor space,platform for my bow mount electric motor,sport track system for rod holders and accessories much deeper hull,sheesh the guy still is without a livewell. BTW Forrest you bought a good boat the SSV is built like a tank.Mine was in Mint condition when I traded it in. Percher clocked me on the GPS from his boat with 2 people in my boat(SSV 18) plus fishing gear at 31mph thats it thats all.
  13. Be careful Forrest I asked my dealer about a prop that would give me more top end .It can be done but with risk it can over rev the motor easily and poof no more motor.My dealer told me that is the risk and he has seen it happen. 50mph from a 16 ft tinny with a 40 .I don't think thats possible unless Roy is driving
  14. Fil when you purchase the boat the dealer will position the seat in the exact place you want it. That is what I did when I picked up the boat found the comfortable seating position then they proceeded to screw down the seat.
  15. When I had my SSV 18 footer with a 50hp Honda I could go 33mph alone with 2 and fishing gear 31mph. It may sound slow to you but its all I need and my Honda four stroke is really cheap on gas. The same motor pushes my new Lund a 1660 classic. In the new boat I can go 31mph alone add some gear and another fisherman and it goes 29mph. All these speeds were from a GPS
  16. I have never seen a tiller guy hang his rod outside the boat on that side .He may as well use a side console he would be sittin in the same position. must be a model not a fisherman Good Luck with your purchase
  17. Fil I have taken care of the cold in November. Darthvader keeps me comfortable at 30mph.
  18. Tiller there are no other kinds. My first boat was a fiberglass boat with open deck full wrap windshield and steering wheel had it 2 yrs but it just didn't feel right so I sold it. I went one summer with just a my 12 foot tinny and it was tiller. A year later I bought a Lund SSV 18 footer Tiller of course had that for 4 yrs. I just changed this year to a Lund 1660 Classic 7ft wide deep hull finally got the boat I always wanted. I most troll for Walleye and prefer only needing one hand to operate the boat. Have a look at the sportrak mounting system Fil I can position my rod holders anywhere along the gunwhales along with other accessories Not one hole drilled in the boat.I took this motor off my SSV barebones aluminium it is now more fuel effeichent than the previous boat. IPS provides a smooth ride very little resistance. Thanks for the pic Wayne
  19. Coleman Black Cat ,compact and does a fine job.
  20. Paul.......What do you know about Jacques ice fishing????
  21. I hope I get to use one of those when I meet up with your gang this winter. Jeez I don't like mine anymore.
  22. Nice pike.Lockers in an ice hut that is very well equipped
  23. Ah Simon you really have me all jealous as we have to wait until we finally go out onto some safe ice. I really enjoy your early ice fishing adventures much better than the sometimes ugly rants that set in due to cabin fever sometimes. Oh BTW you should have gutted that Pike before you rolled it in batter I look forward to your next report. Please enjoy everybite of Walleye as I am all out at my house. MTP
  24. Well Cliff when we were in the BOQ Nov 13,14,15 Mr Devil himself got the skunking for the first 2 days it wasn't until day 3 that he started to hit the jackpot. Believe me I have been fishing with Shawn on a couple of occasions but never seen him take it so serious when he was not boating fish. He was baffled so he hit the books and got back to it. Of course we did remove the Banana from his suit on day 3
  25. Yes it took balls to launch with a front wheel drive in those conditions but it looks like Paul had the snowtires on. Well hopefully I can hook up with you Jacques and Steve this winter on the ice. Nice boat you got there Paul thanks for the shots of the geese. Now lets hope it gets cold we need to go ice fishing. MTP
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