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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Ya...how is he ? Enquiring minds want to know...
  2. I hope I don't lose any friends over this but... I think the MNR (or the Board of Health) should make the whole damn river a year round sanctuary !!! Who wants to fish in a bloody sewer anyways ???...What's with that black crud that bubbles up from the bottom every once in a while...reminds me of the Don River In Toronto...YUCK ! Surely you wouldn't want to eat fish from there or even touch them (skin rash)... Tony...you are right...LET IT GO !!!...however I don't think anybody is giving away any secret spots...I've read about the Ganny and Wilmot in fishing magazines for the past fifty years or more... Cheers !!!...Mates
  3. Where were you on Valentines Day ? Don't tell me you didn't hear about the OFC Fishing for Tyler Event ???
  4. And that precisely is why my bro-in-law stopped giving them away... I can hear them now after he C&R'd a big slab... "Hey mister...you no throw back...you give me"... "Naw...too small...too small"... He could be a nasty bugger at times...
  5. About time Bell finally came through...I got tired of waiting (5 years) and went with my cable company a year or so ago... Enjoy the faster speed...
  6. Sorry Ron old buddy...can't agree with you on this one... If someone mistakedly cut a hole in the fence at the superjail in Lindsay...does that mean all the prisoners have the right to escape ???...
  7. Hey Jeff...I recognize those holes in the foreground...did Big Cliff give you the gps coordinates ??? ...It looks like you were standing in the same spot I was when I took this picture two weeks earlier... Note the tall tree on the top right background...
  8. Gave up buying tickets after many years of doing so...$32 a month went to paying for the second telephone I needed for the computer when we moved up here...(dial-up) The closest I ever got to hitting the jackpot was when I spent the day fishing with Lew on his lake...Knowing I wasn't a musky fisherman he took me to a couple of bass spots where I got lucky...
  9. I doubt you would see musky in the tanks as they take too long to grow to eatable size but then again if they are well fed...who knows???...someone mentioned seeing pike...were the pike alive? This is nothing new...Fifteen years ago or more, I saw like bass in tanks in Chinese supermarkets in Richmond Hill...
  10. Hey paul...I use a small ring cut from some surgical tubing over the "R" bend... Got me a lifetime supply when they removed the oxygen tubes from my wife after she had an asthma attack and threw the tubing in the garbage...I asked if I could have it...
  11. Thanks for posting this Dawg... A couple of years ago one member of the family thought Facebook would be a good way for the bunch of us to keep in touch as some are scattered far and wide... The only way to sign-in back then was via our group but something changed about six months ago and now I'm receiving requests via e-mail from peoples all over the globe ??? Luckily I used a nom de plume for my username so googling my real name doesn't do much...
  12. And this type of good-natured ribbing is what attracted me to this board in the first place... Good one Marc !!!
  13. Ever since our resident small engine repair mechanic told me to put stabilizer in every tank at fill-up I've been doing it...no matter what engine I'm using it for... Besides...What's the use of having a resident small engine repair mechanic if we don't do as he tells us ???...
  14. Beans


    Naw Sam...just getting even for all the shots he has taken at us over the years...
  15. My condolences Jacques...as you said..."the sufferring has ended"...
  16. Beans


    And he appears to be awake under that hat...
  17. Glad you got help Brian...I just got back on here...hadda watch 'Wheel" and "Jeopardy" with the missus...
  18. Thanks boss...but I'll stick with the "Club"...easier on these old eyes...
  19. Rice Lake...not sure of any shore access since they tore down Sandercock's Camp.
  20. Only place I know of is: Innisfil Bait and Tackle S/W corner of hwy 11 and hwy 89 long way to haul them from there but the ones I bought on Saturday were still lively yesterday morning when I salted them down... The minnow pail I keep them in has a styrofoam insert which I believe helps keep the water from freezing...
  21. Sounds like the story of my life... You're talking about Lew's new boat Sweet lookin' ride Lew...Congrats !!!
  22. I believe that lady photographer is with one of the local newspapers...hopefully Maureen remembers which one... She comes to the event every year... Actually there were two women wandering around taking pictures out there...the second one was the mother of the young lad that Photoz was entertaining affording her the time to take some pics...I hope Maureen has contact with her...
  23. Another way is to clear your "cache" Tools...delete browsing history...internet temp files...cookies...browsing history...close you will have to log in next time
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