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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Man...if it wasnt for bad luck, he'd have no luck at all
  2. Walk the dog, here too. I bought 4 Badonk-a-Donks(cause i like the name ) and i cant make then walk if my life depended on it. The other is, i LH retrieve with a Spinning reel, and i RH retrieve with a baitcater, but i cant do the opposite.It just feels like i am all thumbs when i try. People think its weird.
  3. If you are looking for cheap, Walmart and CT offer generic ''Mepps'' spiners in 6 packs for under 10 bucks. Sail often has Storm hard baits on for 2.99-3.99, in big bins.Usually odd colors, but Pike will eat a popsicle stick if you fish it right
  4. Nice going Jacques!!! Sure looks like a nice sunny day to fish !.Beautiful fish
  5. SEE!!!! I told you you would pass. Congrats Yer now a sea Captain!!!AAARRRRRRRRR
  6. Somehow, i knew you would like that Bob
  7. I think Dann(Skeeter) has 10 free tickets also.Check out his thread a bit lower on the page.
  8. Well, at least we dont have to get a learners permit for a year, then pass a driving test with an instructor.Although judging by the idiots i saw on the water last year, it would be an excellent idea. When i did the test, i was surprised to note, that when i failed a module, the questions got harder to answer
  9. Its a masthead lite, Sheesh, even Google knew that
  10. Its my Mojo shirt. It camouflages me against the sky,so when fish look up, they cant see me waiting to set the hook. .....................Ya.....Thats the ticket
  11. You can do it. Just let common sense take over your answers. 90% of the test is/was comon sense the rest was buoys and regulations.
  12. Congrats on Module 1 Who is gonna witness it for you?........5 bucks more
  13. 10 bucks, i'll do it for ya JUST KIDDING EVERYONE
  14. Very nice. One good deed deserves another.
  15. Thats really nice of you Dann. Not often ya get something for nothing, especially for this event. Good on ya Bud
  16. You need a haircut buddy Besides that, every thing looks fine to me
  17. This is so awesomely bizarre Pure genius Terrance!!!!
  18. I waited to see if any experts chimed in before posting. I'm no expert on furnaces, but i do know a little about airflow. Anytime you put an obstacle in a flow environment, whether liquid, or in your case air, you will either speed up, or slow down the flow. In this case, a filter media may slow down airflow in the heating chamber and cause the furnace to overheat. I"m not saying this will happen for sure, just logically speaking. Paul
  19. My wife asks me that all the time She also out fishes me 9-10 times out (I'm one of the lucky ones) I dont think you will have any problems at all, finding someone to fish with from this forum. There are some pretty decent members up your way. Good luck Paul
  20. I agree with fishgreg to a certain degree. User error could play a roll in the problems i, and others have had with 832 and Nano. But i have lost confidence in both. Power Pro and Siege mono has been good to me,and help catch me a ton of fish, so i will revert to what i am confident with.
  21. Great Shots Dave. No doubt about whether its winter where you are.Here i can see grass, Green Grass too
  22. I'll tell ya, i used 832 on my baitcaster and i found that it frayed alot more than other lines, and i was constantly unwrapping the line from my rod tip I replaced the Suffix Siege Mono on my spinning reel with Nano, and used it twice.I unspooled it and threw it and another unopened roll in the garbage. Way too much spool memory, and i could see the line almost to the bottom of the lake. This year, i am back to Power Pro and will probably keep using it on my baitcasters, and spool Siege back on my spinning combo.
  23. Good on ya Spough In 22 years, you'll be right where i was last summer.Still feels the same, no matter what the age they are.
  24. I'm sure there are 1000's of famillies doing just what you describe. Hiking,fishing,snowshoeing, drinking hot chocolate. Just not where you have your cottage. We don't have a familly day here in Quebec. I wonder what that means
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