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Everything posted by mercman

  1. did you fix your velcro issue. good luck and lets see pictures
  2. absolutely fantastic ! congrtas to the grand pappies and the mom and dad
  3. i gotta get me one of those~~ Congrats man.
  4. read my earlier post.I have been selling appliance parts for 30 years so i know. Be sure to remove any insulation between the oven liner and the outer cabinet.It WILL burn if exposed to direct flame. Check the drawer also, it slides on plastic rollers or glides.The endcaps on the control panel will melt as well as the knobs and wiring insulation WILL burn.If you decide to go ahead anyways make sure you strip anything flamable off before hand.The parts are designed to resist radiant heat produced by the heating elements, not direct flame. DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED
  5. AHHH YES...the good ole days.my ole man used an army web belt.Stung like a son of a gun! Problem in todays age, if you hit your kids, some one is bound to call youth protection, maybe even the kid himself.
  6. proably easier to transfer him to another chair dockside, put the power chair in the boat, then the 2 of you lift him into the boat and place him in chair.If you tie the side of the boat tightly to the dock, you shouldnt get too much movement. My daughter is a nurse and there are ways of locking your arms in place so you can form a cradle and easily lift very heavy things. Just a thought.
  7. its truly unfortunate but there are lots of parents who havent a clue how to handle there children.It shouldn't necessarilly reflect on the parent. Children are faced with unimaginable pressures from the school mates.They have become acclimatized to violence and are constantly pressured to join gangs or groups for acceptance and protection.Its alot tougher today than when i was a kid. However, sending the kid to live somewhere else is not solving the problem and will probably result in more resentments and feelings of abandonment. I don't know how old this kid was, but maybe the father and son should have been required to take a gun safety course together as a result of this, so that both of them will have more rerspect for each other and the gun that caused this. Hehould also be made to appologize to you Ron, in person.
  8. i woulda called the cops....as long as the pellet gun is in the house the kid will find it and use it again.what if it had of been a .22 or a shotgun.Authorities must be involved and the seriousness of this must be stressed upon the parent as well as the child.Sad fact is that these punks are just as dangerous if not more dangerous than an adult.They know they wont be prosecuted.
  9. OUCH!!!!!!! hope you wear briefs man.
  10. one would think that they would put a marker on the wreck to avoid this kind of problem.That musta scared the caca out of them.
  11. WELL DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!congrats all round.I see a bigger boat in your future
  12. Don't worry Brian, the only thing velcro is good for is shoes.I haven't tied a lace in so long, i forget how its done
  13. from what i've read rivers are far less likely to experience turnover than lakes. currents tend to mix the temperature layers all year. I imagine where rivers widen and become basins,they may be affected , because flow slows down, but nothing i've found on the internet suppports this. Primarily, rivers and streams differ from lakes and wetlands because they have current. Current, in turn, results in regular changes in the physical structure of the underwater environment, and leads to more even distribution of oxygen, temperature, and nutrients. (from the following study) http://www.sci.uidaho.edu/bionet/biol116/O7/presentations/T1L3P2_Distribution_of_Organisms_II_with_text.pdf
  14. dont forget, there is a lot of plastics in ranges too. most have plastic rollers for the drawer and clips to hold panels together.Most are made to resist the heat radiating from the oven liner, but not from direct heat from fire.Also ranges are not airtite.Smoke and fire can go between the liner and outer cabinet.also the fibre glass insulation in older ranges will burn if exposed to direct fire.
  15. i did a web search with the symptoms you describe and a lot of the forums point to a fowled plug causing a cylinder to misfire or not fire at all. or dirt in the gas that has plugged a jet in the carb.They suggest you clean and regap the plugs or replace them first.
  16. nothin wrong with "just being a parent" Randy.Most of todays kids will turn out just fine.Like we did. I remember being a long haired hippy dope smoking redneck communist(in my dads words) But i grew up fine and we ended up being buddies. Todays young'uns evolve faster than we did.
  17. a little tip.if you seperate it rrrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy slowly, it wont make noise
  18. hummmm...lets see...stay at home and watch testosterone heightened cavemen beat there faces off for money, or get out and go fishing..... .............. its a no brainer.
  19. Looks like you really had a great season.Nice multi species show.Thanks for that Tite Lines Paul
  20. tb4me, you musta read my mind.I downloaded the catalogue from luremaking and thought i'd give it a try making some spinnerbaits myself.Looks like fun. also renovating the batroom, and watching WFN with the wife,to keep her stoked till next spring
  21. i agree with you Art.The funds collected go to promoting conservation, better boating, regulation enforcement, fish research etc.Here in Quebec, a fishing a resident fishing licence is $19.25. A real bargain if you ask me.
  22. i've noticed the same thing on alot of shows.Holding big fish by the gill plates,ramming hands into gills, putting badly bleeding fish back in the water. Whats up with that anyways. their must be something we are missing.
  23. thanks darsky i'll be watching the weather carefully before doing anything.the laprairie basin is usually sheltered but when the wind is from the north like today, it pushes against the current and piles up the water.if i go i'll do the south end of some of the islands
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