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Everything posted by mercman

  1. do you have enough projects on the go !! when do you find time to fish I'm in the same boat as you...cut down the perennials today, cleaned out the garden shed, put the patio furniture away, cleaned up the workshop, trimmed the hedges, and put the rods in the boat going out for a few hours tomorrow before supper.
  2. before you buy/change your wash pump, give me the make and model number.i own an appliance parts store so A.you wont pay retail, and B i can see if there is a repair kit available. I ship everywhere in Canada too.
  3. ya he was diagnosed with celiac disease, the intolerance to gluton. During his montreal tour he worked it into his routine. Do you know what kind of food has gluton in it...he asked. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he said with a panicked look on his face. hialarious man
  4. i actually have 3 favorites in order of drool producing Lemon meringue Pumpykin Minced meat all wit either whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
  5. definately a favorite part of Canadian history for me.In my mind it showed the rest of the world what we are capable of achieveing. thanks Lew
  6. Hey Bud !!! i was wondering when you were gonna crawl out and say hello !! Happy Thanks Giving.I hope you`ve gotten everything you deserve this weekend my friend. and despite our differing opinions i mean every word. peace paul
  7. john pinet is one of the funniest guys i know.the wife and i went to see him in Montreal this summer.laffed so hard i had cramps for a week. Look !!! Itsa fwee wiwwy!!!! I relate to him, cause i love food too.except salad. salad isnt food.its a promissary note that food will follow.
  8. sheesh......maybe i should rethink this idea and put another logistic on the fire
  9. thats one gnarly lookin machine ya got there.i've heard bow hunting is quite an art.has a very high learning curve.
  10. now THATS what its all about.... with the ole man.What a way to pass the thanksgiving weekend. Congrats to both of you and thanks for sharing Mike Paul
  11. if i remember correctly, as long as you have no slugs on your person, and only bird shot, you shouldnt have a problem.i would leave the slugs and anything else not required for bow hunting deer, at home so MNR officers have no doubt what the guns is for.
  12. i've been reading alot about it on the net.i guess as i practice, i will get better at it.i didnt do so bad this year fishing. my biggest probelm has been retrieval speed and patiences patience kinda disappeared when i turned 50 im not used to the speed that baitcasters have when retieveing my bait.i figure if i learn more about habitat, and how the fish are affected by weather and such, that it'll make me a better angler next spring.........can't hurt paul i wonder if they would have that book at indigo
  13. I cant remember the name, but i've seen a member mentioning that he fishs using solunar calendars.Any pointers would be appreciated.
  14. same to you !!!!!!!!!!! health and happiness above all. paul
  15. in total agreement with you ch312.i guess when someones loses a familly member to a terrible accident like this, they look for someone to accept responsibilty.unable to place the blame on their loved ones, they lash out at what they consider the cause of the death. I spoke with his wife yesterday and she has accepted that he was new to atv'ing, and confided to me that the son was the one pushing for compensation.i guess this is the only way he can rationalize the loss of his dad. all i know is its sad for everyone, and i'm sure the poor landowner has been shaken up very badly too.we never seem to think about that,but ..............on the other hand....... ....................................................................... actually with all the atv accidents making headlines every year, alot being cause by barb wire and other man made obstacles,the farmer would have to be simple, not to have realized what this cable was capable of doing to a rider.especially when an atv trail was so close to his land.
  16. Biologist Zeb Hogan travels the world studying fish as large as 200 kilograms. just watched a guy take a shark by hand.no line, just his hands....noodling for sharks.extreme !!!!!!
  17. where do you see the word mad in any of my posts.i think you better drop it bud.the only person starting to get under my normally passive skin is you.i love the way you just pop in and drop some tinder into these posts then sit back a read the mayhem.learn to read the posts word for word instead gleeming over it and piecing the story together. god forbid something as tragic happens to you or someone close to you caused by something stupid or irresponsible you have done., and i'd bett a weeks wage that at some point in your life you've been quite a work of art yourself. Actually, the farmers liability insurance in this case may have to dish out compensation to the familly.Since the atv trac was adjacent to the field and had no flag or warnings posted.According to the families lawyer they are almost garanteed a rapid settlement.not enough to replace a loved one though. now start acting your age,not your shoe size peace paul
  18. i appreciate that. and agree with you 100%. i only took offense to the comparison used by the other member.It was human error not a blatant disregard for others property nor his own life.a moment of blissful distraction followed by a fatal mistake thanks again paul
  19. lol !!! he riled me up with his latest remark on your original post. go check it out. breath in breath out.....
  20. HE SAID ON HIS ORIGINAL POST, HE ASKS THE LANDOWNERS PERMISSION TO HUNT ON HIS LAND. as i said in a previous post, you should read the WHOLE post and not just the words you can read. peace paul
  21. SIGH.... I DEBATED POSTING A THANK YOU BLAQUE, ALMOST DIDNT. i knew some smart ass yahoo would probably feel obliged to add thier 2cents, and i was right. Fact is, new machine, first time outing, a right turn instead of a left turn, unfamiliar territory, ACCIDENT. a fatality that could have bee avoided if the farmer had thought to put up a board like BrianB did today. How this relates to some redneck putting a 14ft boat out in wind warning weather, i just dont know. He was on a marked ATV trail and enthusiastic with his new quad. His 28 yr old son was in the lead, and Pierre was following, the son pulled right at a fork in the trail instead of left, because the wind and rain had knocked down the trail markers. The son was knocked side ways and survived with a broken collar bone, Pierre being a taller man took the cable in the throat. Didnt remove his head, but flipped him off backwards severing his spine and causing instant death. Now that you have all the details, i really hope you regret the heartless comment, and have learned to keep your silly little trap shut.I've beed reading your posts in past threads and you seem to enjoy putting in your 2CENTS, well in this case Keep em, you need them more than i do. peace Paul
  22. THANKS BUD. like the song says,we live our lives are like a candle in the wind. His wife wants to keep the bussness going so im lending her a couple of my employees to help out for a month or so.
  24. NOW YOUR TALKIN BRIAN !!!! much more visible and less lethal.An if they dont get the picture, hide in the bushes in a grizly bear suit and scare the B-jeesus out of them !!!
  25. i lost one of my best customers on the weekend.he just got a new ATV and was motoring in new territory. hit a steel cable across the enterance of a farmers back acre. flipped him off the machine,broke his neck and died instantly. a gate or log blocking the road would probably be just as effective and easier to see.he will be sorely missed by his familly and myself.Been doing bussiness with him for years.
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