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Everything posted by mercman

  1. so i guess its gonna be real lonely in here this weekend.I'm definately in for next year.I should be better equiped, wetsuit,bigger boat, warm undies. i dont drink, but i party hardy.anyone make root beer.......just asking
  2. ya it could use a few pictures now that i think about it
  3. cant wait to see the pics. Ive never see a walleye bigger tha 10lbs. also i was gonna say something about the above post but i've matured a bit in the last few months
  4. no one has axed so im gonna. How old are ya anyways we need to know if we should watch our language or not
  5. OH !!!! A SMART ....................
  6. hey !!! this is excellent can u forecast the next 5 ? good friends to have...dentist, mechanic and computer dude !!!!!
  7. its been windy as heck here in montreal too.When its blowing with the current you can actually troll a spinnerbait behind the boat.When its against the current the boat stays almost at a standstill.Its the east and west wind that really rip up the surface.I've become really good at controlling the drift with the minnkota
  8. my pleasure Ron No secret spot there. Plus, i'm pretty sure that any OFNer is respectful enough not to ruin it for someone else. I still have familly on my dads side there, and apparently the fishing is still good.Would like to hear about it if you do go.
  9. she said she will be in town this weekend.still has familly here.I could easily spend a weeks wages at that place.
  10. Kingston Mills/ My dad and grandfather used to guide up there and all through the rideau lake system.There are many places to shore fish in and around the rideau locks system.Its about 5 miles from downtown kingston Excellent bass pike and carp fishing.
  11. i just like iy when the blow things up.
  12. and i figured since some lures have red hooks, maybe red leader material in my rigs might attract fish.......well....ya never know
  13. now theres a topic i've never seen on this board.How do you fish from water skis Hey Frankie65 excellent thread. Thanks for starting it Paul
  14. Just got my order in.Placed it on Monday afternoon, and its already in. Bought some spinner bait kits as a stocking stuffer for my Bro, a Walley rig kit, a couple of spinner kits, some red covered stainless line and the necessary crimp sleeves.The woman in the order desk called to thank me for the order and see if i forgot anything.She thought i was french(living in quebec) and even spoke to me in French at first. I told her i was english and she switched.Turns out she is originally from just around the corner from me, Greenfield Park !!! small world I recommend them to anyone. Now we have a winter project to keep us on the right track.
  15. give it a good send off.i'm a firm believer in older is better.I see it everyday,peolpe phone up with a 6 year old appliance. parts nla(no longer available) yet you can get generic parts for 20 yr old appliance.
  16. looks like a job for Myth Busters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. 30 bucks for a bake element. I hope you didnt change the stove because of that new appliance will never last as long as the old one. Lucky to get 5, maybe 6 years out of it before the manufacturer makes the parts no longer available.
  18. I found this forum by accident.Back in the begining of July, i had the opportunity to purchase a 14'princecraft, with an 8HP merc and a Princecraft trailer, Brand new from my Brother at a ridiculously low price.He won them at the Ottawa boat show. I have always enjoyed fishing but never found the time, and never realized how much the wife would enjoy it. I joined to re-learn the art of fishing, and to share in the passion that i found here while reading the forums as a guest. Its funny, even though i've never met anyone(other than Roy) i feel that i know most of you very well.Reading some threads i find myself saying' wait till so and so reads this, he or she will have something to say about it i'm sure' And so far you have never disappointed me When i joined, i thought maybe because i was in Quebec, and the name was OFC, that i wouldn't be able to apply the knowledge here, but i soon learned, fish have no borders, and are fully bilingual I stay here because i like it here. I enjoy the humor and the seriousness that i find here. and the knowledge contained in these posts has taken collectively 100's of years to acquire. Long live OFC and its members. I consider you all my friends.
  19. that somehow creates a gnarly image in my mind
  21. my pleasure.When i do somthing i like to do it right. Paul
  22. i like this one better than the otherone i made for you.
  23. dont like the way the avatar looks that i made you.try this one Paul
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