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Everything posted by mercman

  1. its a scary thing to realize that these people ar on our roads every day. I can't ever remember seeing anyone from Quebec though.We must be some good drivers here. TLC started tonite NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have some pieces of work here too.I garranty it
  2. chad. looks veri much like this one http://www.tnfish.org/PhotoGalleryFish_TWRA/FishPhotoGallery_TWRA/pages/GizzardShadDouglasNegus_jpg.htm
  3. Well,since your on the subject Since July1 this is what i've managed to put together.I've had good luck with the Rapala DT's and the Plastics.
  4. i will say a few words to my higher power my friend.medicine has come along way over the last few years.stay positive for her a positive attitude can make a world of difference.
  5. amazing ! those last 2 looks like he has some moose in him.
  6. my pleasure. i guess we all have our hidden gifts. i would love to be able to pant, but i havent got the touch.when i make a mistake in a program all i have to do is click undo or redo
  7. ya wouldnt wanna adopt a 55 yr old potty trained boy would ya
  8. i sure did.quite a few years ago. i usually do it in the winter months to keep me occupied.or if i need a new desktop wallpaper.
  9. you're allowed. i got heated seats in my ranger.500 dollar option but i'm old too so i like a warm butt too
  10. a little bit too much info here Ron happines is a warm tushy
  11. if i'm boring you, sorry.Just thought it would be something different for you to look at. Progams used. Bryce, Vued'Esprit,photoimpact, and many photoshop plugins. Most are wallpaper size, so you can use then if you like.
  12. Have you seen the commercial of the 3 buddys meeting to go fishing, they all buy coffees for each other, well next time you see it, check out the boat tied to the dock.with just the motor on the back, the whole front end is out of the water no way those 3 guys would be able to fish in that at the same time.
  13. tried this the other day. the door in my garden shed blew closed and locked and the wife had to rescue me.wondered why i was in my boxers in the shed. i forgot the punch line of the joke so now she thinks im a prevert........
  15. NICE SMALLIES !!! having the same prob here.talked to a guy who said he was catching and releaseing smallies buy the handfull, or so he said.went to the spot he said with the bait he said......zero But that won't stop me, ya see......i'm a fishaholic...... and my name is Paul
  16. there are some people who join forums like this and spam the board for just for the fun of it(according to a mod i talked too.) The mods are aware of who they are too. And in any case, its the mods job to weed these guys out. For any newbie or minnow reading this, if you are serious about learning about fishing, the more info you give us about yourself, ie age, if you already fish a bit, if you've never fished,what kind of equipment you have, etc, will help us to help you to the best of our ability. Because, after all, that is what we are here for, RIGHT GUYS AND GALS. fisher12, now you see why i asked your age and if you were a dude or dudette Now you are gonna get the respect you deserve buddy !!!! fish on my little fishin dude, fish on. i like spinners with real worms. just dont like it when the worm poops on me.
  17. sure its not aimed at you GBW.that was good advice.but if you look back you will see me laffin at a silly remark by someone. then i got to thinkin that maybe this kid really loves to fish and needs some guidance.thats why i asked his age and gender so we would know who we were dealing with.I dont know, he sounds like a little guy who would be tickled pink to go fishing with one of you guys in his area some day.
  18. DUDE!!!!!!!!!! nice one.Thanks for sharin
  19. well ya seem like a smart little dude,you are a dude aren't ya...cause girls like to fish too, Keep readin the posts, you will learn all ya need to know in here.maybe now that everyone knows how old you are you'll get the respect you deserve. tite lines dude or dudette
  20. kewl.i was 13 once too. i think,does you dad fish too.
  21. nov i thought it was oct.....sorry.
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