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Everything posted by mercman

  1. i used to have one way back when.I think you have to register with the crtc and they give you a licence XM........... Its easy to use and if its a good one you can 'SKIP' and talk to people from all over. Lots of cool 'SPEAK' like 'Take care,we care.Keep your nose between the ditches and the bears outta your britches,10-4'
  2. ice fishing i guess.Where do you go.
  3. Hey dude !!! so did ya get out fishin this week.you gotta show us some pictures soon. If this cool weather keeps up you'll be ice fishin soon.
  4. i bet he brings home a world record candy bag. what a sweet kid.
  5. nice lures.I got a few kits and parts and i'm gonna give it a go after xmas.I will sure post some when i get some finished.
  6. whats the difference between a pick pocket and a peeping tom.... a pick pocket snatches watches
  7. wow i wish i had your talent.Thanks for sharing
  8. The wife is here beside me asking why i was laffing my off.I showed her these and said i liked them thats when the fight started
  9. great FALL colors, thanks for sharing
  10. well said and 100% correct. i tell my customers that every day.I sell something you can touch and see,they sell something intangible.they sell thier experience and knowledge. A lot harder to do.
  11. i only sell units and parts.not service.My customers are the techs who do the work and retail who like to DIY residential
  12. you sound like a tech, and everything you said is absolutely correct.
  13. i own a refrigeration and appliance parts bussiness and trust me when i say.shop around, but get the job done by a pro.Pro's garantee the work they do.and gouging happens all the time.If the guy has had a slow day, his next customer will definately pay for the techs slow day.Not to mention that Mr Retired has been out of the loop too long and is not uptodate with todays electronic controls and refrigerant usage and recuperation laws.On older equipment he could probably charge a system by eye, but with the newer gases its not as simple.one mistake and blown compressor later not covered by the manufacturers garantee and anything you"save" is gone down the toilet.
  14. dont forget the glang glangs.........french for bells and whistles
  15. i've seen on a few sights a bladder type thing that lays flat in the bed of the truck, and you fill it with water.it freezes and doesnt move.whe spring comes it thaws and you just empty the water and fold it for storage.
  16. well i left skid marks in my knickers
  17. awesome fat smallies. thanks for the post.
  18. its great.all the beauty of a fireplace without the dirt and loss of heat up the flue i have a remote thermostat i bring it where i want,set the temp, and thats it.flame and fan speed are all controlled auto.and it the fireplace works even when the power goes out.good investment
  19. i witnessed it myself this summer fishing with my Bro.Caught a LMB 1/2 inch under the limit.Using a plastic worm texas rig style. the hook came out its gills and hooked deep in the gill cover,and bleeding.My Bro said "Watch this" He cut the line.put the fish in the live well with some catch and release, and when we got back to shore and opened the livewell, the hook was on the bottom of the tank, and the fish was swimming around happy as a pig in poop.He then released it and it took off real fast.He told me it happens all the time.they spit it out and live.he is gonna put a camera in the next time to see how they do it
  20. i nstalled a propane fireplace last fall and didnt even use my baseboards all winter.Cost me 600 bucks to heat with the propane.woulda been alot more with the baseboards.Plus i have a 57 in flat screen that heats my livingroom up just fine
  21. At least they didnt take a dump in the fire pit like they did to my spot.I bad apple spoils it for everyone. I wonder what they would do if i went to thier back yard and took a dump in thier BBQ. and took a leak on thier tomatoes.
  22. since getting WFN, i've noticed a lot of things by different hosts that make me wonder if they really shouldn't be looking the program over before airing it. I've seen variuos anglers with fingers rammed in the fishes gills, then release it. I even saw one bleeding from the gills and put into the water.They should edit this out or at least mention why they are putting an injured fish back in the water, whether it be OOS or slot fish. That would avoid people like me seeing it and wondering if these professionals are really professional
  23. LOVE IT !!!! great job and the choice of music intro fits it like a glove.I AM IRONMAN..... THANKS FOR SHARING
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