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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I here its still awaiting approval from the AEC. ```````
  2. Jeez......where do i start.......Lets put it this way, i finally got a sticker for my truck and a mug for my CoCo
  3. Great Idea !!!!! Would make them think twice eh !!!
  4. It was an absolute pleasure my fine little bud !!! Anytime anywhere Thanks for the SWAG
  5. Randy, You're a far better looking specimen than your look a like IMHO anyway
  6. Man that sucks big time !!! It was 1.29 here in Montreal last week and 1.16 today. I here you can burn scotch if you have to. Probably cheaper
  7. Off for 6 months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm depressed......................
  8. SIGH.....we never learn....just like the heicopters we bought from the Brits that keep crashing Just as well i guess.We'd probably use the stealths for duck hunting anyways.
  9. Hey !!! Who remebers pinky stamps???I think Steinbergs grocery gave them out when you bought groceries This is an incedible thread Brian. Through sharing on it, i made contact with a member whose father and mine were in the same military unit in Gagetown, at the same time as mine. We lived in all the same places while being transfered from base to base.His dad and mine were in Korea together and worked out of the same workshop !!! I am speecless. Thanks a billion Brian. Paul
  10. Nice smallies. That last one is a real pig !!! Thanks for sharing.tite lines bud.
  11. The seeds are easy for them, its the whatnots that give them a hard time.I bought some whatnots somewhere on special this fall. read the instructions Roy. It tells you hownot to use whatnots and where.
  12. What about....I'mmm the sheriff around here babalooey, and doooonnn't you forget it !!!! and HEY THERE RALPHY BOYY !!! AND LUCY !!!! YOU GOT SOME SPLAININ TO DO. What a life we had eh ? Nothin like it today.Way back when Cancer was a zodiac sign.
  13. My dad said he used to do that. He would have bread and mustard sandwiches for lunch,and when his dad would sell some muskrat pelts, he would get butter on the bread too.
  14. i cant believe what i just read i am bloodywell speechless.
  15. yup we're geezers now.ooohhh my achin' back
  16. remember how in the winter the milk would freeze in those bottles and would push up from the opening with the cardboard cap on the end. AAhhh those were the days my friend.
  17. Hell ya. member when the ice was red with blood and ole gump used his face to stop the puck.
  18. Thats better.Gas is 118.9 here today i almosted crapped my knickers
  19. Het JB, shouldnt you be over in the cost of hydro thread or sumfin !!!!!
  20. maybe, but i talked to my mom, who is 80, and she says we are lucky today to have all the tecnology and medicine.In her days a mere scratch getting infected could have meant amputation or death. Being able to pick up the phone and talk to familly without having to wait for the neigbors to finish talking (party lines).Painless surgery and her big screen TV She wouldnt trade what she has today for anything in the world.
  21. nope and they never will.AND they will probably continue rising.and not a bloody thing you or me or anyone else is gonna do about it.
  22. mercman


    shhhhh dont tell everyone or we will be baned from from using PM.
  23. almost forgot 8 track tapes, beta cassettes,transistor radios and crystal radios !!!Not to mention remote controls attached with a wire. Man am i old
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