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Everything posted by mercman

  1. 10060 !!!! I'M startin to hyper ventilate over here !!!!!!!!
  2. My wife suffers from this. She fished with me this year and the rolling motion of the boat would pop the nerve back into place. We tried everything, even bought a 4000$ bed.Fishing and accupunture were the only things that relieved the pain. OH AND I BOUGHT HER A DR.HAU PORTABLE SHOCKER THINGIE. SWEARS BY IT
  3. this is so true. Get the cheaper cables.if you have problems, then get the shielded ones.
  4. strawberry rhubarb,made in the summer
  5. marnin Roy !!! Pass the Jam please
  6. i own a bussiness, got to put on a show for my empolyees BB Mornin Buddy !! Plus i'm addicted to this dag nab board
  7. Phillips or JVC.Although most have cd these days. Cneck out bestbuy site. it will give you a good idea whats out there.
  8. "There is many music.There is almost as many music as there are folk. There are a fantastic number of folk. There is therefore, many folk music" Mort Goode, 1960
  9. boombox or just a small radio.
  10. You will win Kelvin. God never gives us more than we can handle,one day at a time. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow,not here.Today is when you concentrate your energy on your wife and yourself. Be strong
  11. you made me misty BB Merry Chhristmas to you my Americain brother and friend
  12. you dont hace HD Jeez BB, no wonder the words are fuzzy..... Ya gotta join us in the 21st century man. Sheesh.
  13. they make the sony logo that goes on it. Do i see a new TV in your future
  14. i guess its personal, but ive had a 56 in Toshiba lcd rear projection for 3 years and never a problem.Good clean bright image.I dont know about the buil in speakers.i go through a 1000 watt 5.1 home theater.
  15. Lg JVC samsung panasonic i am in shock too http://plasmatelevisions.ditttos.com/sharp-plasma-television/who-makes-vizio-sony-lg-sharp-panasonic read it and weep BB
  16. samsung and lg (Lots a Gargage) are crap.Sony Toshiba Panasonic JVC in that order
  17. WOW !!! often wondered what you did when you weren't fishin in your spare time. I wandered around and was amazed to say the least. Love the grave stones Thanks for sharing Paul
  18. dont say things like that BB, im gonna get into trouble if i say what im thinking right now
  19. if you got the bucks, then go for LED.if budget is an issue, go lcd, and to make BB feel better go 120Hz
  20. plasma screens are normally made of glass or another reflective material while lcd and led are usually plastic no reflective material. Less glare in hi lite situations.
  21. then we should change your name to hawkeye !!!! i betcha thats not all thats fuzzy xoxoxo
  22. BB, if you put 3 sets side x side, you'd be hard pressed to tell which one is which.The human eye is not sensitive enough to distinguish the kinds of differances that each produces. I watch hockey and soccer on my LCDs at 60hz and its great.Our eyes and brains have been watching 60hz since the dawn of time, and are adapted to accept the images produced.And our eyes get worse as we age,so if your not a spring chicken whe waste the money on 120 or 240 hz IMHO that is.
  23. LCD. Most human eyes cannot tell the diff between led lcd and plasma so go for the economics.LED is a newer technology there fore more expensive.The image creating surface of LCD consumes less power than plasma,LCD displays last up to 60,000 hrs while most plasmas last up to ,20,000 hours. 1080i or p. All HD TV programs are broadcast in 1080i. The only true source of 1080p are some video games and Blu-Ray dvd's. LCD's are cheaper than Plasma for similar size TV's. I have a 47in LCD in my living room, and a 56in rear screen LCD projection in my Theater room, and they both give excellent crisp high resolution images. But the best way to choose is go to a showroom and look at them side x side. Make your own choice and don't listen too much to the salesman.Best Buy is a good place to get info. The salesmen aren't on commission and are usually willing to take time to show you around.
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