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Everything posted by mercman

  1. According to Canadas Worst Driver last nite, the drivers in Ct Catherines and Ottawa are the worst. Just crazy whats on the roads.Scarey is more the word We had 15cm here overnite and it was like a normal rush hour this morning.Clear sailing with alot of weasleing in and out of slowpokes....
  2. Thanks for the news Wayne.Sounds like she is getting a bit stronger.Keep up the fight and have a wonderful Christmas. Paul
  3. snuffles !! ................................
  4. oh man !!! thats when it pays to stop shaving your legs !!At least for the winter
  5. Good point.The previous owner was most definately aware of the condition of the furnace and unless it was an as is purchase he will have to pay for at least part of the cost.I think you have 90 days.
  6. i would speak to your bank also.these guys are signing off on the banks investment also.They use the inspection to justify lending the money to pruchase the house.You have nothing to lose and maybe they might be interested in knowing how inaccurate these `professionals` really are.
  7. I'm in the same boat(so to speak) Do yourself a favor, shop around.January and Feb are excellent times to shop for a new boat, but also used boats sold by dealers will be cheaper also that time of year.In 2011 you will get excellent deals on 2010`s. Most dealers will offer financing but always ask who they deal with.Some use hfc or other licensed loan sharks, so always ask.8% sounds about right though for most banks.Put down as much cash as possible.It will be easier to get finance and will reduce payments.Ask yourself what you NEED in a boat and go with that in mind.Good luck
  8. Thats priceless Dave !!! Both your show and theirs keep me stoked over the snowy part of the year. Thanks for sharing this little part of fishing history with us and have a Merry Christmas buddy !!!! Paul
  9. don't quit yer day job !! oh crap.....did i just say that?? did you know dog spelled backwards isd God ?
  10. and here i thought that latte comment went right over yer head !!!!!! my bad? git much snow over yonder?
  11. 29312....LETS LEAVE EM IN THE DUST !!!!!!!
  12. Thanks Aaron!!! I'm almost equipped to hunt for muskie for the first time next season.Got the rod, now lets hope Santa is an angler so he knows what reel i need.Got some nice spinners from MikeP to get me started, and hopefully a day on the water with Roy as my teacher.
  13. keep us posted BB.I'd like to know how it all turns out
  14. Thanks garry.Info like this isalways helplful for amateurs like me. Merry Christmas Paul
  15. I tend to agree with Dave Bailey.Although winter in general is a beaufiful time of year,winter in a major city like T.O. or in my case,Montreal,has a whole different set of Rules.Traffic, snow removal,bad drivers, type of snowfal,(big cities tend to create a micro climate of warm air around itself) Plus Wind directed around and over high buildings, tends to increase in speed creating blowing snow an wind chill greater than surrounding areas. So in general,winter in big cities can seem tougher than in smaller more rural areas.But as a Montrealer,i must say that Torontonians are a bit wimpy though.
  16. you are a great story teller.I was caught up in your adventures.Great pics of great fish.Thanks for sharing your passion with me.
  17. Well BB, ur gonna have to speak with him and come to an agreement.Ethically, you should pay him for his work.Legally,neither of you have a thing to say.No contract signed usually means the job was done under the table, so i think the best thing to do, is have him over for a beer, and get the misses to bake some cookies. Cookies and beer will get to any mans heart. Pay him for the work he did on the other projects, and ask him if he would mind doing the last bit the way you originally asked. Tell him mercman, the crazy canuck will come down there and bust his knee caps
  18. BB, did you specify the way you wanted it to open.If so, then he should reinstal it.If you just changed your mind after the job was done, then you show pay him to change it.He also should pay for any danages he caused during the construction, unless again,he made you sign a waiver removing this responsibility from him. My brother in law is a renovations contractor, and when he leaves a job after it is complete, you dont even know he was there.He vacuums up and debris, and repairs any small damage caused during the job. Any changes his customers make during the job are always extra, at the going rate agreed upon when the contract is signed. Did you sign a contract with this guy BB, or is he doing it persona non grata.
  19. Had about 3 in of wet heavy snow.Now its raining and +4. Sposed to get freezing rain tonite. Good news is i finished all my christmas shopping today.
  20. Thanks RC, never used to be like this till i joined this silly place !!! Glad i did though
  21. Posted Yesterday, 02:34 PM .... By Leechman...Ranks up there with the best i think.
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