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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Thats a shame Wayne . Were they HandleBarz. If no one comes forward with them, i have 4 Brand new i can send you. Its not a problem. Paul
  2. Awesome story about an awesome fish.Mother nature is umpredictable indeed
  3. Not for at least 2 1/ days its not. But think how much more you will appreciate it when it gets here
  4. They dont freeze Bob? I took mine indoors last fall.I had no idea you could leave them outside, plugged in.
  5. Sheesh............dont know how i missed this.Its been so quiet in here You sound like a really proud PaPa, Jacques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Give her a hug and congrats from me
  6. Hummm. I will have to check that out Bob.I bought a MinKota portable charger last year, but with the new boat coming soon, i will have 2 batteries to charge, so i may do what you said.
  7. Good deal. That raises a question.To charge a deep cycle battery, are these chargers adequate?or do you require a special type of charger?
  8. Or showing a poodle in a St Croix add..................
  9. beat ya....never lost a rod Period. Stepped on a few though I watch some of the shows, and they have rods all over the deck.That would make me crazy, plus probably put me in the poor house. Paul
  10. Priceless !!! The wife threw her rod in last year while casting.35' of murky St Lawerence river water. May it rest in peace......
  11. Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally a positive note to cheer up the board
  12. I have always said that in an all text communication, the real meaning of a conversation may be lost. tone of voice and facial expressions bring alot into a conversation.I re read G's post at least 6 times, and got 6 different feelings about what he typed.After thinking about it, i cant see anything fundamentally wrong with a word he typed.He TYPED his response, he did not SAY a thing. I am sure that what he said as he was typing, is not at all how we have interpreted it. IMHO Moral.....READ what is typed, Dont read what is SAID. And THINK before jumping to conclusions.This is what i have learned to do from now on.
  13. We post because we feel we have something important to say, or we post because what we are thinking, may help someone in here cope with everyday troubles. We post because we believe in something strongly.We post to help people decide. We post to congratulate each other on our triumphs, or to comfort each other on our losses. Sometimes serious, somtimes funny, somtimes down rite silly.We post to say Hi !!! WE ARE STILL HERE !!! What ever you need, we will help. At least thats why I post
  14. Way to go !!! Shes a real beauty Dud !!!
  15. and my thread got locked for silliness oye vey !!!!
  16. Ear Infection OMG.........................................
  17. You my friend are gonna get me in deep doo doo. I will be good, i will be good, i will be good..............
  18. you kinda look familiar.Yer not Eds son are ya
  19. I wouldnt worry about it too much G. nerves are frayed and people are running on hi octane joy juice in here lately. It will pass like everything else. Peace Paul
  20. oh please Solo, dont get me started, i"m trying to turn over a new leaf Nice looking Browns
  21. I really really really really want to say something about this, but i promised someone i wouldnt Whew....that was tough. Nice fishy Bob !!!!! Paul
  22. Not to worry Albert, i'm probably saner than some.You should know that. Just harmless ventin thats all.
  23. Thanks TJ !!! Just trying to relieve the stress for some in here.Theres lots of itchy casting hands in here right now.
  24. Dave If you ever decide to read this thread again, How do you find the live target for use in stained water. Is the rattle enough to bring the fish in, or should i still focus on the presentation of the lure ie retrieval speed and style?
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