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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Ok, here goes.Spooled 10lb Nanofil on my Pflueger Asaro, lite spinning reel on a 6.5ft Fenwick HMX lite rod. Started with a Rapala DT lure Sensitivity is very good.I could feel my lure tapping bottom, just like with Braid.No stretch at all. It is however, very visible in the water.You may want to do like me and put about 2ft of fluro or mono leader on it especially if you fish clear waters. I feel it added 10-15 feet to my cast,but thats hard to judge with precision. Changed to a 1/4 oz jig with mistertwister curlytail,and thats where i stopped being impressed. The line left the spool very smoothly, with no noticeable drag going through the guides.There was no noise of the line rubbing on the guides, and the line stacked up evenly on the retrieve.When my jig hit bottom, and the line slacked a bit, the line coiled up.It Definately DOES have spool memory,like every other Berkley line i have used.To me anyway, coiled line means way too much slack in the line during hookset.I'm not talking a wavey line here. It was a tite, spiral twist when the line was slack.Now remember, i just spooled up a few hours before.Imagine a season on your spool. I didnt catch any fish, but it muscled through a couple of snags really well.I really yanked hard to see if the strength was comparable to braid. It was. On a scale of 1-10 i rate it at a 6. Low, because of the Berkley trademark spool memory. I still prefer mono on my spinning tackle.The best mono i have used this year is Suffix Siege, 10lb.Smooth, as sensitive as any mono i have used, and NO line memory at all. All in all, not my favorite line. I will most likely replace it on my reel with the same mono i just removed,Siege, the next time i use this rod and reel combo.
  2. My deepest sympathy Shawn.Grand parents are special people, and i was lucky to have know 4 grandparents a 2 great granparents. If this person did it to be malicious, then do everything in your power to have them removed.If she did it with respect and love, then talk to her, and let her know how the pics make you and others feel. Maybe in her grief, she didnt realize what others may see in these photos. Paul
  3. Well i spooled up my spinning reel. Added 24 in of flouro to counter the opaqueness. I will try and put it through some fish tonite, and let you know what i think
  4. Nice one !!! On a recent visit to mine, i asked if he thought i was too heavy, He said"Nope, just a liitle on the short side. A man of your weighjt should be 37 feet tall" And thats when i joined weight watchers
  5. Nice going Mike !!! Sure looks like he had a great day with you.I pray you will hanve more with him Bub
  6. Ok, Got the line, start reading the box.Says its for spinning reels.Humm. I wonder if it can be used successfully on a Bait Caster. Guess i'll have to try it. Garry2Rs, where are you when i need you
  7. Nope. I just bought 2 spools of 10lb. 150 yards each. 14.99 a spool. I will spool up one of my reels and give it a whirl tonite.
  8. You and me both. Not to mention the color bleeding.Looks like i have a spool of pee stained twine on my reel.
  9. Well i for one, want to thank you Wayne. It Cured the cateract in my left eye Its a Miracle i say
  10. Trust me......I have been looking over my shoulder constantly, every day since Mike took me out with him last weekend. The secret will die with me Looks like you had Great nite Mike Cant wait to get out again with you
  11. Depends on what you and the wife like. So far, i have stayed at the Rio, and Treasure island.I won more at Rio though If i had it to do again, i would stay at Caesars, if only just for the history behind the place. What ever you do, take the time to see the grand canyon. It is unforgetable. Eagle Point You will enjoy yourself
  12. Thanks Geoff. Now i need to get my retinas scraped and resurfaced
  13. Its still a piss of though.The way the guy at the service depot talked, Humminbird knows about the probelm, and instead of recalling the units, sold them to customers and will repair or replace only if people complain. BTW, have a great weekend with Simon. Take loads of pics. I look forward to the report my friend
  14. This is exactly the problem i am having with my 587 Mike. I emailed the service center here in Quebec, and they said send it in for repair or replacement.Mine will read 1.8 mph, parked in my driveway Congrats on your purchase though. Like YOU need a way to catch more fish
  15. Glad to know i'm not the only one . I find myself watching her and doing what she does in the hopes of discovering new technics As long as she is happy, we get to fish more than the average married dude BP. Alot has to do with us, as anglers too.We should be more willing to take new potential anglers with us on our boats. Alot of us use fishing as an escape to solitude. I recently took my 29 year old daughter out for her first fishing experience.After a 10 min course on using a spinning combo, she was catching fish. Now she wants to go again Share your passion with everyone.Offer a seat in your boat or a ride to your favorite shoreline, to any friend you have who doesnt fish.You may get a new fishing buddy out of the deal.
  16. Are you in on it to Albert? I never woulda guessed....
  17. Thats OK Simon, It was great seeing his face as he helped get it into the boat.First thing he did was text his brother who was fishing further up the lake.Even his brother was excited, which made me feel great too. Mikes a great guide and good friend. We are going out again in October and i'm gonna get a 30incher. I can feel it in my bones
  18. Hard to lelieve such regal beauty exists in this world.Thanks for confirming that it does Paul
  19. I hear ya B Its not just imigrants though.Its a global problem.Same as relieving oneself on the side of a road, or in a pristeen backwoods lake. We take for granted, the place we live, and think nothing of littering our home.
  20. And how do you explain the splash heard by the witness......Hummm? A deformed snake in a gelatinous mass would have mad a much different noise. More of a sploosh than a splash.
  21. I smell COVER UP Just like the hot air ballons that supposedly fell in Roswell. Where are Mulder and Scully when we need em.
  22. If humanity did not discard things blatantly and without regards, The science of Archaeology would not exist.We learn about our ancestors by the type of garbage they leave laying around all over this world. It is an unfortunate and disgusting by-product of mans superiority complex
  23. Heart warming site KF !!! That little guy show spink. Thanks Paul
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