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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Ya silly Goose .........
  2. WTG Mike !!!!!!!!!!!!That fish is as big as little Zach Give him a high 5 for me. Paul
  3. Oh Ya...Its been a good season !!!! Since i got my new boat, this has been my nest year ever Got my first Musky ever.That was a sweet day indeed. My personal Best Walleye Got to eat some fresh walleye Did some great LMB fishing Pike were always in the picture Ahhhh Perch Busted a prop Yup, its been a great year so far, but its not over yet.
  4. I put mine away waaaayyyyy to early last year.This year its staying out as long as there is no ice on the water.Most of the water should drain out of the motor when its on the trailer, so it shouldnt be a problem.Just keep the charger pluged in when its colder.
  5. I was under the impression that most soft plastic baits were bio-degradable and environment friendly. edited to add This looks like a thread that Garry2rs could help us answer.
  6. As long as its only Roy. There are a few in here ya don't wanna rev up too much
  7. Don't know why, but everytime i read your threads, i get hungry Hotdogs, bass, french fries and onion rings.UmmmmmmUmmmmmmm. Quick call 911, i felt an artery harden
  8. Its cute as a button Well done Bud !!! I Love the old tree.I find bare trees have so much more character than trees full of leaves.I often use them in my digital art to create atmosphere.
  9. Ya gotta love them tasty little buggers !!! Thanks for sharing Paul
  10. Ya may need some of this. http://www.roadkillbbqsauce.com/
  11. Hey Andre !! I was wonderin what happened to you.Glad you're back on the water again. Looking forward to your report Paul
  12. Awesome job Pete !!! Any of those make it to the tournament board That tiger is a gorgeous fish !!! Congrats Paul
  13. If i am fishing on a lake shared by both Quebec and Ontario, i know my Quebec licence is valid in the Ontario part of the waters.My question is this. Does it matter if i launch in Ontario and fish Ontario waters, or do i have to Launch in Quebec, then cross into Ontario waters to legally fish there with my Quebec Permit? I usually get a day permit, but wanted to know for sure. thanks Paul
  14. Thanks for this thread !! I have been considering fishing alone too. You know them days when the wife doesnt want to fish Now i am definately going to give it a go. Great report and nice bronzebacks!!! Thanks Paul
  15. Sorry to hear that John....Not many witnesses of that part of history left to help us remember Heros all........
  16. Bass love em !!! Way back......My ex father inlaw took me to a little known lake/reservoir near Alexandria(The lake is dead now BTW.They drained it too much and it froze to the bottom a few years ago) I watched him pull a dozen uncooked hotdogs from his tackle bag.Now i"m thinking Great...Hotdogs for lunch He proceeded to cut them lengthwise, then cut the halves lengthwise to make 4 strips. I asked what he was doing, and he told me he was preparing bait. I'm thinking Ya right. He slid a piece on his hook, threw it in and within seconds pulled ot a beauty LMB Craziest thing i have ever seen.
  17. Hey !!! Do i tell you how to build barns???? It used to take 5 beers and a bag of Fritos.
  18. Depends if i ate them in Midland, or Ste Anne des Plaines. Quebec is the hotdog capital of the world, and i have never been sick eating Quebec Franks
  19. Nice Simon !!! Walleye is my new "Target" species. It took a while to make the choice, but they are just way too much fun to catch.
  20. Sweet !!!! Great deal. Love the way you kept the location of the store outta your post. Very Nice
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