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Everything posted by 2jack2

  1. I like the bait, I use them all year long, for pan fish, trout, walleye and bass. caught some good fish with them.
  2. one of the rep from Shimano did mentioned to me back in March, it is the new policy.
  3. I agree with johnnyB, this Stike Pro lure,
  4. When you send email to BassPro, the email goes to the General Manager, which the only way you will get a reply is if he remember to forward your email to the fishing department manager, which he will be returning your email. If you didnt get a response by now, mostlikely your email didn't get to the fishing manager. The best way to find out what you are looking for is to call the store and ask to speak to the fishing manager.
  5. very nice catch
  6. If you want to check stocks at the Vaughan location, call 905 761 4000, hopefully someone will pick up the phone, if you dont want to pay for long D. call, then call 1 800 BASSPRO and ask them to connect you to the Vaughan store, of course, if some one pick up the phone, then you can ckeck stocks and price.
  7. great report, nice fish.
  8. This happens at BPS almost every day, 2 for 1, 3 for 1...... customer decide what the discount is.
  9. Melnak Tackle, I think they are in Scarborough.
  10. yes, you guys are right, I will enjoy the easter weekend, take it easy, may hit the river since I live so close to Duffin creek. Job hunting start Tuesday.
  11. I book a trip to lake Beauchene this summer, brought myself new rod and reel for this trip, well, the trip is not going to happen now, and I dont think I can afford these new toys, anyone want to take it off my hand? Shimano Stella 2500FD spinning reel BPS JMX10HD baitcasting reel JML72MT baitcasting rod Still brand new in box.
  12. I send in resume just now, keep my finger cross.
  13. What would it take to leave my job? simple, they just told me today my service is no longer require. And within 5 min. they have a replacement set on my chair.
  14. Well, mostly is just letting you all know I wont be able to help here for BPS inquiry anymore, I already spent the afteroon typing up my resume, I have been in retail for the past 20 years, I will see what will comes up.
  15. Hi guys, I am no longer working for BPS, if you guys need helps, please call the store, for now who is hiring?
  16. good service or bad service, depends how you look at it what is the customer's expectation, quantum is willing to exchange it so they are backing up their product, most customer will be happy with this service and it is good service, some customer dont feel they should pay for shipping which to them, is bad service. For those who got good service from Shimano, took a short drive to Peterbourogh, got your reel or rod fixed or repair no charge, great service for sure, but if you try to tell them you want to be paid for your time and gas to get there, they mostlikely will tell you to take a hike, will that be bad service? how about people taking products back to the store for exchange or returns? lots of peoples do asking for their gas money back, store will do the exchange or refund, but no way the store wil pay you gas money, I met someone even ask for 407 troll charge becasue they choose to take 407, they won't get anything from the store, is the store giving bad service? Here is how I see it, yes, we drop lots of money on the toys we want and manufacture is responsible to make sure to have the best quality product to offer to consumer. we as a buyer also have to take responsibility to check the product before paying. Thinking that since we are the one droping the money and therefore no liability on our part is not smart. Smart cousmer should always check the products, and check the recipt after paid to ensure the store did not over charge you, it is common sence. Lebaron also need to step up to take care their customer, no tax=no return? what kind of policy is that? but if you do buy from them, that means you are agree with their policy, at the end, customer is responsible for their action. We always try to save a few bucks whereever we can, especialy when buying products, we always focus who has the lowest price on the products only and forgot what kind of the service they provide behind the products. Some time cheapest may not be the best deal.
  17. There is a rebate going on only for Canadian customer that buy this rod from Canadian retailer, the deal is buy the rod and get $20 rebate on any Shimano reel.
  18. hi, by all mean, come see Dave on 27th, but if you want to have the best selection on products, dont wait to the last day of the event to come to the store. The extreme combo on the front cover is new model, special purchase, not a regular in stock item, you won't be able to find information on line, you will have to check it out in the store. There are few other combos to choose which is under $100.
  19. Mojo is a good choice but like you said, you have to put the rod on your hand to know for certain.
  20. I own a Johnny Morris Elite (blue color) B/C reel for last 4 years, never let me down, I am getting the new 2011 model this year.
  21. you got me PM, if you are from Whitby, you can pick it up in pickering also.
  22. where are you from?
  23. Oh no, sorry to hear that, anything I can help? need any replacement parts?
  24. Where does Eskimo and Eastman pop up ice hut made in?
  25. BPS has them
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