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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Good deal Garrett! My favorite pics are the ones with the little "G" Thanks for sharing Whopper
  2. Awesome report Clive! At least you got to fish in your shirt sleeves, that didn't happen the week before. You and Jon did well. I didn't catch any big fish on the lure you gave me but I did catch a couple small pike and one walleye on it Thanks! Tell Jon I know how he feels I donated to the OPP fund myself, don't want to see em go hungry. Thanks for the report Whopper
  3. Rodwrap been going over for thirty years and never had a problem with the crawlers until last year, complied with the rules and still got crawlers rejected for the first time ever. Had to take them back a dumped them (Pigeon Crossing), made a call to DanC and walla new flat of worms and on our way
  4. Correction: I'm from south of the border and here’s the deal. You are allowed to transport live crawlers across as long as they have been cleaned, stored in store bought bedding (no dirt) and have been clean for 14days (in believe). Even with all that you have to claim them and it is still up to the discretion of border inspection if asked to look at them to make sure that they are fit to cross. Right DanC Funny thing is most of the crawlers sold in bulk in our area come from Canada in the first place. Whopper
  5. Roy I doubt that there will be any shortage of cold ones for ya bud and I'll bet that will be one heck of a receiving line for ya bud. Drive safe and have a great time, sorry I had to break my promise to ya bud maybe next year. Whopper
  6. Thanks Cliff, tomorrow will bring a better day!
  7. Good pics! The bluegill just couldn't fan the cup top and the can away. After a second look I think that a redear sunfish Whopper
  8. No need to be sorry Jen I deserved that LOL My sick sense of humor Shouldn't have made that comment, hasn't been a good day, and for the record I was just kidding. Whopper
  9. Good on you keram I'll be ready as soon as I find a masterlink for me chain driven boat! Cheers Whopper
  10. I was on a date a few years back and caught................. oh never mind
  11. Terry the name is Serena not "charlie"
  12. Ok I'll start the bidding $1000.00
  13. Good on you for helping Cliff! I'm going to play devils advocate here though. you stated that you "had three different hooks in the water with different baits (minnow, plastic worm jig and white jig). none got a bite" I hope you were using one rod at a time? "So i bought fake but 100% natural 3' minnows" What size hooks are you using? Might want to downsize your minnows to something in inches Sorry it's a bad day I'm not where I wanted to be right now Cheers Whopper
  14. I'll second that Roy! Dan get out and get ya some! Thanks for sharing! Whopper
  15. Awesome first outing! Congrats Whopper
  16. Awesome written report! Sounds like another satisfied customer! Thanks for posting Whopper PS Where did you find the eagles nest?
  17. Carole if you wait long enough into the evening none will probably notice Go for it
  18. LOL Doug I don't think either one realized where they were let alone remembered
  19. Marc, GCD shirtless is bad enough but a kilt is over the edge even for him
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