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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Speak for yourself, although I did lose a day last year . This year will be different we'll be on time and on the water. Life will be good!
  2. Yep I got one to Lew. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, thinking I'll wait a couple weeks
  3. Kudos to Garry for a proper response
  4. Border Patrol on Lake Erie runs a couple of those and I can attest to how fast and quiet those boats are. First time we saw one of them was right at dusk and we were running about thirty knots when out of nowhere one of them pull right along side of us.
  5. Have fun you two kids Be safe!
  6. Looks like a good time was had by all!
  7. Wasn't sure about Lake O didn't want to give the lad any bad info Yes sir boss Now about those ski's
  8. Lake Erie Ohio side I'll let someone else explain why
  9. You think the smallmouth on Simcoe are big now just wait until they make the gobies a staple of their diet
  10. Congrats Mike! You know that baby was well taken care of.
  11. I believe the bigger lake on the left is Lake of the Woods, I'm with grt1, don't think it shows far enough north for Red Lake area
  12. Hoping your right Selling yourself short arn't ya TG, I guess you forgot Norton is going . Kinbud best advice I can give ya is make sure you have warm clothes, good rain gear and keep baits in the water your group will catch fish! Good Luck!
  13. Agreed Gerritt, the man is a wealth of knowledge willing to share. As far as the ice out goes I hope we can at least navigate around the burgs.
  14. Glad to see ya back in the saddle Glen
  15. Good Luck with it dawg!
  16. They may have choked to death on the trash that get left behind by the bank fisherman in that area.
  17. I was happy to read a possitive post! Congrats to all involved
  18. Good pic's Lew! John we have the same deal here with the inmates from the county, at least once a month they do the street my office is on, it's a route to the county dump site and it gets cluttered pretty good from people that don't secure loads. Just this week they had a runner, this guy was serving a light time but now he's looking at hard time, escape, kidnapping, highjacked a car, eluding police and assult with a deadly weapon. After he ran from the chain gang he assalted a women and took her SUV and lead the police on a chase then tried to run over a cop. CAN YOU SAY STUPID
  19. That was pretty funny Glen. You probably been busy in the coin jar counting $0.35 stacks so you can pay up
  20. I'd rather eat pea gravel than a bowl of grits, don't care how much butter or syrup you put on them. Glen those WH taters are cleansers Doogles right!
  21. Sad part about it Paul the bass guys probably catch more of them by accident than the guys that fish for them. Pressure here is unbelievable.
  22. Yep musky's to go, State of Ohio is a big buyer. A few local lakes here get the 12"-14" Bass & crappie fisherman hate them, the rest of us stand in line to cast for them.
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